[3.13] Power Siphon/Kinetic Blast Poison Assassin - Very fast and tanky poison wander

BTW, I have loads of my old gear to get rid of.


(please don't report this post. I'm just trying to target the audience with build-ready items :/ )
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Sixtine wrote:
Hey, just switched to this build from BV Poison.
Having a great time, except I lost ~60% experience today, I feel very squishy.

I'm level 93 and have ~4400 HP, following Ydoum tree and here's my stuff :

I use a fettle small cluster jewel instead of feast of flesh but I can change.
I'd like to go to at least 5200 HP.
I just realised I'm a bit uncapped in fire and lightning but it's an easy fix.

I guess I should change my ring and shield ? Maybe upgrade my belt ?

Here's my POB if someone want to have a look (my profile is open too) : https://pastebin.com/AN8kmB5q

Thanks in advance for your help

Hey I'm posting again since my post got drowned in the discussion
Last edited by Sixtine on Apr 6, 2020, 9:15:14 AM
personally I think pathing to constitution is a complete waste since you are spending 12 dead points, when you can anoint constitution instead and take either life nodes closer or get another cluster jewel cluster, either bottom of tree + taking thick skin, or wand nodes like I have in my tree.
(note do not try this unless you have currency to spend)

my latest pob, trying to maximize tankiness since I don't think I need any more DPS this league:

featuring 6k life with mistwall + divine flesh, I am using a voices though to get that juicy life small nodes.

Also using herald of purity, eventhough the damage it adds is very low, it feels good when the minions start tanking some bosses.

As for the poster above me, you can anoint constitution, and use the 12 free points to take written in blood and thick skin.
Last edited by Stealthyy on Apr 6, 2020, 11:37:38 AM
Curious, how would a Unspeakable gifts cluster work in this build? Or will a phys explosion chest be way better
Reminder: we can run 100% deliriuos T16 quite easily with this https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Modifier:MapAtlasPoisonEffectsAndParasites3 sextant mod. Feels like HH :)
Last edited by haita on Apr 6, 2020, 4:53:58 PM
Can anyone help me with the damage? mine its too low, my wand is not the optimal, but my dps is less than 1m. https://pastebin.com/cFQxehad
Stealthyy wrote:
personally I think pathing to constitution is a complete waste since you are spending 12 dead points, when you can anoint constitution instead and take either life nodes closer or get another cluster jewel cluster, either bottom of tree + taking thick skin, or wand nodes like I have in my tree.
(note do not try this unless you have currency to spend)

my latest pob, trying to maximize tankiness since I don't think I need any more DPS this league:

featuring 6k life with mistwall + divine flesh, I am using a voices though to get that juicy life small nodes.

Also using herald of purity, eventhough the damage it adds is very low, it feels good when the minions start tanking some bosses.

As for the poster above me, you can anoint constitution, and use the 12 free points to take written in blood and thick skin.

Well, annoint is worth around 10% more damage so its pretty valuable. Also its not really wasted points, you get Reflexes, Hired Killer, Sentinel and Profane Chemistry on the way (so a lot of life in almost same place). I agree that if you dont need extra life skipping Constitution is first thing I would do (and actually did this league) but the raw life difference is pretty big. Even though with Divine Flesh etc the extra life is not that important.
My builds:
My site:
Stealthyy wrote:
personally I think pathing to constitution is a complete waste since you are spending 12 dead points, when you can anoint constitution instead and take either life nodes closer or get another cluster jewel cluster, either bottom of tree + taking thick skin, or wand nodes like I have in my tree.
(note do not try this unless you have currency to spend)

my latest pob, trying to maximize tankiness since I don't think I need any more DPS this league:

featuring 6k life with mistwall + divine flesh, I am using a voices though to get that juicy life small nodes.

Also using herald of purity, eventhough the damage it adds is very low, it feels good when the minions start tanking some bosses.

As for the poster above me, you can anoint constitution, and use the 12 free points to take written in blood and thick skin.

How much currency are we talking about?
Stealthyy wrote:
personally I think pathing to constitution is a complete waste since you are spending 12 dead points, when you can anoint constitution instead and take either life nodes closer or get another cluster jewel cluster, either bottom of tree + taking thick skin, or wand nodes like I have in my tree.
(note do not try this unless you have currency to spend)

my latest pob:

featuring 6k life with mistwall + divine flesh, I am using a voices though to get that juicy life small nodes.

Also using herald of purity, eventhough the damage it adds is very low, it feels good when the minions start tanking some bosses.

As for the poster above me, you can anoint constitution, and use the 12 free points to take written in blood and thick skin.

Oh I have plenty of DPS already (meling down lvl 83 conquerors in under 3 seconds, including Drox through his shield bubble). More ife is what I personally needed, not damage. Plus the Scion area gives me another jewel socket.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Last edited by Ydoum on Apr 7, 2020, 5:00:02 AM
Been levelling something similar. Just finished acts, still need to go back and grab some of the quest points.
Long time since I've played a wander, forgot how good KB is for clear - when I was using dual obliterations and wearing 7 league steps it was super zoom zoom.

Gear and links not sorted yet but here is what I have so far

Right ring and belt are just placeholders. amulet is sorting out my int but not much else.
Wand and boots are self crafted. Low life roll on boots would have preferred to be able to just craft, but got to be happy with 35% MS and tailwind. If I can get a backup pair I might beast craft add suffix lose prefix, 2 out of 3 ok results.
Wand is ok, bit of base phys though I'd prefer a faster wand.

Thing I'm struggling with is choice of shield. Too many options! Mistwall or Apep's for extra defensive layers would be nice, but flat life and resists does help gearing a lot. Then I need to decide if I want to run a timeless jewel or not.
Haven't run this kind of defensive layering before. Would need to sort out resists though, running 2 thread of hopes which puts a bit of pressure on the resists.

Last edited by Carlovski on Apr 7, 2020, 5:17:02 AM

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