3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! SLOW-MO ZOMBIES: No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!

AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
I see your point.

Although I think the tough part of the guide is the initial acquiring of the specters not when they die IMO.

GGG fixed the QOL for them when they die to make it VERY simple. You just walk into your hideout, desecrate and your dead specters are waiting for you to raise again.

And that is assuming they ever die :) I still have not lost even one and I am almost level 94.

But I do agree the acquiring of them is tough especially for new players and the hard to find specters.
Ya AndyLovesHisBge. We'll have to see. I'm likely going to be starting fresh with my guides when PoE 2 is released. I'll likely have two guides from the ascendancies from PoE 1 and 2 guides from the ascendancies from PoE 2. So all feedback and suggestions are good as I obviously don't know what is in store for ascendancies. Keep them coming if you have them!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
snowmittens wrote:
After a rather successful (and harvess free) run on trade league I decided to do a SSF run instead of quiting the league early.

I already leveled a generic zombie necro and currently doing white maps on garbage gear

This build and specifically M_atrix version of it gives me something to work towards for the long run

Hoping for some good RNG drops. Pray for Mittens
Awesome snowmittens! Way to stick with it!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Guru1619 wrote:
League started with a Tec Slam Marauder and made enough currency to get a cheap 5c tabula and reroll to this as i just couldnt get the tec slam 'feeling good'.

As always this is pretty much one of my go to builds every league! Kind of nice seeing it go back to it's roots though! (really didn't enjoy the minion instability phase, i love my minions and didn't like the idea of turning em into bombs heh)

Anyways, been messing with the 6th link for Zombies and have been seeing a few people posting about dropping life and what else to put there, any reason to not put either Spectre's or Skele's in the open 6th slot then? Pseudo dirty 5 link Zombies and Skele's/Spectre's seems like it'd also be a pretty decent DPS boost.

Also, i agree with the other person asking about the CwdT setup, think there's either some lag going on or it's cycling through the spells each time it's triggered? Don't remember it being like this in previous leagues though.
Hey Guru1619! I'm sorry Tec Slam didn't work out to your liking but it's always nice to have you around! I always think it's awesome to have another minion as the 6L gem option. Good call :).

In regards to CwDT, are you referring to Bone Offering and such? You don't see those skills going off? (If it's the same link, have you tried going to Act 10 and seeing if it works properly without any other gear equipped?)

Thanks for the post!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Caligula_Exile wrote:
My witch has a brand-new toy and she loves it:

One more companion (already bulit in, no need for another gem socket), more life regeneration, more life and added physical damage for all the minions.

I was hoping so much to find this weapon. I was missing the stone golem. He looks so cute.
Cute hey? I'm glad you found the unique you were hunting for!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
Just hit level 94 and the game gave me a nice reward almost exactly when I leveled as it dropped a 6 link Soul Mantle. I put it up for sale as the cheapest one available at 2ex.

In previous leagues this would have been an ok score but in this league I have been so starved for currency that this is going to make a huge difference in my bank account.
Awesome! Way to go!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
M_atrix wrote:
Ok, I think I've reached the next level as a POE player, haha. Just crafted myself this item:

Had to waste 2 exalts to make it happen. This is how it looked before everything:

I crafted: Cannot roll attack modifiers. This makes it very likely to get +1 to Level of Socketed Gems if you exalt the item when you have all 3 suffix slots full, since you need an open prefix slot for it. And it actually happened! After I got +1 level to socketed gems, I just removed all other attack modifiers with my saved up Harvest crafts. And I basically have the best in slot weapon for my zombies.

Now... Now comes the hardest part with RNG - I only have 2 exalts left and I need at least 4 to be able to craft: can have up to 3 crafted modifiers and then craft +2 level of socketed support gems.

Oh, and I was lucky enough to get a 6-link by using about ~400 orbs of fusing. [It's always a good idea to get an item to 20% quality and craft another 16% via crafting bench for better odds of 6 linking it]

If I will get lucky in Alva's temple (which I will do very soon) and will be able to double corrupt Empower gem to lvl 4 - I will be a happy camper ^^

I really hope they will not nerf harvest after this league ends. it's such a good thing for SSF players.
Dang. Sexy! Nice one!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
pat_hibulaire wrote:
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
Please share your opinions of the end game bosses with your build so far.

Shaper Guardians: No problems, but have not faced many
Elder Guardians: Enslaver gave me an issue once but since that time no issue

Veritania: Easier than most map bosses

Drox: Takes a while to kill but does not present any danger. Just clear any nearby banners as you don't want them overlapping his bubble.

Baran: Pretty easy. Just deathmark and stay out of his mana runes.

Al Hezmin: he is annoying. If you can't burst him instantly down, when he hops away his friends in the moat can damage you since they are not taunted. Convocation is huge in this fight since I can usually get to him faster than my minions when he starts hopping.

