maxine98 wrote:
Noticed something strange, you're using Transcendent Flesh and could perfectly be using Tempered Flesh since you're only getting the crit multiplier bonus.
Transcendent Flesh is 1.5+ Ex
Tempered Flesh is 20-30 Chaos
Maybe I'm missing something but PoB doesn't show any changes on stats when changing either for the other.
Exactly! I actually mentioned about it in Kor. guide but forgot to mention here. Thanks for reminding me.
You absolutely don't need dumb transcendent flesh that doesn't do anything better than tempered one. I was too lazy to buy a new tempered one and change it. :)
Just get Tempered Flesh you have.
Posted bybluewelkin#7586on Feb 6, 2020, 12:04:18 AM
Tigerballs wrote:
Xenhil wrote:
Hello there,
thanks for your effort to make WO great again! However, I'd like to give you some feedback based on your PoB:
1) I see you're using Cinderswallow Urn and Yoke of Suffering, but you don't have any fire damage in your WO setup, proccing it only via Wave of Conviction - so extremely unreliable imho. Just craft adds fire damage on ring to get constant ~15% more damage vs all targets.
2) You're scalling damage via Power Charges extremely hard, but you miss great opportunity in form of Crown of the Inward with corrupt +1 to Maximum Power Charges (which is cheap).
3) In your PoB you have checked "Is the enemy Shocked?" which boosts your damage to some virtual, not real value. You have total 0 lightning damage (not counting Wave of Conviction proc), so you can't shock reliably, thus bonus from Yoke of Suffering is not working.
4) You can insert your Thread of Hope by using following code in PoB:
Overall, the concept is great, but still requires a lot of polishing or other kind of changes. I'm still not sure about amulet/helmet/gloves slot, it seems like you can get much more from those slots.
btw, @EqOpHater respect one Inner Conviction, they don't stack :)
Also I'm not trying to argue with you because you clearly have been playing this much longer than me. But you are incorrect about Yoke. Yoke allows Cold or Fire damage to shock.
"The modifier Your Elemental Damage Can Shock allows fire and cold damage to shock, but still requires chance to shock (for non-crit hits), or a critical strike (which inherently carries a 100% chance).
Traps, mines, and totems will benefit from the enabled shock, since this is an offensive modifier.[1] However, they will only benefit from Enemies take x% increased Damage if the ailment is applied by a self-cast skill due to the wording of you have inflicted."
I guess, he was talking about Cinderswallow Um about fire dmg thing, wasn't he? If not, it's needless to mention... Yoke makes all ele dmg shock. You are right.
Posted bybluewelkin#7586on Feb 6, 2020, 12:05:53 AM
What do you do before you have 7 ex to spend...?
Posted byQuintessence#4525on Feb 6, 2020, 3:21:41 AM
How did you manage to break 7k es in the video? I can at most hit high 5k es
Posted byAntiSkid#5505on Feb 6, 2020, 8:08:02 AM
hey durimon
this build good for 3.10 ?
Posted byLidjohn#2384on Mar 18, 2020, 5:41:23 PM
ty vm for the guide, just killed 4 watchstone drox with ease in 3.10
Posted byTheTabKey#5809on Mar 23, 2020, 1:06:12 PM
Just started the build.
Its really pretty (herald mtx exploding everywhere) though I don't feel tanky at all I should have Sirius 5 spawned in a few days I'll let you know how it goes.
Last edited by magicdownunder#6346 on Mar 29, 2020, 1:02:26 AM
Posted bybluewelkin#7586on Jul 27, 2020, 4:22:13 PM
bluewelkin wrote:
Crafting link gives me a 404.
Posted byYalpe#3404on Aug 1, 2020, 7:05:54 PM
its ok to use your 3.10 tree, if im league starting and have no access to cluster jewels?
Posted byjabeleta#2439on Aug 3, 2020, 7:04:00 PM