[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS

Sirus A8 Phase 4:


Currently im at 90 90 90 75 resis, 88% Evasion and 85% Phys mitigation with flask up.

DPS is sick as you can see, but still have room to upgrade with easy upgrade and then a lil more with some out of the box options which might come in.
3.12 - Leveling to 100 on Sirus Kill: https://youtu.be/0z493V7yZ-E
Last edited by Kelzar#5778 on Oct 17, 2020, 4:26:47 AM
Breken wrote:
FutureFear wrote:

I've changed my setup while (re)gearing with Mask of the stitched demon + grave intentions allocated (on the tree). 16-17K Life regen per second now, and 70K+ life. Also testing corpse walkers on AG for the extra 3% regen ^^

Now that's an idea, do corpse walkers generate corpses when used by an AG? If so, that makes flesh offering a lot less annoying to use.

Sadly no, triggered skills don't work on AG, the regen on them does, and since I don't consume corpses the map is full of them, and AG always gets the 3% because of it; which is a decent bonus. ;)

I would say for any offering builds out there to use corpsewalker in their build because it's a free HEALING desecrate. O.o
what do u guyz thing of using a +1 intel + 1 physical skill amulet compared to chayula? which one do u think is better for the build?
Hemzokuken wrote:
FutureFear wrote:
Shadafaka wrote:
RIP my ag to... no idea what, but it was a 60% deli promenade with beyond, juiced up. Not sure what it died to because I just looked up and didn't see the icon anymore. Never saw the health go down. Lost kingmaker and garb of the ephemeral. No motivation to spend another 500c gearing it.

Yep, I had A simular death on my AG, Delerium + beyond = deadly for minions.

Probably because of the insane damage Abaxoth and Ephij can deal with Vaal storm call. Recognized by the insane fast colorful lighting strikes all over your screen.

I've changed my setup while (re)gearing with Mask of the stitched demon + grave intentions allocated (on the tree). 16-17K Life regen per second now, and 70K+ life. Also testing corpse walkers on AG for the extra 3% regen ^^

I'm in the process of crafting an i86 bone helmet that's shaper/elder.

It has 35% elemental resistances to my AG which should prevent it being 1 shot right?? Haha

What fossils do I use to make helm?


Which clusters would I want to make and how many passives 8 or 9 for large? Better off chaos spamming or just buying ones with 3 notables? (I got 2 X 8 passive clusters for large what 2 notable are preferable to start with? And I bought 4 X 6 passive mediums then chaos spammed for 18% increased effect of auras with 2 of them hitting chaos resist...is the 25% increased effect of passives better than the 8% notable??)

Also wouldn't a 10% of max mana as max es with either disc 2.4% es regen/10% of physical taken as lightning/cold/fire be a better combo?

Cheers guys

If/when you're running around with the all our aura's Elemental Resistance on the helmet won't help at all, since they are already capped for Animate Guardian thanks to our auras.
CHAOS resistance does however help (a little but). However since my Animate guardian died 2 days ago, with an Elder bone helmet, with life, chaos res and -9% phys dmg reduction, I would say it's "sh*t".

Hence the reason why I went for grave intentions notable + stitched demon mask to give my AG Energyshield and 1% life regen per sec per 500 ES. Since he get's 9K ES that's 18% life regen per second +3% on boots is a whopping 21% Add Anomalous feeding frenzy to it with 1% on hit also and it will pretty much heal 1/5th of it's life EVERY SECOND.

For Cluster jewels:

8 passives for large jewels 6 for medium.

3 Notables for large (minion) with Renewal, rotten claws and whatever you can afford (vicious bite = most DPS)

Medium with 2 notables: Replenishing presence and first among equals.
The 25% = exactly the same as 8%
35% = better as 8%
On those jewels you can only roll 1 notable, so I would go 35% + 10% (first among equals) Note that for 35% you'll need jewels of Item lvl 84+

How you get them doesn't matter, I Crafted "something" first then upgraded with buying, I still don't have best in slot... ;)

Hey Folks,

My build guide on my cyclone variant is live:


60M+ total DPS and still close to 90% resistance, perhaps even possible to cap with some more min-maxing.
Thank you for this guide. I cleared my first AL8 Sirus last night. Died once.
Clearly I still have many upgrades available. Not sure if I'll continue. What do you guys do after clearing AL8? Keep reclearing? Min-maxing? Other content?
I'll link my items to give you an idea of my gear.
What's a good solid AG item setup for hardcore? Items like Garb and Kingmaker aren't really viable due to availability/price. Right now I'm using Southbound, Leer Cast, Rainbowstride, Dying Breath and a chest with crafted "% of life as extra maximum ES". I'm expecting him to die from time to time and that's fine.
Is it possible to afk blight maps with this build? i couldnt find information about this
sorlix wrote:
Is it possible to afk blight maps with this build? i couldnt find information about this

No, not possible, we're missing the "amount" of minions needed. 5 golems, 8 zombies, 3 (or 4) spectres and AG is not enough to agro all sides.

ON top our golems aren't as "fast" in attacking compared to some spectres.

On T13-16 blighted maps we also probably die ourselves when AFK.
What movement skill is everyone using?

How do you alter it? Do we just have to swap shield charge out?

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