[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone


Is there any reasons to not use a setup with Blasphemy for our Curses (Ele Weak and Frostbite) instead of Brand + Hextouch ?
Last edited by xKaizeno#3664 on Apr 29, 2021, 6:11:00 AM
warxtreme wrote:

You just slot it so that the skills rotate and you have like.. maybe 80% uptime against mobs for triggers.

You connect with hextouch/storm brand/2 curses on bosses to proc EE first and then unload, unless your triggers are already off cd then it doesn't matter what the order is.

IchiMorghulis wrote:

You really should socket in Tempest Shield into your trigger wand, even if Orb of Storm/Storm Brand is on cooldown we have 100% uptime on Tempest Shield. You can test is out on Blood Aquaduct.

Thanks for your feedback guys, much appreciated! However, I still don't see my path clearly. I am playing CI and not LL. I intend to stick to CI.

For a trigger wand, ShakCentral suggests Orb of Storms - Frostbite - Storm Brand (see Sec. 3.1). That's what I followed.

Are you hinting at switching Frostbite with Tempest Shield, having StormBrand, Orb of Storms and Tempest Shield in my wand and moving Frostbite somewhere else (maybe unset ring?) to cast manually?
Last edited by SchnouzPolä#4446 on Apr 29, 2021, 8:52:20 AM
donbrawler wrote:
iamvile_ wrote:
Hi, thank you very much for this build, really enjoying it.

I have a question regarding EE: Right now I use vortex on left click (run). However, I fear that this will somehow mess up my EE uptime, since Vortex does an initial cold hit.

My thoughts are as follows:

My Vortex cooldown is 1.05 sec, so every 1.05 sec I cast a new Vortex with an initial cold hit. After the cold hit, EE gives enemies +25% cold resistance. Although I use Storm Brand and OoS on bosses, which should nearly immediately overwrite the cold hit, I fear that the time frame between my Vortex casts is just too low to really benefit from EE (in an optimal case - SB/OoS hits immediately after the vortex cold hit - I have round about 1 sec of -50% cold resistance before my next Vortex hits.

Do you have any experience with running Vortex on left click? Is EE still beneficial in this case, am I overthinking things?

Ty in advance.

You seem to be a new player and you are overthinking EE.

Storm Brand is constantly ticking during its 6 second duration to ensure EE is 100% of the time. So if its taking longer than 6 seconds to kill a boss , cast another SB and your fine.

TY very much. I thought that I somehow mess up EE due to casting Vortex every second, but I guess in the end I still end up with a high enough EE uptime.
What about Apotheracy's Gloves that give "Increased damage over time"? They look better than "Increased spell damage", but they are not mentioned in the gear section.

Now that the loot filters are done, I am working on my overall to-do list (posted in the Discord; you should definitely join us) and I've updated the pros and cons list as well as the Ascendancy choices in section 3.4

Legion and blighted maps have been added as general cons in the interest of transparency. It's no secret that we don't blast Legions fully and that being melee range in blighted maps can be tough, so new players should know that right away.

Note that I no longer recommend taking Profane Bloom at all in any stage of the build. I know it's one of the "sacred" aspects of Occultist, but I PROMISE you, it's fine. It really is. <3
Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
ShakCentral wrote:
Note that I no longer recommend taking Profane Bloom at all in any stage of the build. I know it's one of the "sacred" aspects of Occultist, but I PROMISE you, it's fine. It really is. <3

but could you not get a +5 awa hextouch gem for the +1 curse, and take profane bloom instead of malediction?
pepitomobile wrote:
ShakCentral wrote:
Note that I no longer recommend taking Profane Bloom at all in any stage of the build. I know it's one of the "sacred" aspects of Occultist, but I PROMISE you, it's fine. It really is. <3

but could you not get a +5 awa hextouch gem for the +1 curse, and take profane bloom instead of malediction?

Yeah this is one of the many aspects of the build that is customizable, but I can't recommend in a new player guide that people purchase a single 11-12 ex gem just for a curse.

Even then, I'd probably prefer the Malediction debuff over Profane Bloom. The average pop in a map hits maybe 1-3 extra enemies that wouldn't have died in the skill AoE, most of whom would die anyway as they walk toward you and into the Vortex/CS that would have caused the pop.
Cold DoT For Everyone: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661120
I might just stay CI i love it so much, any way to improve the CI part of this build? Gear wise gems etc? Skill tree. Thanks!
9 of 10 top Vortex characters in this league use the Profane Bloom. I mean noone else but these guys know better how to level such character. And somehow they decided to go with Profane Bloom.
kebal wrote:
9 of 10 top Vortex characters in this league use the Profane Bloom. I mean noone else but these guys know better how to level such character. And somehow they decided to go with Profane Bloom.

Profane bloom = Clearspeed

Double curse = more dmg (Ele weakness + frstobite)

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