Why the XP penalty?

Hasunic wrote:
You don't deserve the higher level if you can't stop dying before gaining 10% xp tbh

LoL I'm sorry, not everyone can be as hardcore as you. Its about fun, if you're not having fun then why play the game? If you have to be so hardcore that it becomes a second, or in some cases a first job, then thats not a game is it?

I followed a guide to a T, and still have issues but things have gotten better since my initial post.
yamface wrote:
xspawnx wrote:
Thats an excellent point! So often I try to figure out what killed me but, you simply can't tell. Some things in the game one shot you and makes you scratch your head. When you are resist capped, have at least 4-5k health etc and wonder how can I get one shot? If we had a log of what killed us it would help us develop our builds better, or at least adjust as needed.

See this is a fundamental problem with the players. 99% of sc players don't know how to build into proper defense. If you only have 4-5k hp at that high of a level you might a well not even invest into hp at all.

If you guys think the game constantly throws random bullshit deaths, watch some top hc streamers. Eg alkiezer, dirtydan, steelmage, etc. These guys don't randomly die like you see everyone in sc. If they DO die, its because of a dc or they stepped into something that was obviously high risk (for example, opening 10 spear throwing rares in a legion).

I think the worst part is this whole idea of building glass cannon is a self perpetuating problem. It's easier to build glass cannon than it is to actually learn to balance character building. So that is what everyone does, they essentially give up on balanced builds even though it works.

Thats not true, I followed a build guide to a T. I don't have the best gear but I have very good gear overall, cost me about 3 exalts or so to get. I still die randomly at lvl 91, just not as much as I did earlier because I upgraded some gear along the way. The point is anything can happen, lag spikes are extremely common too, which cause deaths easily.

I have a brand new alienware PC that I bought a month ago and still get random lag spikes. The servers for GGG are shit. I hope thats another thing they can upgrade for at least the upcoming expansion.
xspawnx wrote:

Did you just try to counter the argument "99% of sc players don't know how to build into proper defense" with "that's not true, I followed a guide..."? Or did I misunderstand anything? Some sarcasm I didn't get?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Aug 28, 2020, 3:26:43 PM
NexiieQT wrote:
Are you following a build guide? Your gear choices puzzles me, like why are you using The Surrender on your Necro? Also surely you can get a much better wand than what you're currently using that shouldn't cost much to buy or craft. Too many dead stats on your other gear slots as well. Amulet for instance. Flat cold to attacks does nothing for your VD, cast speed also does nothing since you aren't casting. Ele damage to attack stats also does nothing for you. You don't need to use 2 life flasks as well.

There are plenty of things you can change without much hassle at this point in the league and you're gonna fly through to level 93 easy.

Of course I'm following a build guide, for volatile spellslinger. The surrender shield is the one thing that has helped me get past lvl 90 lol. My build is built on elemental damage so why wouldn't I be using elemental dmg gear? I'm sure I can min/max all day. I use 2 health flasks because again, its one of the things that has been keeping me afloat aside from my shield.
Phrazz wrote:
xspawnx wrote:

Did you just try to counter the argument "99% of sc players don't know how to build into proper defense" with "that's not true, I followed a guide..."? Or did I misunderstand anything? Some sarcasm I didn't get?

No sarcasm, what am I supposed to do? Not follow a build guide? i don't have time to min/max all day on my own. Besides isn't that what most players do, follow guides?
xspawnx wrote:
No sarcasm, what am I supposed to do? Not follow a build guide? i don't have time to min/max all day on my own. Besides isn't that what most players do, follow guides?

There's nothing wrong with following a guide, dear Sir. It was just a very weird counter argument to the statement you quoted. ARE you building into good defenses, or are you hoping that the build creator is?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
xspawnx wrote:
No sarcasm, what am I supposed to do? Not follow a build guide? i don't have time to min/max all day on my own. Besides isn't that what most players do, follow guides?

There's nothing wrong with following a guide, dear Sir. It was just a very weird counter argument to the statement you quoted. ARE you building into good defenses, or are you hoping that the build creator is?

Yes, I'm trying to get my defenses up. The game is about balance I suppose right? too much defense, you cant kill things, too much of a glass cannon, can't stay alive long enough to kill etc. I'm sure I can use more HP but thats where the leveling and the xp penalty comes into question from my original post.

Can't progress my character much if I can't level. Gear helps a ton but again I can only min/max for so long, eventually I just want to play the game.
696Gamer wrote:
If there is no xp penalty I can fight Shaper and Elder more often cause I don't skip every map that Zana gave me and has a guardian if I am not 100% sure that I can do them deathless.

If there is no xp penalty I can do every synthesised map.

If there is no xp penalty I can complete Atlas faster cause I can beat every vaaled map that otherwise I can't do deathless and skip.

If there is no xp penalty I didn't play differnt my character at 10% - 70% and 90% of experience Like I do now.

Bottom line xp penalty and limited access to end bosses, is what make every fight feels like an accoplishment ...is like how I can kill this bastard and not when.

And for me that's the beauty of the game.

And in my opinion, if you died in a turbo, 300% critical, -10 resistanses, +90 lightning - cold, Eradicator (or put any other boss), you don't need a death recap to understand what kills you.

And whats wrong with this? If I want to dive into a more "hardcore" mode, they should have that in hardcore. Leave the "causal" stuff to the casuals or standard game. Not everyone has all the time in the world to grind, games are supposed to be fun, not a grindfest. Its already a grind to do most of the content in the game between all the different game mechanics, min/maxing etc.

Not to mention in another 2 weeks or so, we'll do this all over again. I'm sorry but I just got into the end game, and now I have to start over? Awesome! *sarcasm.

I get it, we need difficulty to feel accomplishment and there are many ways this game does that, but its self defeating when you can't achieve one of the most basic aspects of the game, to level.
Last edited by xspawnx#5037 on Aug 28, 2020, 3:53:34 PM
xspawnx wrote:
I'm sure I can use more HP but

That's the thing, though. While HP is always good, GGG have been adding more and more solid solution outside of just "more HP". Hell, the tankiest (read: invulnreable) build this league, has almost no HP/ES at all.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
So the one thing that will force me to quit is the STUPID XP penalty when dying during Trials and Maps. GGG does a great job but this mechanic or POT HOLE absolutely ruins the endgame. Losing loot...ok. Losing the MAP...ok. But losing XP you earned elsewhere...again STUPID. Worst case take XP eared in the failed MAP but not already banked.

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