[3.13] Contagious Burning Discharge - Chieftain/Jugg | Budget to wild - League start friendly

Welcome to my first, and probably terrible build guide.

Videos section at the bottom if you want to see it in action.

3.13 Update

We lost 2% regen, everything else the same.
Look for a blackflame version and possibly a Elementalist version as the league goes on.

Blackflame Elementalist - Big Damage/Less utility - recommended version for 3.14


Build Guide - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3009508

Build takes advantage of the blackflame unique ring introduced in 3.13 and adds some wither/chaos goodness to discharge. 7M+ DPS, unaffected by WoC nerfs.

My history with Discharge.
About 7 years ago I fell in love with Discharge, and like all good things, GGG nerfed it to the ground. I joined a group of all discharge players and we nuked everything in the game at the time. It was a slower time, and was quickly out paced by today's zoom zoom builds.

Later discharge came back in the form of CoC and I cyclone'd my way through the game once again. Enjoying the booms and piles of corpses left behind.

I long for the return to a simpler time when you pressed one button and whatever was on your screen (and the one next to it) vaporized. Now is that time.

POB - Community Fork - Leveling Trees - Gear Sets

IF THE POB DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU, GOOGLE POB FORK. You need to update to the community fork for a more accurate and up to date PoB.

Chieftain - https://pastebin.com/c3HNwWhS - tree is for Replica Ambu's Charge chest, since it is so cheap. If not using, spec inexorable in place of the current 3 nodes before Disciple of the Unyielding.

Jugg - https://pastebin.com/zyELnbjd

A few people asked for a cluster jewel variant, this is what I came up with. WILL NOT BE CHEAP. requires very min-maxed jewels to fit the puzzle together and they are not a friendly craft.
Cluster jewel variant - https://pastebin.com/Mqsiu5xR
NOTE - the node Cremator will hurt your prolif a bit but helps versus on death effects like porcupines, if you want better clear use another node, if you want safer clear use cremator.


If you are playing earlier versions of this build, do the following.

Change CWDT to a 4L and drop Second Wind

Put Blood Magic, Enduring Cry, Flame Dash, Second Wind, Inc Duration into a 5L, Blood rage goes in chest as well and can be linked or not, doesn't matter.

Add level 1 or 2 clarity to aura links based on your mana. Leave about 150 available and you will never run out.

Pros -

- 3M+ ignite DPS endgame.
- Long (almost 7 sec) ignites for easy hit and run (if you need to) boss fights. 20mil+ total damage per ignite in endgame gear.
- Up to 4000 health regen and 1k+ leech.
- 100% uptime enduring cry (20% physical damage reduction, 20% all res)
- capped physical dmg reduction.
- 10 endurance charges endgame.
- 230% life from tree.
- Cheap to start, lots of currency sinks endgame to min/max

Cons -

- Main damage skill has a cooldown.
- Can't run ele reflect or 90% aliment immunity map mods
- Not a one shot boss build - its a DoT, big bosses take awhile but are safe fights.

Endurance Charge Generation
Starting out will be slow and probably better to level at least some of the way as another skill/spell.

By mid-game gear we get our hands on the Eye of Innocence and take 25% chance for an endurance charge on being hit. Coupled with our CWDT firestorm/WoC, we will have a steady trickle of charges due to our super high ignite chance on all spells. This will reflect fire damage to us and start a loop. As long as mobs are around, the loop will continue to provide charges until we blast the screen away.

On top of that we have the chieftain "Valako" node which gives us a charge every second after a warcry has been used. Investing into some warcry cooldown reduction on the tree and gear will bring Enduring Cry down to 3.37sec CD providing 100% uptime.

So with our trickle of charges from Eye of innocence, our Valako always being proc'd and the actual charges gained from Enduring Cry we should be fine.

We will not need anywhere near our 9-10 full charges to clear screens in maps. A couple should do fine.

