[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start
" That's the idea. But there is even more into it. I was gonna make a new/update post, but I will give you heads up. You could get say... Minion flat crit or minion damage node on Arakali Fang - for daggers (or Earendel's Embrace/Mon'tregul's Grasp - for scepters) And then you could use one of the big Crucible rocks to transfer it from unique to a rare item. Trying to combine Lethe SHade and minion damage on the same rare item before you even start crafting on it. Last edited by Fire_Archer#4037 on Apr 15, 2023, 9:49:01 PM
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" Sounds great! I don't even know that unique can be converted to rare with this league mechanic. Also, good node from weapon passive tree - 40% increased attack speed/20% less damage (as we don't do damage himself, no need attack speed support gem). Last edited by Murmuüre#0276 on Apr 15, 2023, 8:18:03 PM
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" I'm not sure if that will even work, be even if it does not - there is always an option to just vaal unique with a tree into rare item and then combine 2 rare items. That's why I didn't want to share it before I test it, but I burned all my currency on CI experiment - so might take a whiel before I recover. Last edited by Fire_Archer#4037 on Apr 15, 2023, 9:54:35 PM
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I am looking for this Build.
I never played a Melee or a tanky build. Its looks cool and not really pricey, the End Gamesetup with 14 Million+ DPS without Ashes or other high div Items is nice. SKin is rising but i think Diallas would fix it or? Or what is a alternate Body Armour? With Flicker its fast and the Asenath explodes looks good too. I wonder how tanky it is? (pre high invest) The Ehp is high but i am a bit worry about the 12k Phys Max Hit. As i said i never played a build that wants to be tanky/semi tanky. U randomly dies in Map? What u need to Dodge? (of cause Sirius Metor etc.) but what about Mino and this Crew or Attacks from Tier 16 Map Boss. The Tanky part is the only "barrier" befor i instandly create my 2nd Char. I hope u can help me. |
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" I'm afraid I have to dissapoint you on 'tanky' part. This league in specific rare mosnters were massively buffed, and major part of being tanky was Skin of the Lords combined with other protections for 100% increased value. On a low gear people (myself included) report lots of deaths when reaching red maps. Still - its a max block build so most of the time you won't take damage. The idea behind the defencive layers is to have several 'safety bubbles' that can save you from death if your block fail and reacharge before you need them again. There are 2 ways to go with it. You could either tank up - I can give you tips on how to do it - then you'll be able to tank even Uber Shaper Slam (10000+ phys damage) but you will be doing 0 DPS. Or you can get so much damage that you will delete everything before it can hurt you, while still keeping some of the defencive stats. My experience shows that second option is by far a lot better, because it gives you less time to fail the block, run out of protective layers and die to some undeortunate event. In terms of playsyle against bosses - think of it this way - you don't wanna get hit by anything generally, but if you do end up getting hit, you have 75% chance to not take damage +15% fro They of Tul, and if that fails, you can be damaged 2-3 times more before you fall over. Last edited by Fire_Archer#4037 on Apr 16, 2023, 12:24:51 AM
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Time for some reading again.
So – what I was working on. First of all – experiments with CI.
Sadly I can’t say a whole lot about that. There are about as much benefits as there are downsides.
First of all – PoB https://pobb.in/ndmwTdGafL8n - in case someone wants to explore or even improve something. Since most of the item slots are locked for uniques – any way to get ES on gear is via Rings Boots and Shield. I ended up with just 3600 ES. Not nearly enough to survive oneshots. Being immune to chaos did feels great though. Overall – I’d say it needs Aegis + Determination to build up a big ES pool and restore it fully on every block. This is a good way to mitigate damage, but it also sacrifices a lot of DPS for doing so. I could live with that, but the turning point for me was - its very hard to see if I’m dying or not by looking at HP bar. Guess I’m just used to life based builds too much. Experiments with Crucible
As I said before – I had an idea to stick minions passive skills into non-minion bases. And I’m happy to say – it works.
