Wolcen Hype Release!

I have one challenge. And I only have that one from screwing around in league for a little bit at the start since our passive resets on Standard were delayed. It was the first time I had touched a league since Synth.

It's not a particularly useful or valid metric to judge people by. It's good for baiting though, so there's that.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
I bought this Friday and had a lot of fun with my first character (staff auto attack / spell). Then the server thing hit so I started offline. Tried melee and hated it. By the time the 'onlines' were back up on Sunday I didn't have the desire to play anymore given the duping and glitching going on in that environment.

There's nothing about the game drawing me back in to play it. I went to their website and didn't see any tools to mock up offline skill trees, or see what runes are available for skills.

With no vision of an end build in mind, and a character (melee) and an environment (dupe filled online) I find distasteful, I've been playing other shit this entire long weekend. Both my characters completed chapter 1...and that's it. I suppose I could go respec my offline character out of melee and into anything else, but...eh.

It's a shame, I thought I'd be grinding this hard for 3.5 days.
I actually hate ranged combat way more. The problem is the default AoE ranged skill they give you is the worst AoE skill I've seen. And there is barely any other choice. You need to actually collect gold to buy skills which is stupid. I want to see a game for once where you don't have to grind to get the good skills. I mean fuck, you still need to grind the skill itself to level it, its not like giving you access to it will ruin everything.
Johny_Snow wrote:
I actually hate ranged combat way more. The problem is the default AoE ranged skill they give you is the worst AoE skill I've seen. And there is barely any other choice. You need to actually collect gold to buy skills which is stupid. I want to see a game for once where you don't have to grind to get the good skills. I mean fuck, you still need to grind the skill itself to level it, its not like giving you access to it will ruin everything.

Yep. Both of the first skills are 100% useless. The split shot does no damage, and seems to miss half the mobs. Then your first skill after that, is a damn evasion dodge with a tiny explosion, when you already have base 4 base dodge points.

Before I quit and got my refund, the only ranged skills I even enjoyed using was the Laser rifle, and the rocket. The Laser rifle was fun, but not fun enough to pay 30 bucks for.
Actkqk wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

You do?

Which ones? 1 challenge in PoE?

Here we go again... elitism in its purest state. I have zero challenges. Does that mean I don't like arpgs or that I'm bad at them?
Come on, you seemed smart... Intelligence can also be subjective.

I like arpgs and I'm good at them, but dont play, is...a bizzare statement.

Weird flex, but ok, pro arpg man.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Holy shit that last chapter was a great ride. I couldn't stop. Pushed through some frustrating bosses, a few hard crashes, and a really mean but tactically rewarding big bad...but good lord, I haven't been so satisfied with an ARPG's ending since Diablo 1. That was a solid 30-35 hours of story with a clear beginning, middle and end. Everything made sense. Nothing felt extraneous or padded.

And now I have the 'adventure' mode open, it's time to alt like a fiend, as I did in the beta...First thing first: time to make Rambo with the minigun.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
You coming off as a paid shill right about now, lol.

I'm running end game content. I couldn't resist the OP in this game. Ended up making a bleeding edge tank, ran a mage at first, but I was fortunate enough to find some gear for a melee build, and it's pretty much freaking unstoppable at this point. Doing like 300k+ hits with bleeding edge, and I can stack them so they multi-hit like a meat grinder, and they follow me around so I can use blade storm (like a whirlwind move), and it feels like I'm playing a whirlwind barbarian in D3 (this was a fun build!) everything melts. There is also a skill called juggernaut which puts an absorbtion shield around you, and when it explodes it does insane damage. Up to level 88 or so, I was oneshotting expedition bosses with juggernaut, now at level 100+, it only does 1/2 their HP bar, and breaks them. LOL. Busy face rolling atm. Uber Lammy is down already, rekt its shit pretty hard. Soon as I get to level 70, I'll go for the next one. I don't expect there to be any problems.

Mages don't scale well into the 100+ content. I did OK with a mage up until about level 80ish mobs, and then bosses and champs started taking way too long to drop, I could survive, but I'm not looking for a 2-3 minute fight for every boss and champ mob. That's not conducive to leveling up very fast. Clearing speed is paramount.

The mobility is pretty good with bladestorm. I got movement speed nodes, as well as a movement buff from the shout move. Trash gets melted by just blade storm, and I only need bleeding edge (just one blade) to pick off the non-champs.

86% chance to block 60% of the damage, with an HP bar of 66k, over 60% resists, and 15% life leech. I still got some block nodes to grab too, both block % and efficiency %, if I can't get 100% chance to block, it'll be really close. By grabbing those nodes + finding a shield with higher base block, I could definitely get 100% block. So any damage to me has to pass a block check, and whatever that number is gets mitigated further by a resist check, and the end result is what I take, which is basically nothing. The biggest attacks from bosses don't even phase my HP bar when it's blocked. I can eat the full laser beam from a Demon of Souls with a bunch of boss mods, who's 40 levels above me, and my HP bar doesn't even move.

When I fought uber lammy, there was a bunch of those big robot guys who shoot a bunch of ball lightning on the screen, there was like 3 of these fuckers, and they all had champ mods. It would be literally impossible to try and kite and dodge all that shit, so if you're not a super tank, you literally don't win that fight, period. Glass cannon would get insta-gibbed immediately, and then as soon as you revive, instagibbed again until 3 tokens is up. You got no chance. Skillfully dodged, Iframed and kited all that shit without getting hit, nobody did ever, and never will.

Spinning is winning in a lot of games, and Wolcen is no exception, lol! Better enjoy this shit while it lasts, because there is a 100% chance they're nerfing it.

The crazy part is, I can get EVEN MORE damage. There is a node that makes mobs killed have a chance to drop green orbs that give you +30% MORE DAMAGE as poison element, and they stack, and the buff lasts 10 seconds! I'm about 5 levels away from getting this. It would be possible to see million damage bleeding edge hits, if I grab 3-4 green orbs, or 300k+ ticks with blade storm. I'll be spinning around the area with blade storm stacking buffs from green orb collections, while melting everything immediately.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 18, 2020, 5:07:53 PM
Destructodave wrote:
You coming off as a paid shill right about now, lol.

Except you fucking know I'm not. If anything, the opposite.

So, yeah.

Nice seeing you around various platforms shitting on the game btw. Good to see you care. ^_^
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
LowBudget780 wrote:
Holy shit that last chapter was a great ride. I couldn't stop. Pushed through some frustrating bosses, a few hard crashes, and a really mean but tactically rewarding big bad...but good lord, I haven't been so satisfied with an ARPG's ending since Diablo 1. That was a solid 30-35 hours of story with a clear beginning, middle and end. Everything made sense. Nothing felt extraneous or padded.

And now I have the 'adventure' mode open, it's time to alt like a fiend, as I did in the beta...First thing first: time to make Rambo with the minigun.

30-35 hours? It takes like 15 to beat the campaign under the worst of circumstances.

Pretty much the answer I'd expect from someone with 32 achievements in a notoriously difficult, hardcore grind-a-game you're forced to restart and replay every 3 months. You are probably not the target audience for the game's story. Sorry.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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