[3.14] Kami's Life | LL | CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin | all Content | deep Delve | max Block

Hey mate amazing build, im thinking to change life for ES but i want to know only 1 thing

is WAtchers eye mandatory for this build run all content? or its just a nice defensive layer

Pitopito wrote:
Hey mate amazing build, im thinking to change life for ES but i want to know only 1 thing

is WAtchers eye mandatory for this build run all content? or its just a nice defensive layer


Defo not a requirement for most things. Cannot speak for uber/shaper but Sirus and all maps and delve it's not required if you go for es on hit/kill elsewhere, for example Fenumus' Spinnerets with aspect of spider, es% on kill from chest and a few points in es leech on tree. It is a big help for sustain but until you get it you can get the sustain in small doses from other places.
Last edited by Wikidbiscuit on Mar 25, 2020, 1:25:02 PM
Nonexlol wrote:
Why did you pick Tranquility and not Heart of Ice for the amulet enchant?

PoB said its more dps and you get ES

somebody got and Idea for the cwdt setup what could be usefull? atm i got Immortal Call and Tempest Shield, but I'm already Spell Block capped (with Rumi's)
also don't need frost bomb, cause I got cold conduit from cluster Jewel

also tested to do Frostbite on Cospri and take out ES leech gem and ghost reaver, but it sucks. So any Idea how we could Implement the best way Frostbite? the only way I see is
1) selfcast -> which sucks
2) CwDt -> low gem level and rarly triggers
3) Blasphemy -> no free ES
4) rings -> got 2 cyrcle of Fear :(
5) drop arcane surge on vortex and do a curse on hit setup ( probably the best in my case)

thinking of dropping withering step jewel, but not sure what gem could be better
- inc. duration for vaal Rf?
Last edited by xXx_Kamikaze_xXx on Mar 25, 2020, 1:46:48 PM
Wikidbiscuit wrote:
Hi guys - following the basic build - invested about 40ex so far with 9K ES. Have done Sirus 5 deathless so far - the only thing I can't figure out with the standard tree without clusters is the crit chance on cyclone. I'm at about 35% with bandits and gear without flask, but I know this should be much higher.

Any suggestions on increasing base crit chance?

I don't think that's right that you're that low. Don't forget your power charges too.

You can add bottled faith for base crit chance though.
Hey. Recently i switched from glass cannon to ES build and I think i have pretty low dmg with this build atm. What should I upgrade first?

With onslaught got exactly 7,49 APS which is the best with 20% CD But I don't feel like im melting rare mobs and bosses
NSUCK wrote:
Wikidbiscuit wrote:
Hi guys - following the basic build - invested about 40ex so far with 9K ES. Have done Sirus 5 deathless so far - the only thing I can't figure out with the standard tree without clusters is the crit chance on cyclone. I'm at about 35% with bandits and gear without flask, but I know this should be much higher.

Any suggestions on increasing base crit chance?

I don't think that's right that you're that low. Don't forget your power charges too.

You can add bottled faith for base crit chance though.

Derp. Puts me around 78% without flask thank you my dude I thought I was being special but couldn't see it.
How are people dealing with bleeds on this build? Currently I've got an extra defensive flask with staunching until I can afford to grab a Bottled Faith.
Wikidbiscuit wrote:
How are people dealing with bleeds on this build? Currently I've got an extra defensive flask with staunching until I can afford to grab a Bottled Faith.

with a corrupted blood implict on a jewel

if you cannot afford it, you need to craft it on a flask
Wikidbiscuit wrote:
How are people dealing with bleeds on this build? Currently I've got an extra defensive flask with staunching until I can afford to grab a Bottled Faith.

with a corrupted blood implict on a jewel

if you cannot afford it, you need to craft it on a flask

Or corrupt them yourself, the jewel is cheap. I was disgusted at the prices so I did it myself. Got lucky and hit it on the 3rd one (which is also a perfect 10%)
Wikidbiscuit wrote:
Hi guys - following the basic build - invested about 40ex so far with 9K ES. Have done Sirus 5 deathless so far - the only thing I can't figure out with the standard tree without clusters is the crit chance on cyclone. I'm at about 35% with bandits and gear without flask, but I know this should be much higher.

Any suggestions on increasing base crit chance?

What is it in PoB with power charges and diamond flask? effective crit chance should be 100 or almost there. If you have a bottled faith add that into PoB too.

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