And I’m sad to say – its super tedious. Basically – you can’t melt the unique weapon onto a rare weapon. But you CAN melt corrupted weapon on the non-corrupt base. BEHOLD What this means – you could potentially create a dagger with minion nodes and lethe shade getting +12-20% more DPS just from Crucible tree alone. But to do that, you would need to waste dozens of items in hope to get a good tree, then hope vaal orb will corrupt it into rare, and then hope that passives will stick to your item. This could be a league long crafting project – and in a way – its is really fun. Not something I would do prolly. But we will see. At very least it incentivizes you to interact with the league all the time. I simply aim at getting Lethe Shade and be happy with just that. But if I could also get lucky and get +1.2% crit to minions – that would be amazing. And finally – tweaks to the current build
Not much changed, got several tiny upgrades, but there are two things I want to point out 1) I decided to swap War Banner for Discipline. It ads a fair bit of tankiness at cost of little DPS loss. But its only really works because I have a Skin that doubles the value of Discipline. 2) Elegant Hubris. I decided to try out Supreme Decadence keystone now that I have a fair amount of ES. And it kinda feels good, but I need to point out how it works. Your Flask only heals ES if your life is not full. So having instant flask feels amazing – restoring your life and ES to full in one click. But if you use it when you are slightly damaged – it barely heals anything and doesn’t restore ES at all. Still a nice thing to have for 1 passive point I guess. Current PoB - https://pobb.in/RtbzfAHjOXAH Current items
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Lately i'm trying to do uber eater of worlds for the first time, but unfortunately dying too fast, what can i upgrade to gain more defense and kill him(sceptre upgrade in plans)?
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" Please do leave your PoB when asking questions like that, so I don't have to assume what iteams you used. It would also help if you could say exatly what are you dying to. All eater attacks hit very hard and you are not suppose to tank them. You can watch the video of eater I have, maybe slow it down - and see that his tentacle attack deletes my aegis instantly, the beam attack is easy to avoid but just dashing behind him and the most danger comes from tentacle slam+drag as those continue to damage when pulling back. So my first advise would would - learn the fight. My second advise would be - get more damage - so you don't have to be in a fight for so long. I assume, not having your PoB - you have about 16 mill dps. Id say you need at least 20, better 30-40. Just by getting level 21 relic gem you gain 4M more dps. Empower 4 would also not be bad to have, but not too high of a priority at this point. And obiously you want Ashes to push damage really high. Now to the defences Things you can do just now: Life flask - harvest craft it before the fight so you can use it more than 2 times. See that enchant right that? +100 charges. Granite flask/Spell block - you are not spell block capped. You could look for Megalomaniac to fix that, or you can use Rumis to give you that block for a bit of a time during a fight. Should help a bit. Ruby Flask - for this fight specifically can be replaced by Jade Flask. Eater tentacle attack counts as attack and can be evaded. At least some of that shotgun damage. Upgrades: Skin of the Lords and Ashes of the Stars. Skin will give you a bit more of HP pool, while Ashes upgrades a little bit o feverything. You get more block from your offering, you get extra mana so you could fit Discipline, extra corpse from Desecrate to keep offering up more, auras will get better. Not to mantion that it almost doubles your damage. |
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I've been enjoying this build, and I'm hitting the same plateau around T11-T12 maps where my damage seems mostly fine but I'm starting to die more. I have about 1div invested into gear so far, and have about 1div to spend on upgrades.
I've checked my char vs ladder chars using flicker/holy relic and my defenses are the same or better, but my damage is much lower (them 1.5m+, me ~260k). My PoB is here: https://pobb.in/f_YRNTAzURuj What is the optimal order of upgrades to go for? Edit: Thanks! Attack speed is slower, but both survivability and damage are much better in game. I've been able to make all of the suggested changes, and have cleared maps to T16 :) New PoB is here: https://pobb.in/zZNuUy8H3DIN Last edited by arcandor#0366 on Apr 19, 2023, 9:46:35 AM
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" Oh man, you have a lot of little and mostly free upgrades to make... 1) First thing I'd do is to get Animate Guardian going. Not only its free damage but also Elemental immunity. Look for starting gear - it costs like 4c. Also get like lvl 19-20 gem. 2) Brittle ground on boots is like 30% more dps. Try getting 3 seconds or more if you can, but even 2 seconds should be alright. 3) Try to optimize your gems. Follow they guide PoB. You missing a curse and an Aura. Get +1 curse Anvil amulet its like 10c. 4) Dawnbreaker and Tabula +1 provides massive protection and a fair bit of damage increase. You could work on fitting them in. 5) I'd try to fit Enduring composure cluster jewel in as well - 3-4 permanent endurance charges is amazing layer of defence. 6) After you do all that you can look for Elegant Hubris with 2-3 Slum Lords. That is prolly gonna be your first BIG buy you can start saving on. |
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