[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Wow - a lot of variation in the gear for BV. I have been doing okay with either Binos/Cold Iron Point (1M more DPS), or Binos/Replica Mistwall (less DPS, more survivability) setup. Like extra damage from Binos/CIP, but distance archers or spellcasters induce faceplant in maps.

Just wondering if I should continue loading up on Poison, or if I should move toward Chaos damage for cluster jewels. Haven't went down any cluster jewel path yet, as unsure of best path forward.

Also, just wondering why many have Portal in their sockets versus Contagion or other gem.

Sorry for questions, as I'm still an older POE noob, but want to get to higher maps without faceplanting. :)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on my setup or questions from above.
grimjack68 wrote:
Cithilu wrote:
Would someone mind confirming end game gem set up with end game gear?

Conflicting info on the forum and the POB.
That's complicated, it depends on what endgame gear you are running. I'll give it a go though.

Body armour 6L:
Vaal blade vortex / Aw. deadly ailments / Aw. Unbound Ailments / Unleash / Aw. Void manipulation / Vile Toxins.

Awakened gems can be regular variants. Void Manipulation can be Poison, especially if you don't have 100% poison chance.

Devouring Diadem helm 4L:
Enlighten 4 / Skitterbots / Herald of Agony / Malevolence.
Malevolence can be divergent.
Skitterbots can be Flesh and Stone.

Weapon1 3L:
Cast when damage taken / Steelskin or Immortal call / Desecrate
Desecrate can be something else if you prefer.

Weapon2 / Shield 3L:
Spell totem / multiple totems / wither.
Or, you can rely on withering step if you like that better.

That leaves you 8 sockets in your gloves and boots.
Despair / Blasphemy (unless you are using gear with Despair on hit)
Whirling blades / fortify / faster attacks
Blight / plague bearer / increased AOE (skip the inc. AOE if you need the socket for something else)
Flame dash (optional)
Withering step (optional)

There's 10 gems there, and only 8 sockets, so you're going to need to make some decisions. :)

And of course, this is subject to personal preferences. It's highly unlikely that everyone is using exactly the same setup.

Thank you, very helpful.

Now i just wish some large clusters would come up for sale :)
Hi there thanks for gem setup guide and i followed your suggestion above i changed skitterbots to flesh and stone but i bough anomalous version. I think its alright but please let me know cause im not sure. Thank you a lot!
Hi guys. I'm currently playing Blade Vortex Poison build and using aspect of the spider all the time.

I just bought a large cluster jewel with touch of cruelty on it which says

"Chaos skills have 10% chance to Hinder enemies on hit, with 30% reduced movement speed"

"enemies hindered by you take 10% increased chaos damage"

since blade vortex is not a chaos tagged skill, I guess the first line of roll won't apply to me, but how about aspect of the spider? does it count as "I" hindered enemy?

2nd case, if I hit enemy with let's say viper strike which is a chaos skill, and aspect of the spider instantly overlaps a new hinder right after my viper strike hits and hinder an enemy, I will lose that 10% increased chaos damage effect?

+ is there a pob fits 3.12? 3.11 one only loads skill points until lvl 69
Hi guys. I'm currently playing Blade Vortex Poison build and using aspect of the spider all the time.

I just bought a large cluster jewel with touch of cruelty on it which says

"Chaos skills have 10% chance to Hinder enemies on hit, with 30% reduced movement speed"

"enemies hindered by you take 10% increased chaos damage"

since blade vortex is not a chaos tagged skill, I guess the first line of roll won't apply to me, but how about aspect of the spider? does it count as "I" hindered enemy?

2nd case, if I hit enemy with let's say viper strike which is a chaos skill, and aspect of the spider instantly overlaps a new hinder right after my viper strike hits and hinder an enemy, I will lose that 10% increased chaos damage effect?

+ is there a pob fits 3.12? 3.11 one only loads skill points until lvl 69
I am certain that poison or void manipulation add the Chaos tag to your blade vortex. Even if that wasn't the case, Aspect of the Spider counts as by you, so you get the damage bonus as long as they get a stack of web.

The POB has several trees in it, you need to switch from the leveling tree to one of the others. It has a no cluster tree, a single cluster tree, and a dual cluster tree. The only change is that Whispers of Doom is now close enough to path to instead of using your amulet anoint.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

Hey everyone, pob shows the second dagger with 6 damage over time difference is stronger then the first one which is double corrupted, is it a pob inflation similar to circling oblivion?
because the first one has 50% increased spell damage is it so insignificant compared to 6 dot?
Hi there as i said before im totally newbie, i enchanted my diadem to "Righteous fire grant 30% increased spell damage, actually im using righteous fire instead of wither. I think it's alright, but i know better are blade vortex enchants. Maybe someone know for how much can i sell that? (cannot find similar on poe trade) Thank you.
sebaqsan wrote:
Hi there as i said before im totally newbie, i enchanted my diadem to "Righteous fire grant 30% increased spell damage, actually im using righteous fire instead of wither. I think it's alright, but i know better are blade vortex enchants. Maybe someone know for how much can i sell that? (cannot find similar on poe trade) Thank you.

There's 3 of those listed but offline, at 1, 2.5, and 3.5 exalt. So the usual advice is list it around there, and drop the price every couple days until it sells.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Which awakened gems should I go for first?
henrique73 wrote:
Which awakened gems should I go for first?

think it will depends of your gear,

for "regular" gear I think unbound ailments then deadly ailments.

In my case (because i have +2 duration gem corruption) swift affliction was the best prior choice.

POB can help u with this kind of questions

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