Replica Ambu's Charge chest can help with mid game generation a ton. Coupled with Eye of Innocence we are instantly refilled on charges after every pack.

Gear -

Weapon -

Rare w/ fire damage to spells, DOT multi, or burning damage - lower DPS but easier to obtain already linked.

Realm Ender > Realm shaper - cheaper than Searing Touch and good DPS

Searing Touch - Great stats for the build, gem levels and high dot multi.

Hunter Crafted OP staff - +3 or more fire gems, Dual Dot multi, faster burn. In case you have a ton of currency to throw at the build. 46% more ignite DPS over Searing Touch.

*Shield - While leveling and before a 5L searing touch use Redblade banner for easier charge generation.

Helm -

Rare w/ life and resists

Hrimnor's Resolve - good mid game cheap helm. Fire damage, life, res, and freeze immune. Decent armor as well.

Warlord Crafted OP Helm - Discharge enchant, life/res, -9 fire res to enemies.

Chest -

Rare w/ life and resist. Cheap and easy to obtain, buy a corrupted 6l with the right colors

Tabula or 5L Belly of the Beast if defense is an issue.

6L Belly of the Beast - Good defensive stats and fairly cheap

6l Replica Ambu's Charge - Good charge generation with the Eye of innocence, slight degen, but easily out gunned by our massive regen. If you use this, drop Inexorable and get the 3 nodes before Disciple of unyielding.

6l Loreweave - Aim for 78 max res, further lowers Eye of innocence damage, can roll life and up to 50 ele damage.

Warlord Crafted OP chest - +1 socketed skill gems, +1 socketed Int gems, Endurance charge every second after a hit. Makes charge gen better. *upon getting the build in practice, charge generation is no problem. I would skip this for now. Just a nice DPS boost to chase.


Rare w/ life/res/dex

Rare w/ better life/res/dex


Rare w/ life/res/movespeed.

Abberath Hooves - The ignite chain will help with both charge gen and clear, fire damage boost as well - slow move speed though. **DO NOT USE WITH EYE OF INNOCENCE* You will blow yourself up.

Sunspite - Preferred boot with Eye of Innocence - unlocks being ignited which is a boost from the ammy, and also up to 40MS.

Shaper/Warlord OP Crafted boots - Life/res, +1 max endurance charge, cool down recovery

Alternate endgame - Deaths Door, +1 charge, no life but immune to bleed and some res.


Rare w/ life/res/fire damage

Eye of Innocence - main source of charge generation. Allows us to take constant hits with our CWDT setup and keep gaining charges from Inexorable on the tree or Replica Ambu's Charge.

Can also use Xoph's blood, or Yoke of suffering if charge gen is ok with GG chest.


Rare w/ life/res/fire damage

Kaom's Sign - +1 Max charge each, other stats fairly useless.

Kaom's Way - +1 Max charge and massive regen with our high charge count.


Rare w/ life/res - Try for a stygian vise, added flat damage to spells does well.

Rare w/ life/res/cooldown


Quicksilver for go fast

Instant life for scary moments

Cinderswallow for good map life/mana sustain and we can benefit from the ignite part, life regen the best mod I think.

Wise oak if you want the damage reduction but fire pen will not work on ignite. Swap for another quicksilver or whatever you are lacking in gear.

Sulphur for more regen and damage, roll with curse immune.

Jewels -
I took one jewel node, throw a fire damage/dot jewel in it.

If they ever make Cluster jewels worth crafting again I may try a cluster jewel variant.

Gems -

Discharge - Staff - chest if you have a +1 chest and ALL gems staff
Discharge - Combustion, Burning damage, Ignite proliferation, Deadly Ailments, Unbound ailments.
*note - if damage feels overkill in maps, swap Second Wind for Deadly Ailments for faster discharge.

