Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

zeraldrrr wrote:
I dont get it why GGG can't just did what warframe did? Add more ENDGAME CHALLENGING CONTENT. Just add some maps up until tier 25-30, expand the goddamn atlas, dont nerf stuff. Playing slow is boring.

Do what Warframe did? Don't make me laugh. DE don't even play their own game, their balance patch, new content, or other things are mostly worse than what GGG did to POE. All new content feels like unfinished projects. DE logic is even worse, buff gun with on kill mod and arcane that can get in steel path while gun deal almost no damage to steel path mob. Nerfing melee while meta melee weapon still be able one-shot anything and non-meta still almost deal no damage and not fun to play. some of them like a hammer is unplayable while it is not even a meta weapon.
PurpleChakra wrote:
Everything else, okay.


Why not buff Chain Hook? Nobody uses it. Make it less clunky to play and give it 100% more damage and it would still be hipster, but at least it would be usable.

I agree 100% chain hook (atleast on ps4) cant reach act5 kitava with its swings it just repeats the chain pull animation over and over.
i wont let u dictate me which skill i have to use, ill try to get my favorite build up again and if its really that bad nerfed ill just log out. cant really stand it any longer how u try to get us play ur way u can say a 100 times build diversity build diverstiy in the end there is no more diversity than before because noone will play shit seismic trap.
take that new players
Yes, YES, more nerfs! Let the casuals seethe! *consumes popcorn*
Well, few years ago, when I played another MMO game, players there asked devs "Why so many activites?" and they were answered that devs wanna take all our free time because they can't afford if their players will have a time to try another game and maybe stay there forever.

It's fine that GGG have enough financial support from their beloved streamers so they can don't care if the rest of the playerbase will have activity in this game or will try something else.
Lixy wrote:
3.16 Patch Notes:

1. We're distraught at the ratio of people playing Softcore instead of Hardcore. From now on, players in the Softcore league will de-level on death if the experience penalty would reduce them below 0% experience.

2. We're unsatifsied with players running Haewark Hamlet, so we won't shuffle atlas again and will nerf every Atlas Ascendancy except Haewark Hamlet.
Problem: Players are having fun in Path of Exile.
Solution: Remove fun.
PurpleChakra wrote:
Everything else, okay.


Why not buff Chain Hook? Nobody uses it. Make it less clunky to play and give it 100% more damage and it would still be hipster, but at least it would be usable.

I agree 100% chain hook (atleast on ps4) cant reach act5 kitava with its swings it just repeats the chain pull animation over and over.

yeah, I try many times to use chain hook as the main skill, and last two leagues, it ends up as a skill that is used for gaining rage before enter boss room.
I thought I'd be more upset about what I read. But meh.
Want to make the game fun again? Remove 2 acts from campaign, it's super boring ATM so many acts.

REDO the whole lab system, or even better, get rid of it, majority of ppl doesn't like it

Create a new endgame content that doesn't involves map, after so many leagues, this map content is already super boring, 80%+ of the maps layout and design is not fun.

Remove 1 shot function that kills everytime you and you have no idea what the hell just happened, that's so bad game-design.

Remove harvest, at the current state, it's better just get rid of it.

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