[ 3.20 ] KissMeQuick's 💀 Assassin Reap 💀 — T16 100% No HH 💸 1 Shot Sirus in 1 Click 💸 Feared Done

Balantakos wrote:
PoB looks to much endgame-ish..

Maybe a more realistic one! :P

You can have that PoB when you hit red maps minus the woke gems and some reduced rolls on the items. You shouldn't lose too much of everything that way.

Maybe start out with Doryanis Invitation for phys leech until you can get yourself phys leech rings/amulet. When you do big bonk hit damage, you want leech.

For everything else, let's wait for KMQ to finish the PoBs this evening, maybe he has some ideas on when to transit from leveling guide to this!
hey bud, nice build, thank you putting it together, was really looking for a pure phys reap build but i have a question about leech, on your pob your only leech sources are the two elder rings and blood drinker, do you think that is enough to sustain reap on single target fights?

Fuguete wrote:
hey bud, nice build, thank you putting it together, was really looking for a pure phys reap build but i have a question about leech, on your pob your only leech sources are the two elder rings and blood drinker, do you think that is enough to sustain reap on single target fights?

Elder Amulets work as well; alternatively Brutality can be swapped out to use Atziri's Promise - time will tell.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3508506
Are you going to release a more league start oriented pob or this is the final one?
what about the cast speed tho, looks really bad at 3 cps ;/
Hi KMQ, Do you play quite alot first week or so?

I don't want to get to maps in a few days and you still be like L40 or something and stuck what to do :)

First of all thank you very much for your work KMQ!
This looks so freaking fun that i am going to league start this build as well.

The only thing before the start in 4h is, which of the PoBs contains the best league start tree to follow please? I got a little confused here...

Thanks in advance for your help and good luck for all of you!
Hey! Like in pob we take 2 points from bandits, yes? What about alira?
Hope it will work, cause im hyped about this skill, gl exiles!
thanks for the build KMQ, will start with your lvling guid and respec into reap with life, golems and so on if it feels good. otherwise go with CA till maps.
Hope we can have some fun with this new gem at the league start.
Have fun everyone :)

I don't have a back up plan... I'm not really feeling any other builds this time around, so really hoping it doesn't get abandoned by KMQ :)

Are you still planning to play it KMQ?

I don't mind making heavy changes with respecs or gear throughout the first few weeks... but I hope it gets continuingly improved like his other builds.
Last edited by Nevzat on Apr 16, 2021, 12:11:13 PM

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