Auras - Helm
Malevolence, Summon Skitterbots
ClarityLow level based on your needs, I use level 2

Curse/Boss mode - Gloves
Orb of Storms - Hextouch - Flammability - Increase crit strikes

CWDT - Boots
Wave of Conviction (7) - Vaal Molten Shell/Steelskin (10) - Firestorm(4) - Cast when Damage Taken(1) -

EC/Flame dash - Chest
Enduring Cry - Second Wind - Increased Duration - Flame Dash - Blood Magic - Blood Rage - level blood rage up to your dex


Can be played as either Chieftain or Jugg.
Chieftain gets more DPS, more regen. Easier chance to ignite.
Jugg gets easier charge generation early game. Better chaos res, better AoE and overall defense.

Chieftain - 1. Valako 2. Ramako 3. Tasalio 4. Hinekora

Jugg - 1. Unflinching 2. Unyielding 3. Unrelenting 4. Unbreakable/Unstoppable whichever you prefer

Major Pantheon - Soul of Arakaali - With at least the Queen unlocked, huge regen buff when it procs,

Minor Pantheon - whichever you like, I roll with Ralakesh a lot of the time.

Bandits - Kill all


If you are playing earlier versions of this build, do the following.

Change CWDT to a 4L and drop Second Wind

Put Blood Magic, Enduring Cry, Flame Dash, Second Wind, Inc Duration into a 5L, Blood rage goes in chest as well and can be linked or not, doesn't matter.

Add level 1 or 2 clarity to aura links based on your mana. Leave about 150 available and you will never run out.


Flame dash into pack or between two packs, Discharge. Repeat. Keep Enduring cry on LMB
Drop Orb of Storms on bosses to proc EO and curse. Not needed on mapping t16's Check my vids for a t16 guardian run with no auras on, we have map DPS to spare.


If I missed anything just let me know! And this is just my idea of the build, feel free to improve on it as you see fit. I am not a veteran build crafter and could be missing some things.

Last edited by bodhe#3613 on Apr 14, 2021, 11:02:49 AM
Last bumped on Apr 14, 2021, 11:01:07 AM
Added a cluster jewel PoB

Dropped Anger and Herald of Ash
Added Malevolence and Summon Skitterbots
Added more gear options

Changed PoB links for updated gem info.

Added screen shots of PoB to PoB section until gems info updated.
Posted Build Guide
Last edited by bodhe#3613 on Sep 23, 2020, 3:39:23 PM
I was looking for something like this, discharge changes look like it will have some INSANE damage!! I'll prob give this a try to start the league!
Looks like what I've been working on also. I'm really torn between Jugg and Chief. I wonder if theres an effective way to lower CD on Jugg without destroying the DPS, only thing I can think of is Second Wind.

Also, having to give up ammy slot solely for charges is OOF!
Last edited by Bradaw#4805 on Sep 17, 2020, 9:29:43 PM
All PoB Links are not working, rendering this guide useless
@VitaCola PoB links work just fine. you need the PoB Community Fork in order to properly use the link. Just google "PoB Fork" and you should find it no problem.
nice build, looking forward.
what you guys recommend to start with? pure dps build and then respec? Or play with discharge from begining? Im confused... thx
Hi. Also was thinking about discharge jugg/chief, but thought about realm ender as a starting weapon. What do you think? +4 to discharge and quite cheap.
treniki wrote:
Hi. Also was thinking about discharge jugg/chief, but thought about realm ender as a starting weapon. What do you think? +4 to discharge and quite cheap.

I think charge generation will be more valuable in the early game. Damage seems over tuned for leveling, so that staff may be overkill. The red blade shield gives full power enduring cry with no mobs around.
GodFailed wrote:
nice build, looking forward.
what you guys recommend to start with? pure dps build and then respec? Or play with discharge from begining? Im confused... thx

I haven't decided myself, probably going to try and if it is too painful I will level with either melee or fireball. Damage will be fine but until first lab and some tree nodes getting charges might be super clunky

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