[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Codebit wrote:
Was looking at your build and wanted to run icicle mine this league around, was curious if I can just socket it into GC's link set up with a few changes. Anything I should watch out for in the POB that might not work with the GC's POB?

Icicles scaling isn’t great atm. You will really struggle to kill bosses without a ton of investment. Tree for GC is fine though if you do want to try it despite that.
iargue wrote:
This is my first time building out this build, and I'm not positive as to what the next investment of mine should be.

I know that a +1/+1 wand is a big upgrade, but they are all in the 20 ex range right now.

Where should I invest in next as my next big upgrade/prioritize things? What should my upgrade paths be moving into the end game?

Also, I saw that earlier you had commenced that trade searches were on the guide, but I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Fix the flasks ASAP. No need for a life flask. Pick up atziris and dying sun.

As for the wand, yours has no suffixes that benefit the build, getting an upgrade should only cost a few dozen chaos. Boot enchant is an easy boost as well.

The searches are posted in the discord.
im kinda lost a bit with so many diff trees , but what i was looking to get a skill tree to a purifying flame mines , but seems its none in your guide , will do add it later or it's using some other tree just swapping gems ?
Are there any news on how often GC actually hits? Is Inc AoE now better than conc effect ? with the changes of GC since the overlap of the stages are more frequently with inc AoE?
Last edited by Aexonar#5876 on Oct 11, 2020, 3:13:27 PM
Hey BeerLeague thanks for the guid and a fun build.

Im starting to feel a bit stuck where to go gearwise now. Im at 9k es so defence wise im in a decent spot but every dps upg i check are just small uppgrades.

I checked my build in pob vs yours and im getting close, im useing born in shadow tough.

Is there any big item uppg i could do that wont cost a fortune?
My other plan is to start getting gear/gems for GC.

Im realy happy with the helmet i manage to craft tough :)
Last edited by onii#3265 on Oct 11, 2020, 3:42:02 PM
LuckyB0n3 wrote:
im kinda lost a bit with so many diff trees , but what i was looking to get a skill tree to a purifying flame mines , but seems its none in your guide , will do add it later or it's using some other tree just swapping gems ?

Could reuse the GC tree. I haven’t been recommending PF the last few leagues as I’m not a huge fan of the gearing, but it’s play able.
Aexonar wrote:
Are there any news on how often GC actually hits? Is Inc AoE now better than conc effect ? with the changes of GC since the overlap of the stages are more frequently with inc AoE?

It hits 4 times, no way to increase it. I’m playing around with both, conc effect feels pretty good imo.
onii wrote:
Hey BeerLeague thanks for the guid and a fun build.

Im starting to feel a bit stuck where to go gearwise now. Im at 9k es so defence wise im in a decent spot but every dps upg i check are just small uppgrades.

I checked my build in pob vs yours and im getting close, im useing born in shadow tough.

Is there any big item uppg i could do that wont cost a fortune?
My other plan is to start getting gear/gems for GC.

Im realy happy with the helmet i manage to craft tough :)

You are at the point where the upgrades start to cost a ton and don’t really add much.

Build wise, the good thing is that the build can pretty cheaply get to pretty crazy levels, but the downside is that after 20-30ex you really don’t see massive improvements.
Hi BeerLeague, thanks for this spectacular build guide which enables me to push into T16 maps / killing A6 Sirus with ease. But in some maps w/ difficult mods or high tier delirium I still feel like something is lacking. I would like to know what is the priority to upgrade my gears for better DPS and/or survivability with several exalts as budget (Character name: XanaduMu, my ES w/ discipline on is around 8k):

Upgrade candidates IMO:
1. +1/+1 Wand
2. More es on every gear if possible
3. Flasks?
4. Re-spec some parts of the passive tree (e.g. crafting light radius base on ES to re-allocate Arcane Vision point)
5. Cluster jewels and/or Watcher's Eye (what mods are better?)
6. Corruption / tailor orbs to change implicit or enchantments on gears?
7. Anything I didn't even recognize that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance and I would appreciate anyone that can give me some opinions!
xperzenx wrote:
I would like to know what is the priority to upgrade my gears for better DPS and/or survivability with several exalts as budget

1) I have a wand for sale, which would give you ~6% more damage for 60c.
2) You could use Crusader rings with flat es and %es (and use defence catalysts on them)
3) You could use defence catalysts on amulet to gain 4% life as es.
4) Your Arcane Surge needs 400 mana to give you 20% more spell dam. Better to have it at level 7, so it's 32 mana needed for 13% more spell dam.
5) Crusader belt with flat es and %es.

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