Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

And this is why GGG is the worst game developer out there when it comes to balancing there game...
its fine if you want to nerf the entire gameplay overall but...

WHat about Headhunter? an item that literally makes you zoom through the map.

what about Aurabots? there that literally trivialize group play penalties... group players become ultra rich while solo scrubs gets the stick... if you are solo just get the hell out i guess.

you nerf everything and then literally say Trap will be strongest build now... then you tout about Build diversity? A monkey could tell you how diverse this leagues build gonna be but apparently not GGG.
darkforce1985 wrote:
hatefield wrote:
darkforce1985 wrote:
This nerf makes them like WoW current situation now

If Asmongold playing this game and see this huge nerf, he will bash this game 24/7

Oh noes the game is ducked :( Except for the part where you are all wrong. People don't just bandwagon and follow every clown with a social platform. The problem with WoW is that it has an unfun list of daily chores you have to do to gain player power (I mean the daily world content which is so easy and monotone that the only condition for success is having a pulse) just for the sake of daily retention while these nerfs wanna take PoE in the opposite direction. Wow is bad because it's bad not because some dudes moan and wail on forums crying "please don't nerf us" or I quit gg. Nobody cares really. At the end of the day the devs make the game they want and if you don't wanna play it anymore don't. No need to be a drama queen on the forums.

Are you trying to say this nerf is fine, don't be so serious about it? (larf)

Nerf based on dev. comfort zone. Checked

Nerf without testing. Checked

Release and patch midway every week for a month. Checked

No fun allowed. Checked (larf)

Making mobs stronger instead of nerfing builds. Nope (larf)

What are you on about man? First of all what is larf?

My answers in order:


?! don't understand

No. They run tests.

?! If you are complaining about hotfixes, I'm sorry but you clearly missed the internet era and how any piece of software (including games) has rolled out in the past 10 years or so.

Dunno. I doubt I won't have fun or that you know for sure how things will go.
They are doing both. They are buffing some mobs and nerfing builds.

Nice nerf manifesto, as expected and I do mostly understand. The veiled changes though are bad and show that my feelings about how POE should be regarding to crafting is totally diffrent to GGGs point of view. Gives me Harvest Vibes, sadly. I hope this comment won't be banned or censored as I can't see an offend in saying we think different. Well, we'll see.
This must be the Marvel Heroes patch Chris has been warning us about for a while now.
This game is fun because after investing my weekly free time nonstop for a month (grinding, selling, buying, learning) I can kill T16 mob. End game boss like Sirus and Elders I couldn't even touch until 2 months into the league and I killed Sirus for the first time and I finally learn how to play the flask piano...And I though that was the point of the game, grind until you are powerful enough to wipe out mobs and the challenge is with the boss, but now you want to make everything harder...

I know the developers of wants to make the game harder, but it would be super nice if they invest more time in making the game more enjoyable vs more frustrating. Trade, computing optimization, cleaner graphics, stash optimization, user friendly in game filter modifier, and tons of other minor stuff can probably get fixed to make the game more enjoyable.
I trust in the changes!
Guys, if they change something it's because THEY THINK it will be more fun and rewarding experience, I don't think GGG wants to personally torture you.
And if it doesn't work and we all hate it, it will be changed, geez, give it a try.
hatefield wrote:
With curse flasks not having an immunity period.
How am i supposed to counter izaros perma curse labyrinth modifier?

Please someone answer me this :(

They were pretty clear that if you are cursed when you use the curse removal flask will give you some time of immunity. But the curse fonts are an optional mechanic. If you fear it kill the fonts and you're safe. Also there are items with less effect of curses on you, cannot be slowed for temp chains, overcapping resists for elemental weakness and those are just a few of the things that pop up the top of my head.

No they dont i just read the flask section again and at Paragraph 7 first line it says:If you remove a curse with a curse removal flask it wont grand a period of immunity to curses
blabla blablabla same ol same ol a lot of negativity..but im sure it wont keep me (or some other) from playing this game at launch.

i like the nerf hammer or at least what i read from the manifesto.. the nerf not apply yet till launch.. but its about time!

GG on the QOL ailment display on enemy.

But need less clicking them wisdom scroll and portal scrolls and any other low tier currencies..
perhaps if you don't want to change the experience for players have to click the item on ground to pick them, maybe you can make the loot auto stack.. like if a monster was killed and drop a wisdom scroll. Then another monster was killed and drop another wisdom scroll. The second wisdom scroll automatically get pulled and stacked to the first scroll <depend on the proximity> and we only see one stack of 2 wisdom scroll (one click to loot).. instead of two wisdom scrolls (two clicks to loot)
Nerf Spectral Throw
I don't care if they nerf everything to the ground (ailment immunity, curse flask, damage, movement speed...) as long as they give us accessible crafting tools to overcome our problems in game. But they keep nerfing crafting with more f****g randomness. Unless you can no-life this game and all you do is gather currency and spend hundreds of exalteds until you can finally craft something (or just get lucky, I guess), you're bound to gather whatever currency you can and go through the miserable experience of trading in this game. Had a blast last league with harvest in its full glory and leveled multiple characters, crafted everything myself and never used TFT until the very end when I was burned out and my friends had already stopped playing, but this time around it was tedious enough with just one character with mostly unique items on the build, and I dropped the league like a hot potato once I got my 36 challenges. Even if you don't like crafting, when it's more accessible, more people do it, which means more items on the market and for cheaper prices. Just stop f****g with the little crafting you still have left (if we can even call it crafting) and making the whole process of gearing feel like a chore instead of fun.

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