[3.15] Bladestorm Jugg - Fast, Tanky, Fun, Cheap to Start, Mostly Uniques, Maven Down!

Hello, I have the same problem as the other person that posted! In the POB string things are different and I don't understand which I should follow...
Kaltr0p wrote:
Hiya, Im new to the game and I want to follow this build along. Really well explained btw!
But theres 1 thing im confused about, in your acts checklist you say Tree: Versatility > Strongarm. and then in Act too Barbarism > Slaugther...Looking at PoB you dont have strongarm as a selected passive skill.

Could you explain?

The only thing i can think of is that you train strongarm to get to Barbarism as fast as you can? and do you refund the strong arm passive at another time?


Arexx89 wrote:
Hello, I have the same problem as the other person that posted! In the POB string things are different and I don't understand which I should follow...

Yes, I can see how this is confusing for a new player.

It's common for a build to use a different lvling tree and then switch as you get to end-game.

You can't find all the items the final build has, so you do the best you can until you can get them.

You can always check out my current Ritual toon to see what I am actually doing currently.

3.13 Staring Mapping Gear

Hi guys,

This is for you new players out there, so you can see what I am using for early mapping.

This setup cost me about 15c total:

Basically you want as much Phys dmg as you can get everywhere.

Bringer of Rain 1c
Rings ~5c each
Belt 5c
Lion's Roar 2c
Overflowing 1c
Boots self-found
Gloves self-found
Weapons self-found
Amulet self-found

My weapons are still pretty crappy and will be looking to upgrade those next.

Check my Ritual toon "Corossoo" for the tree.

If you're having problems making Chaos, setup this tool to do Chaos Recipe farming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcKDwRB2BR8

Edit: Upgraded weapons, gloves and amulet

Weapons: 10c and 7c+2c AS craft
Gloves: 5c
Amulet: self-found Ritual

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jan 16, 2021, 5:41:39 AM
corosou wrote:
Kaltr0p wrote:
Hiya, Im new to the game and I want to follow this build along. Really well explained btw!
But theres 1 thing im confused about, in your acts checklist you say Tree: Versatility > Strongarm. and then in Act too Barbarism > Slaugther...Looking at PoB you dont have strongarm as a selected passive skill.

Could you explain?

The only thing i can think of is that you train strongarm to get to Barbarism as fast as you can? and do you refund the strong arm passive at another time?


Arexx89 wrote:
Hello, I have the same problem as the other person that posted! In the POB string things are different and I don't understand which I should follow...

Yes, I can see how this is confusing for a new player.

It's common for a build to use a different lvling tree and then switch as you get to end-game.

You can't find all the items the final build has, so you do the best you can until you can get them.

You can always check out my current Ritual toon to see what I am actually doing currently.


Thankyou very much for the response! That clears a few things up :)
can some1 help me how i can see the skill tree?

im quite new to the game and pob.party doesnt work sadly i guess ist bc of the new patch
TazDino wrote:
can some1 help me how i can see the skill tree?

im quite new to the game and pob.party doesnt work sadly i guess ist bc of the new patch

The end-game tree is in the Path of Building "export".

You need this tool to "Import" it:


The PoB export is at the bottom of the guide and you paste in the "Import from pastebin" option.

I have a really old video showing how: https://youtu.be/l9N2JjRjimw

For anyone getting started with PoE, I recommend searching in youtube how to use Path of Building in more detail.

If you want the lvling info, watch Tytykiller's video under lvling and you'll see how to get started.

To see what you do once you get to maps, look at my Ritual toon. You can see the tree by clicking my name and my toon under "Characters" and then tree.

If you get really stuck, I would recommend a build designed for new players. This is a bit niche for someone that's new to the game.

But if you wanna go for it anyway, GL!
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jan 16, 2021, 9:05:48 PM
Hello, thank you for the guide!

Wanted to ask what do you think about Jack, the Axe
Vaal Hatchet?
Arexx89 wrote:
Hello, thank you for the guide!

Wanted to ask what do you think about Jack, the Axe
Vaal Hatchet?

If you have one and are just getting started it, use it, else don't buy that.

Get this instead:

It's what I am using in T13 maps.

And you're welcome! :)

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jan 17, 2021, 12:50:40 PM
3.13 Quick Gear Update: Red Maps

Hi guys,

Just a quick update to show what I am using in red maps upto T13 right now:

Boots 110c
Axe 25c

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jan 17, 2021, 2:52:43 PM
3.13 Quick Video Update

My first juiced T14:

All Rituals

I can't wait to get all my gear setup! This is looking pretty good for having shit gear and my gems just having hit lvl 20.


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