[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

Lyserr wrote:
Really enjoying this build this league. Other than getting a better watcher's eye (if anyone is selling please let me know) what else could I do to upgrade this character? Its feeling pretty good as is but I dont wanna change builds and have currency id like to use to push it further. Any suggestions on what my next upgrades would be? Should I be linking gear? Ive never done that before but I have a PoB:


Gloves: Potentially you can have double and even triple dmg mods with open suffix + Prefix Warlord exalt slam
edit: Now that i think about it you can even get quadruple dmg mod but that's just flexing xD

Boots: Get rid of them, Kaom is outdated and you can get a solid boost to both your DPS and survivability with a pair with Attack speed/Ele penetration enchant, elusive &/or tailwind and some quality of life from speed increase ( You can take unwavering stance from the tree, it's on our way. )

Helmet: Power charge mod or %cold penetration + higher max life roll

Ring: Circle of fear.

Amulet: Anoint Fangs of frost, it's just better.

I can go on but that's a good start :)

Last edited by SkyReacher#2081 on Oct 23, 2020, 12:47:46 AM
Loving this build so far. Just got to mapping.

One thing I would suggest to people while waiting for funds to buy/craft an endgame axe - I am finding that a 6l Debeon's Dirge is actually really damn good in the early going - its a good cheap alternative until you can get a better one - I am wailing on stuff with it and thought I would toss it in there!
Loving this build, thank you! Also, I would greatly appreciate any and all advice in regard to my gear. Currently, I'm struggling in the survivability department albeit rather slightly. Death comes for us all but he has a bias for me apparently! Thanks in advance.
SkyReacher wrote:
Lyserr wrote:
Really enjoying this build this league. Other than getting a better watcher's eye (if anyone is selling please let me know) what else could I do to upgrade this character? Its feeling pretty good as is but I dont wanna change builds and have currency id like to use to push it further. Any suggestions on what my next upgrades would be? Should I be linking gear? Ive never done that before but I have a PoB:


Gloves: Potentially you can have double and even triple dmg mods with open suffix + Prefix Warlord exalt slam
edit: Now that i think about it you can even get quadruple dmg mod but that's just flexing xD

Boots: Get rid of them, Kaom is outdated and you can get a solid boost to both your DPS and survivability with a pair with Attack speed/Ele penetration enchant, elusive &/or tailwind and some quality of life from speed increase ( You can take unwavering stance from the tree, it's on our way. )

Helmet: Power charge mod or %cold penetration + higher max life roll

Ring: Circle of fear.

Amulet: Anoint Fangs of frost, it's just better.

I can go on but that's a good start :)

thanks man! tried my best to find some items for that. A couple questions:

Gloves: I found some new gloves that gave me quick a dps boost for pretty cheap. Are these okay or is it really worth going for the quad dmg roll?

Boots: I got new boots and holy crap you were right, I dont miss kaoms. THANK YOU.

Helmet: dang its hard to find one of these for sale. Im trying to find a redeemer burgonet base. Is - cold resist more dmg than chance to get a power charge on kill for an axe based build like mine?

Ring: gonna hold off on this till last since hard to find one with frost bite and double dmg rolls, any less than that and PoB is saying its a dps loss. Not sure if thats right but I dont mind missing a little dmg for alot of survivability.

Amulet: I have fangs of frost spec'd, as an axe based build was definitely worth getting into that part of the tree. Also wondering if I should go divergent ele attacks for the mana leech which would earn me 3 skill points but id lose my lvl 5 awakened ele attacks gem.

here is my updated PoB:

really appreciate all your help btw <3

Last edited by Lyserr#7822 on Oct 25, 2020, 7:12:11 AM
Hey, I've been thinking about switching over to this build from the "Warbringer Ground Slam" build and am wondering if my current character can be salvaged into this one. Or should I just start over and make a new one?
Selling some niche items, take a look - If i don't respond in game DM me on forums.

Last edited by SkyReacher#2081 on Oct 26, 2020, 5:43:39 AM
thanks man! tried my best to find some items for that. A couple questions:

Gloves: I found some new gloves that gave me quick a dps boost for pretty cheap. Are these okay or is it really worth going for the quad dmg roll?

Boots: I got new boots and holy crap you were right, I dont miss kaoms. THANK YOU.

Helmet: dang its hard to find one of these for sale. Im trying to find a redeemer burgonet base. Is - cold resist more dmg than chance to get a power charge on kill for an axe based build like mine?

Ring: gonna hold off on this till last since hard to find one with frost bite and double dmg rolls, any less than that and PoB is saying its a dps loss. Not sure if thats right but I dont mind missing a little dmg for alot of survivability.

