Wolcen Hype Release!

Actkqk wrote:
Tsokushin wrote:

Following your example of the purchase of a car, you understand the purpose of a car is first and foremost getting you from A to B safely.

Well, this car runs just fine. It gets me from A to B. The radio is wonky, but I'm a guy who brings his own CD's. There was an issue for some people driving it off the lot, but they fixed that already. The owner's manual to the vehicle is unclear in some aspects, but the car runs just fine.

And, like all other cars, it just needs a bit of maintenance to keep it running smoothly.


Ok, I go with my new car, from car dealer to my house. I never got to my house because the engine stopped midway and it didn't start again (analogy with the bug of losing the character's progress). Ok, problem solved a few days later. I go again with my car to my house and being a few blocks away the engine simply stops again (analogy with the bug of the final boss). In addition to all that, by looking more closely I have discovered that there are some flaws with the painting (analogy with minor problems, which can be repaired with some patience and time)...
What do you do with the car? The car does not take me to my house, it is not an unimportant fault as your soul of blind white knight believes. No one would accept a car in these conditions if it has been paid for a new car. Why don't we do the same with video games?
Why are there people like you who insist that the Car dealer should be excused and trusted?... I don't get it.

Again, it's funny. Nobody playing offline mode lost anything.

You can bypass last boss bug by stunning via damage before you force the phase change. Is this ideal? No, it's like having to drive a manual. Yeah you gotta depress the clutch at the right RPM and all that compared to an automatic, but the car still runs, and runs extremely well at that, if you know a thing or 2 about cars.

But, ultimately, it just seems you wanted to hate this particular car out of the gate. Because if you either had an open mind or loved this car, you would've spent 3 mins learning how to make this car work in this situation and get home, the same way you do with your current car and all it's bobs and whistles.

But, maybe, just maybe, you're too attached to your current car. Ignoring the fact that when your current car first was released to the general public, it had the exact same problems. Or how lately the new car parts don't work 100% correctly for the first few weeks. But you ignore those, because you love that car.

Maybe you're too attached to how your current car was the most popular car in the world and it felt good to be with other people. Or maybe you enjoyed the 1 button auto pilot, or are addicted to the randomly injected, vaporized hits of crack cocaine into the ventilation system of the cabin. Regardless of the facts, you love your current car.

Nevertheless, you eek out your hate on this new car, ignoring the same problems that were and are present in your current car.

But, the most telling thing about this and your biased hatred towards the current car is that you don't even acknowledge things the new car does extremely well.

And that's the crux of this issue. And I'm simply done carrying this car analogy.
Last edited by Tsokushin on Feb 23, 2020, 11:57:55 PM
Its good that there are other games which are not one-button, isn't it? Grim Dawn has plenty of skills on its gear, plenty of buttons to press. Last Epoch has skill trees for each skill you use, so you are also expected to not just use a single skill. Why is Wolcen somehow special in this regard? If anything PoE's gameplay is not the norm in the genre
Johny_Snow wrote:
Diablo 3 is not one-button, why aren't you playing it?
Because PoE being one button gameplay is player choice.

I choose not to play this way, I 'suffer' for it due to it not being optimal.

Why do I socket leapslam and dash into my boots, weapon skills into my weapons, crys and the like into my helmet? Shield skills into my shields?
It's a total waste of gear and gems usually. Does it make sense... though.. to me yes.

D3 also has very limiting gameplay and an art style I don't enjoy.
Don't even get me started on how I feel about blizzard or giving them any more of my money or better yet, time.

Heh. I usually feel like I'm being slick when I don't pack in every skill I can. Typically, I'm looking at all sockets filled. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Would not waste time writing alot of thoughtful posts to poe loyalists that live to hate other arpgs that arent poe.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Last edited by Xystre on Feb 24, 2020, 3:56:21 AM

I'm only doing this the once, so that you know in future where to look for the most regular updates and communication from their CM Jessica/Calistaen should you be interested. Not their reddit (thank god), not the twitter, not the steam discussion page. Their actual forum. A-fucking-mazing.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Well i'm still happy that i picked it up, and i am still playing it.

So i have now 4 ARPG's i can switch between seasons (while i have to admit that i haven't touched GD since ages now)
- Best Signature Ever -
Well i'm still happy that i picked it up, and i am still playing it.

So i have now 4 ARPG's i can switch between seasons (while i have to admit that i haven't touched GD since ages now)

this is the attitude.. I'm sure you will enjoy it can be overwhelming having too many things happening but with alot of games to choose sure you will have something new waiting for you.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
Not their reddit (thank god), not the twitter, not the steam discussion page. Their actual forum. A-fucking-mazing.

LMAO. Well played.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Feb 24, 2020, 10:17:21 AM
Tsokushin wrote:

Again, it's funny. Nobody playing offline mode lost anything.

Oh, of course, it was to be expected. You are talking without knowledge. It was almost obvious because a person who knows what he is talking about would not be doing what you do... No, no one playing offline lost anything, exempting a few hours, and more than one the desire to continue playing. The "loss of progress" bug happened offline as well. How do I know? Simple, I have never played Wolcen online...
The game went on sale with a serious failure and a lot of minor bugs. If you want to defend and/or excuse that, it's your problem. Fortunately there are still some sane people in this world.

Of course even the progress loss bug and the immortal final boss bug had a solution if people modifies game files or plays in a certain way. But that should not be taken as an excuse to make them go through minor failures.
Wolcen people are paying you to advertise them or what?
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?

I'm only doing this the once, so that you know in future where to look for the most regular updates and communication from their CM Jessica/Calistaen should you be interested. Not their reddit (thank god), not the twitter, not the steam discussion page. Their actual forum. A-fucking-mazing.

Ya, I still don't understand why I have to go to Reddit to get responses from Devs, GGG. Anyways, I was unlucky with the act III glitch so I was unable to make progress for a bit. I saw a helpful post that said if you don't damage the boss when he transforms for a few seconds it won't freeze, tried that and it worked. I'm really enjoying this endgame, I hope in the future you can see the changes you make to the city by walking around in the city.

Wondering how far I can go before I hit a roadblock in the expeditions. People keep thinking bleeding edge is the only "good" skill but I just don't see it. It's a math/number problem with some of the other skills, and that's what makes bleeding edge also better than it probably should be too. Saying its the only skill that can get you far in the endgame is stretching though.

Reminds me of POE when people complain that there are only a handful of skills you can play to endgame but in reality you can play a lot more skills but you have to build, understand, and invest more into those other skills. People just don't want to take the time to learn or try.

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