I won't comment on Sirus since I suck too badly at the game to give an opinion. The deaths have nothing to do with the build, it is all lack of skill with mouse.

well, i had lot of issues with maps end bosses until you saved my life with this wonderful idea, swap temporal chains for vulnerability
clearing is almost the same, we just have to be a little bit more careful, but really nothing relevant

about your other changing, meat shield for empower, i didn't try yet, i find myself not strong enough to ditch it

but really i want to insist on this swap temporal chains/vulnerability, it's really a changing life for me, much much more relevant than swap meat shield for deathmark for my build. so if anyone have issues with single target it's the first thing to try in my opinion

You can thank M_atrix for that curse suggestion, not me :) It was his recommendation to me that made me try it and he was absolutely right.

As for Meatshield, don't make the change to Empower and Deathmark until you get "Chance for Minions to Taunt" on a jewel.

Once you have that stat though on a jewel, immediately make the change to Empower 3 (or 4 if you are rich) and Deathmark. It is a large DPS boost, the Zombies stay more engaged fighting, you get an extra zombie and the taunt is 100% guaranteed with the amount of minions we have hitting.

Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge#5265 on Jul 11, 2020, 6:03:40 PM
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
Please share your opinions of the end game bosses with your build so far.

Shaper Guardians: No problems, but have not faced many
Elder Guardians: Enslaver gave me an issue once but since that time no issue

Veritania: Easier than most map bosses

Drox: Takes a while to kill but does not present any danger. Just clear any nearby banners as you don't want them overlapping his bubble.

Baran: Pretty easy. Just deathmark and stay out of his mana runes.

Al Hezmin: he is annoying. If you can't burst him instantly down, when he hops away his friends in the moat can damage you since they are not taunted. Convocation is huge in this fight since I can usually get to him faster than my minions when he starts hopping.

I won't comment on Sirus since I suck too badly at the game to give an opinion. The deaths have nothing to do with the build, it is all lack of skill with mouse.

Shaper guardians: - (not tried yet)

Veritania - if you have one of these beauties, the fight is still lengthy and thus annoying, but no big deal afterall.

Drox - the worst of all. This sucker keeps spamming banners faster than my minions destroy them. The fight takes aaaages. Two times I almost failed (died to lack of concentration because I was rather worn out after so much time in one boring boss arena).
I guess Deathmark could help a lot here to tell the minions that they should attack the big bad bad first and not his minions.

Baran himself is doable although he sometimes fills almost the whole ground with his mana runes and I hardly find a safe spot to stand on. What I utterly despise are the Baran-influenced maps. The permanent "waah!"-shouts form his dummies, total visual clusterfuck, mana runes stay much too long on the floor what is a big pain even more in rather tight map layouts like sewers.

Al Hezmin - it's a gamble. As long as I'm lucky and the snakes don't attack me too often it's an ok fight. Capped chaos resistances + Quicksilver flask + Convocation are the keys here.

Elder guardians - depending on the bosses themselves and on the map mods. Sometimes I can do it death-free, sometimes I totally fail.

Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
Please share your opinions of the end game bosses with your build so far.

Shaper Guardians: Did Minotaur and got 6-portaled because the rocks kept smashing my skull in with no warning. The rest of them typically are not problematic though.

Elder Guardians: Nothing too bad, there's the risk of the Eradicator melting me with bad map mods however.

Veritania: Easymode.

Baran: Easy as long as RNG doesn't shotgun you to death.

Drox: Much less annoying since I got Deathmark but his attacks are lost in the maze of minions. I keep out of the way.

Al Hezmin: Tedious but not really hard. Another boss where you have to keep out of the way because sometimes the snakes will aim for your golem instead of you and you'll run right into their venom.

Sirus: Absolute cancer. I hate everything about him and his fight. I want to behead him and put his head on a pike in my hideout.
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Hey Guru1619! I'm sorry Tec Slam didn't work out to your liking but it's always nice to have you around! I always think it's awesome to have another minion as the 6L gem option. Good call :).

In regards to CwDT, are you referring to Bone Offering and such? You don't see those skills going off? (If it's the same link, have you tried going to Act 10 and seeing if it works properly without any other gear equipped?)

Thanks for the post!

Unfortunately IRL has been keeping me from playing much (helped family move from Oregon to Southern California) so still in Act 3 somewhere with my Necro... I tend to be way over leveled for the area though and just bought the gems via my marauder to use most of them 'early'(so nice having Shield Charge from the start!).

As for CwdT, haven't gotten to it on the necro, but was using it on my Marauder
for Wave of Conviction and Immortal Call. Was noticing it would cast either/or, not both when it procd/triggered(not sure the right term for CwdT since it does both heh). No other gear besides a tabula for Tec Slam and CwdT in gloves at the time i was testing it.

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