[3.17.5] Devon's Minion Instability Skeletons | Extremely High DPS | Thread locked... made new one

Vinci112 wrote:

Try finding Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel for 2x "Minions have 80% increased maximum Life" (Life>Damage). Its HUGE boost to damage

Could you elaborate on that? No website I can find or POB lets me preview the changes to my tree.
lmao nuked my first guardian with one cast of Skeles
hellix wrote:
"Adds 3 to 8 Fire Damage to Attacks"

P.S. The build is awesome. I'm already going into red maps and everything works great :)

The "elemental damage to attacks" does not affect you if you're not using attacks. We're only using spells. Storm brand, orb of storms, flame dash are all spells. If it said "to spells and attacks" or "to spells" it would affect your stuff.
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
therealtoothman wrote:
lmao nuked my first guardian with one cast of Skeles

Haha, sweet :D
"Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile." -unknown
"The Emperor beckons and the world attends." -Izaro
"Shine boldly so that all may find you when the night falls." -Izaro
Vinci112 wrote:
Pearlo wrote:
I'm struggling with Legion encounters. Is there a trick to clearing them with this build or is it simply not that good for that content?

My skellies are still on a 4-link, but all other content just dies so easily. Made me think I'm using the build wrongly.

I dont think this build is good for clearing Legion or Blighted maps. On Legion you wont kill everything, but you can focus on killing bosses if appear. I wont try Blighted maps alone or you now how to build towers to help you with that (meteors everywhere? haha). Need to remember this is boss killer build.

I have an idea. You can try clear Legion without From Dust jewel. Taking it out for a sec

that's actually not true, it deals just fine with blighted maps (ran up to T14 no problem). the only thing that matters for blighted maps is boss damage because trash gets killed by towers super easily while bosses are the real challenge.
ign: PhrozenFlame
therealtoothman wrote:
Vinci112 wrote:
Try finding Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel for 2x "Minions have 80% increased maximum Life" (Life>Damage). Its HUGE boost to damage
Could you elaborate on that? No website I can find or POB lets me preview the changes to my tree.

There is no way to check Timeless Jewels outside the game. Must do it yourself and find the right one. For example I took Combat Stamina and Gravepact passives because Elegant Hubris gave instead "Minions have 80% increased maximum Life". I have many jewel sockets in the tree to see if this mod appear when I socket Elegant Hubris. If not I sell mine and buy new one.

cocomoloco wrote:
Vinci112 wrote:
Pearlo wrote:
I'm struggling with Legion encounters. Is there a trick to clearing them with this build or is it simply not that good for that content?

My skellies are still on a 4-link, but all other content just dies so easily. Made me think I'm using the build wrongly.

I dont think this build is good for clearing Legion or Blighted maps. On Legion you wont kill everything, but you can focus on killing bosses if appear. I wont try Blighted maps alone or you now how to build towers to help you with that (meteors everywhere? haha). Need to remember this is boss killer build.

I have an idea. You can try clear Legion without From Dust jewel. Taking it out for a sec

that's actually not true, it deals just fine with blighted maps (ran up to T14 no problem). the only thing that matters for blighted maps is boss damage because trash gets killed by towers super easily while bosses are the real challenge.

Nice. Gonna try my first blighted map later. What towers do you recommend? In last league I was doing Meteor Towers which oneshoted bosses easily.
Vinci112 wrote:
Nice. Gonna try my first blighted map later. What towers do you recommend? In last league I was doing Meteor Towers which oneshoted bosses easily.

It depends on the map layout and enemy resistances.

On maps with choke points (such as Lava Chambers):
- Chose one type of (depending on resists): Arc, Flamethrower or Chilling Towers (yes leave the cold one on level III); best is Arc tower BY FAR (and they even buffed them this league smh my head)
- Enough Empowering towers to cover all other towers (again, leave at level III, DON'T evolve them)
- One Chilling or Temporal Tower directly at the choke point if you didn't focus on them (see above)

On maps with an open layout (such as Beach):
- Chose one type of (depending on resists): Scout, Meteor or Chilling towers
- - Enough Empowering towers to cover all other towers (again, leave at level III, DON'T evolve them)
- if you focus Meteor towers: Chilling or Temporal Towers scattered around because Meteors SUCK without the monsters being slowed.

also, imo Meteors only start to feel good once you reached a critical amount of them.

If you have any more questions let me know, I do a LOT of blighted maps each league because I love them
ign: PhrozenFlame
Last edited by cocomoloco#6500 on Sep 23, 2020, 8:47:46 AM
The new replica siegebreaker is extra dmg and clear if you feel like it.
NagiSoi wrote:
The new replica siegebreaker is extra dmg and clear if you feel like it.
The regular Siegebreaker already does the 20% caustic pools, it's not bad temporarily but when I switched to Darkness Enthroned it was noticeably better. You can get up to 40 life, 12% minion life, 20% minion damage, and 10% all resists on one jewel: two of those at +75% is insane value.

I've been thinking about speccing Mind Over Matter. Dynamo, Battle Rouse, and other good mana nodes are all nearby even taking the good life nodes. Would require Anointing Gravepact, but that requires a lot of mediocre travel nodes anyway. There's not a lot of ideal mana reservers and the playstyle is fine waiting a second between casts. Essence Glutton instead of Plaguebringer would be another option since Blood Offering costs no mana. Could be a powerful defensive layer that this build is missing.
Last edited by therealtoothman#2453 on Sep 23, 2020, 1:44:54 PM
therealtoothman wrote:
NagiSoi wrote:
The new replica siegebreaker is extra dmg and clear if you feel like it.
The regular Siegebreaker already does the 20% caustic pools, it's not bad temporarily but when I switched to Darkness Enthroned it was noticeably better. You can get up to 40 life, 12% minion life, 20% minion damage, and 10% all resists on one jewel: two of those at +75% is insane value.

I've been thinking about speccing Mind Over Matter. Dynamo, Battle Rouse, and other good mana nodes are all nearby even taking the good life nodes. Would require Anointing Gravepact, but that requires a lot of mediocre travel nodes anyway. There's not a lot of ideal mana reservers and the playstyle is fine waiting a second between casts. Essence Glutton instead of Plaguebringer would be another option since Blood Offering costs no mana. Could be a powerful defensive layer that this build is missing.

Causting pools dont work with these scepters because skellies have avatar of fire thus poison/chaos does not do damage.

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