[3.11] Agnostic RF - Bane Occultist | All Content Viable | League Start | Now SSF Viable!

AndreshKi wrote:
Hey, I'm doing this build with Indigon and dual Apep's rage and i must say, this is the most fun i've had in awhile, the combo everything in the passive tree + indigon and apep's, feels really strong and tanky, can easily rush through red maps, and i don't even have a 6L cloak yet.

Using 2 Apep's rage wands, skills cost +80 total more mana, and linking flame dash to arcane surge, second wind and steelskin makes it so you proc AS with 2 flame dash casts and 1 steelskin, so you can nearly have a 100% uptime on arcane surge.

Apep's in general give a pretty good boost to bane damage from the flat chaos and the added mana costs proc Indigon every 2 skills cast since every skill is costing 100+ mana with this setup, and because of it, the more you cast the easier it is to keep arcane surge up, because with each 200 mana spent, your skills will cost more and more so there will be times you'll be able to proc it with a single flame dash/steelskin, and with each cast your skills will do more and more damage too, and that can ramp up to insane amoung really fast.

I also swapped herald of ash for malevolence, since we are not getting any more phys dmg from the wands.

The Apeps are an excellent way to increase damage and, with the cluster jewel buffs, might be one the ways I plan to scale end game damage. Mana scaling is already in the build, uses of nodes like dark ideation will only double down on that fact. I use herald of ash as it does not get disabled by the supreme ego loop [1], and is the essence of the triple pop set up [2]. However, in a league like harvest, there are dozens of other options for wands that increase damage substantially.
Icewind_1982 wrote:
darth_suicune wrote:
Icewind_1982 wrote:

I'm playing SSF, no cloak of defiance, no foible, just one obliteration, but I can sustain RF and I might have some tips for you...

thank you kindly and argh, there were so many obvious nooby errors I made...
I feel a little embarrased now, but your tips sure will come in handy...

Concerning tabula rasa... I ran the aqueduct, blood aqueduct and now maps a lot, but am currently at 5 Humility and 5 Vanity... lets see which is completed first ^^

Hopefully vanity as a double corrupted tabula (some combo of curse/aoe/all skill gems) adds enough damage to consider not using cloak of defiance.
Last edited by f1rstborn#2550 on Jun 29, 2020, 9:28:56 AM
So once profane bloom is speced into do you flip to the endgame build?
I don't get it..

is this a Bane build or a RF build?

What does the damage? do I need to click on all pack to kill them (RSI so looking for low button builds).
Souljasam wrote:
So once profane bloom is speced into do you flip to the endgame build?

Correct. Profane will ruin ED/C so we switch to bane at that point.
LUXEdeJUNK wrote:
I don't get it..

is this a Bane build or a RF build?

What does the damage? do I need to click on all pack to kill them (RSI so looking for low button builds).

Unfortunately this build is using RF to buff bane damage so we click them. Likely not RSI friendly.
Can someone please post just the final pob or a screenshot of it?

I don't have a pc and tabbed pobs only show the first one on mobile.

Any suggestions for managing stun? Since we have a relatively small life pool and 0 energy shield due to Agnostic I feel like I get stunned A LOT.

Simplest way seems to be annointing Unwavering Stance but I'd much rather annoint Crusader for Transfiguration of Mind, or Whispers of Doom for a Vixen's setup.

I’m aware of Soul of the Brine king but I’m looking for something closer to complete stun immunity.
Last edited by eyetheftx#6359 on Jul 2, 2020, 8:42:33 PM
You basically get stunned every 2 seconds. Not very fun, single target damage seems atrocious.
f1rstborn wrote:
Souljasam wrote:
So once profane bloom is speced into do you flip to the endgame build?

Correct. Profane will ruin ED/C so we switch to bane at that point.

I'm a poe noob - does Profane Bloom "ruin" ED/C with just a 25% chance to explode, is that making a big difference?
Last edited by SpontaneousCombustion#3458 on Jul 7, 2020, 2:00:29 PM

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