3.10|Stress-Free PoE| ENDURING FIRE (RF) |Use Any Items U Want|1 Button Play|Easily Customizable SSF

Wrecker_of_Days wrote:

Consecrated Path is such a great choice! Good job making your own build out of it! Let us know how things go as you progress for sure.

I'd 100% have Consecrated Ground in this build if it didn't make me nauseous. So I replaced it with Purifying Flame and hoped for the best. I love the stun idea. Great job!

Thanks for taking the time to be kind and thoughtful. And thanks for posting about your changes! Good luck with the jewel hunts!

Oh, and I love the "Fun per Hour" stat. I'd love to use that if you don't mind.

Feel free to use the stat (standard royalties apply I will dm you my PayPal details prompt payments expected hehe 😉)

I tend to be of the opinion that efficiency does have its place but leagues are 3 months and I am not competing with anyone nor do I need to rush for profits as I am in SSF. So as long as I am having fun it's no different to me if a boss or whatever dies in 2 secs or 2 minutes or longer it's still dead either way. So I prefer to max fun per hour first then fill in the rest after as and when I can.

Thanks again for your guides (and filters) they are a source of inspiration and one of the reasons I got into then stayed with POE
Last edited by RiverGenie#9691 on May 7, 2020, 2:26:45 PM
is there an anoint you would recommend putting on my amulet
RiverGenie wrote:
Feel free to use the stat (standard royalties apply I will dm you my PayPal details prompt payments expected hehe 😉)

I tend to be of the opinion that efficiency does have its place but leagues are 3 months and I am not competing with anyone nor do I need to rush for profits as I am in SSF. So as long as I am having fun it's no different to me if a boss or whatever dies in 2 secs or 2 minutes or longer it's still dead either way. So I prefer to max fun per hour first then fill in the rest after as and when I can.

Thanks again for your guides (and filters) they are a source of inspiration and one of the reasons I got into then stayed with POE
Ha ha! Thanks RiverGenie!

It may even make some guide titles: 100 MILLION XP FUN PER HOUR :). I'm going to bring up Fun per Hour in the next episode of my podcast. Thanks!

Thanks for such kind words as well. I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to be so encouraging. Thank you for what you said.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
creativdude wrote:
is there an anoint you would recommend putting on my amulet
Hey creativdude!

Obviously it depends on what oils you have but personally I'm not the picky type. It depends on the rest of your gear. It's either going to be all life, life and DOT damage, or just DOT damage. Inexorable would save you 5 travel nodes, Constitution is huge, Written in Blood, Entropy...There's lots to choose from. Let us know what you go with!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
For annoint, hard to beat Growth and Decay, way out by shadow. 20% increased damage over time, 10% damage over time multiplier, 1% life regen
Why does my damage feel low, and I die way too often. How much life do I need to avoid what looks like micro stuns? Just tried a T16 map with easy mods... it did not go well
So I have given up on my stun n burn strategy well at least the stun part. Still working with consecrated path but in a one hander / shield set up instead.

I still like the idea of stun n burn but I am wondering if that might be better on a juggernaut RF build instead. Certainly a bit more synergy with the ascendancy for stuns but obviously going to lose some fire damage. Still if I can consistently stun that may balance out. Might have a think about that and maybe try something next league.

In the meantime I am still having fun with the chieftain version and have found a couple of cluster jewels that seem worthwhile. Boost fire damage, elemental damage, give fire exposure to mobs (-10% fire Res), bigger aoe, more life regen and life, increased dot damage. I would link but can't seem to figure out how to on a tablet, sorry (lot of poe website stuff is not very tablet friendly sadly which kind of sucks when it's your only option, sigh)

Thanks as always. 🙂
Last edited by RiverGenie#9691 on May 11, 2020, 6:17:27 AM
asshatticus wrote:
For annoint, hard to beat Growth and Decay, way out by shadow. 20% increased damage over time, 10% damage over time multiplier, 1% life regen
Agreed asshatticus!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
asshatticus wrote:
Why does my damage feel low, and I die way too often. How much life do I need to avoid what looks like micro stuns? Just tried a T16 map with easy mods... it did not go well
Hey asshatticus!

In terms of damage, your Sceptre could use a huge upgrade. Look for a weapon with a Damage Over Time Multiplier and over 100% increased total damage (Elemental, fire, etc.) See how that helps. RF doesn't hit too hard though. It's good for clearing and groups. Incinerate is for the single target damage help.

I actually find the Microstuns on tons of characters. I think that's why Cyclone is such a popular skill, it gives "immunity" to those little stuns. Even with 9K life I get "jerked" around a bit...no matter the build. Stun Immunity is really the only way to go avoiding it (or Cyclone).

I hope that helps. Once you've improved your weapon, let us know if it helped out at all.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
RiverGenie wrote:
So I have given up on my stun n burn strategy well at least the stun part. Still working with consecrated path but in a one hander / shield set up instead.

I still like the idea of stun n burn but I am wondering if that might be better on a juggernaut RF build instead. Certainly a bit more synergy with the ascendancy for stuns but obviously going to lose some fire damage. Still if I can consistently stun that may balance out. Might have a think about that and maybe try something next league.

In the meantime I am still having fun with the chieftain version and have found a couple of cluster jewels that seem worthwhile. Boost fire damage, elemental damage, give fire exposure to mobs (-10% fire Res), bigger aoe, more life regen and life, increased dot damage. I would link but can't seem to figure out how to on a tablet, sorry (lot of poe website stuff is not very tablet friendly sadly which kind of sucks when it's your only option, sigh)

Thanks as always. 🙂
Hey RiverGenie!

Thanks for the post! I'm glad you're still enjoying the build even if your idea didn't go as planned. It's nice to find jewels that work well with what you're playing. I took a look at your character and I like what you have! I love your DOT Multiplier on your weapon! Your next step is getting good life rolls on all your gear.

Great job! I love your setup!

(On a Tablet I like to use PoE Mate from the Google Play store. It doesnt' help sharing anything, but since you have your character tab public on the PoE website, people can upload your details anyway. So that only hurts the "lazy helpers".)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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