Amulet: I have fangs of frost spec'd, as an axe based build was definitely worth getting into that part of the tree. Also wondering if I should go divergent ele attacks for the mana leech which would earn me 3 skill points but id lose my lvl 5 awakened ele attacks gem.

here is my updated PoB:

really appreciate all your help btw <3

Are you hitting cap phys reduction? if not get Iron Reflexes from the tree or switch to pure armor gear

boots I'd advice Elusive or Elusive and tailwind combo for survivability and quality of life ( I see you have HH so I assume you can afford )

gloves, they are totally fine, switch the craft though to crit and ele dmg, you can potentially get one extra mod for free by looking for spiked gloves with the same stats and squeeze another 20-30% on top with crusader if I am correct ( Prefix ), this is totally optional min max btw.

helmet, I just listed one with both needs mods, you better off crafting one this is extremely niche item and I'd advice you to craft the max power charge and slam the 9% cold pene on top cause they are not expensive to find just make sure it's the only redeemer mod when you slam awakner.

weapon, can you sustain mana without divergent ele? if yes than you'll be fine without it.

ring, not sure why you still don't have circle of fear, get one it's a massive damage boost, the other look for a base with Frostbite as implicit modifier it'll give you one extra mod to slam and play as you wish

Armor, do you have way to sustain/gain power charges? if not get the 15% on armor or get a cluster with Cold Condution & Stormrider.

Life flask, you got corrupted blood implicit on jewel but you still run immune to bleeding, run hybrid flask with effect not removed at full mana and get something there instead to sustain.

everything else seems fine, again you are min maxing at this point but it seems like you aren't lacking currency so there is plenty you can min max my man.

Last edited by SkyReacher#2081 on Oct 26, 2020, 6:14:03 AM
Armor: not sure if I am tbh, PoB says I am but when I check in game after hitting just lions roar im at 57 percent dmg reduction. Iron reflexes would increase my armor by 9.5 percent (1700ish armor). I ll use my next skill point for that.

Gloves: thank you, I will change the craft roll and keep an eye out for spiked gloves to play with.

Helmet/Cluster: I got a new one with -nearby cold res. Do I need +1 to power charges? I added some clusters (so far seems worth). Im running stormrider and cold conduction, with fuel the fight and drive the destruction

Ring: I believe you. I think my PoB is lying to me. Im using the community fork and no matter what circle of fear I copy into PoB it shows a dps loss when replacing my steel ring. I will look for one with % max life as I'm trying to get lvl 100 and dont mind waiting until then to get one as I would lose a fair amount of health have to change alot of gear around to fix my resists.

Boots: I found some with phy converted to cold and went for those bc with HH in heists (basically all I do) I move so fast I can hardly even control my character. But yea I agree elusive/tailwind is just so nice especially if your mapping/delving/anything but standing at a heist door.

I was also wondering how the first hit of ice crash works as far as applying freeze/chill and the bonus dmg to chilled enemies. Does the first hit apply chill and bonus dmg to chilled? I assume if I crit it freezes and frozen enemies are considered chilled. So if I crit I get the bonus dmg to chilled on first hit? If not would a cluster notable like chilling presence be worth it to run?

thanks again for all the help my man.
heres my updated PoB with clusters and new gear: https://pastebin.com/E5SmYh46
Last edited by Lyserr#7822 on Oct 26, 2020, 7:43:28 AM
Lyserr wrote:

I was also wondering how the first hit of ice crash works as far as applying freeze/chill and the bonus dmg to chilled enemies. Does the first hit apply chill and bonus dmg to chilled? I assume if I crit it freezes and frozen enemies are considered chilled. So if I crit I get the bonus dmg to chilled on first hit? If not would a cluster notable like chilling presence be worth it to run?

Not too sure about that part to be honest, apologies.

Regarding Cluster - I personally am not running any at the moment but I may switch to Cold Conduction alone without the power charge part as I generate enough with the armor alone ( 85% Base crit chance currently and basically guaranteed crit chance with Flask )
Lyserr wrote:

I was also wondering how the first hit of ice crash works as far as applying freeze/chill and the bonus dmg to chilled enemies. Does the first hit apply chill and bonus dmg to chilled? I assume if I crit it freezes and frozen enemies are considered chilled. So if I crit I get the bonus dmg to chilled on first hit? If not would a cluster notable like chilling presence be worth it to run?

The answer to your question is the following:
Hit that applies the ailment does not benefit from the ailment it applies. So if your first hit chills the enemy, the 'dmg against chilled enemies' does not apply, only starting from the second hit you get the extra damage. This is actually indeed quite relevant for slow, hard-hitting skills like slams.
So there is a merit for chiiling presence, though keep in mind that it still is investing a notable into it. Probably not worth on its own for the damage sake, but the QOL of chilling aura is also worthwhile.

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