Lost Ark experience was a total disaster...

Draegnarrr wrote:
Its all over the show. It feels weird to play a game where the higher i progress the easier it gets, not via ilvl that's obvious but as soon as you hit players who've put effort in the games much easier, then you hit T3 and the guardians suddenly have the right hp and its easier still.

be fun to see where this minecart takes us.

This is mostly shitty difficulty curve than the players in T3 being better.

I mean, look at pre-nerf Tylatos, T1 gatekeeper guardian - spawns sandstorm tornadoes, 1 per player, which slowly chase the players around and apply a slow debuff + do dmg. At 3 stacks, the player becomes petrified, which stuns and gives invulnerability. Each stack takes a few seconds to apply, and after the petrification, the player cannot get stacks for half a minute. Quite often, the boss does an aoe wipe, that's supposed to be survived by the petrification. In practice, if you want to do the fight as it's designed, you need to constantly avoid the tornadoes, meaning melee chars aren't doing any damage because the tornadoes will get under the boss if the melee chars go in, and once the aoe wipe mechanic starts, you have about 2 - 4 seconds to get into a tornado, the same tornado you've been avoiding for the past minute or two, to get the stacks to survive the wipe.
The only reasonable way to do that was to know that, in spite of its attack pattern being largely random, the aoe wipe comes as the 4th move after the earthquake move, and run the fuck away or dodge it via a cliff (requires good spawn location as some don't have a cliff round).
Good luck spinning into 3 other people that know how to do that in a pug.

Now, compare that to a T3 guardian, armored nacrasena, which has... you can destroy the tail to make the fight even easier, and spawns easy to kill adds? Oh, and it also comparatively has like 30 % less HP than Tylatos.

It's not that ppl at t3 would be any better, it's the same random assortment of dumb fucks like everywhere else, but it's a fucked up difficulty curve when the most difficult encounter in the game, upon release, was a T1 guardian, followed by a bunch of T2 guardians, and the T3 abyssal dungeon being among the easiest abyssal dungeons around.

This actually made me acknowledge how well the difficulty curve is done in PoE, where the whole map tier system provides a smooth af transition.
Last edited by Xyel on Mar 10, 2022, 6:45:41 AM
Tytalos was a complete PoS luckily i'm already past him, couldn't stop laughing at trying to reconcile him with the regular content though.

the progression players are better than the scrubs though trust me it isn't a huge difference but its an obvious one its a compound problem of everything being easier at T3, more gear, better success rates for groups, more alts to filter and the fact rush players tend to know what they are rushing towards.

Either way its felt better as i've progressed as I feel my times being wasted less except honing of course.
Of all the disastrous things about Lost Ark you chose to mention bots in the chat.
FedeS wrote:
Level 1-50 is a tutorial. True game starts at 50. You didn't give it even a chance.

It’s a long 270-300 hours of perfect play from 1 to 50, if you’re doing the activities that you are supposed to on the way. If you go back and try to complete the adventure logs at 50, you’ll never complete the drop quests, as they have reduced drop rates the higher your level.

PvP at end game is P2W as are raids. You need a guild.
FedeS wrote:
Level 1-50 is a tutorial. True game starts at 50. You didn't give it even a chance.

It’s a long 270-300 hours of perfect play from 1 to 50, if you’re doing the activities that you are supposed to on the way. If you go back and try to complete the adventure logs at 50, you’ll never complete the drop quests, as they have reduced drop rates the higher your level.

PvP at end game is P2W as are raids. You need a guild.
I've heard the claim 1-50 is a tutorial repeatedly without anybody ever addressing they teach you all of 0 mechanics during those 50 levels.

The only valid learning experience with context to endgame is how to use bind and teleporters which is covered in the first hour and drip feeding you skills so you can view them appropriately, except they don't actually encourage you to do that and then let you just skip that aspect on all subsequent characters.

the 1-50 experience is both wonderful and awful at the same time but it isn't a tutorial for anything really and some players will most definitely quit because they won't get through a gameplay segment completely unrelated to the endgame activities. Or they will be surprised when the game goes from as easy as easy can be to requiring some kind of input.

Their actual tutorials are pretty good for an MMO I liked how they were implemented one of the best methods i've seen.
quodlike wrote:
SneakySanta wrote:
Started it and it was filled with bots all around me and everyone was spamming chinese p2w sites for coins or whatever.

The entire city square was filled with bots called asgdasghqghqwg3245 and variations.

Jesus.. Glad i didnt donated before i tried it..

I heard stories, but the reallity is abysmal.

POE might have flaws ,but Lost Ark is lost indeed...

If you think PoE does not have bots you are delusional.Not only they got bots but they let them on purpose to run so the economy is healthy when you want to buy alterations or other currency.

Lost Ark is an MMO because you dont have friends to play with it does not mean its bad.
Personally we got a huge Guild with alt guilds on a discord server and we have a lot of fun at the end of the day.

Thats the main purpose of all games is to have fun.

Guess what is not fun anymore. Path of Exile and the decisions they made the last 2 years for the direction of the game. After playing Lost Ark i dont even want to look at this game anymore it has nothing to offer for me to have fun.

Poe has bots but the majority that are in game are not RMT bots. They are secondary accounts of primary players set up so the player can farm endlessly without interruptions.
rekikyo wrote:

Poe has bots but the majority that are in game are not RMT bots. They are secondary accounts of primary players set up so the player can farm endlessly without interruptions.

Lol, and what do you think these players do with excess currency that their bot farms farmed?

Even simple flipper bots make you a ton of currency, because the trade in this game is unregulated, easily abusable trash that allows making tons of wealth on exchange rate fluctuations alone, something that most real players won't do because of how boring it is to flip currency 24/7. But let's not forget the other types of bots, like hordes of chaos recipe bots. Of course you won't see trains of them like in LA, because PoE doesnt have open world locations like this.

RMT market is absolutely rampant in PoE, pretending otherwise is being extremely delusional.

Last edited by MECHanokl on Mar 11, 2022, 4:24:07 AM
rekikyo wrote:
Poe has bots but the majority that are in game are not RMT bots. They are secondary accounts of primary players set up so the player can farm endlessly without interruptions.

I hope you're basing these claims on actual insight/knowledge, and not just guessing. Which brings me to why you have such insight/knowledge into the subject.

Anyhow, I absolutely think that the majority of bots are somewhat connected to RMT. Why shouldn't they? Anyhow, I just think, you said "they are not". Hope you have some statistics here.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
yamface wrote:
Apathy1 wrote:
POE IS A GAMBLING SIMULATORRRRRRRRRR compared to lost fucking ark POE is a fucking saint HAHA

did you actually just say this LOL

there are more % people in t3 than there are people doing red maps in poe LMAO. like what did ggg say were ppl doing red maps again, wasnt it something like 1%

please. its easier to go 1370 in lost ark than getting a mirror or crafting mirror tier gear in poe

I agree with you. I laugh at the comments i these threads because its obvious they did not try the game .

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