3.25 WRETCHED DEFILERS, all content viable afk wave 30, ubers down

Jadran wrote:
It looks like AG can't equip Obliteration, wands are classified as ranged weapons.

sorry just saw ur post now, i putted on pob but i didn't used it, i only suggest to use but i did't know that cannot be used, so u can go an explode wep 1h (15 pct) but it will cost 80c at elast

n3squ1kk wrote:
hi , build is awesome , but i want to boost my minion dmg , and i have a question , how i can do this and u can check my pob , if u have a time , big thanks :)
p.s. https://pastebin.com/xtY0MWhT

hi u need vuln grave bind and u can change for dread banner, u are on the way, also u forgot to add specters buufs on config(serph harpy)
And drop carrion golem, link maim and fedding frenzy on chaos golem and put stone golem in the chest u will get more dps and regen

TheSuperGlue wrote:
Thanks for the build. Switched back to Carrion Golem from Stone Golem for what I felt was better clear speed but I enjoyed using both.

Used a Triumvirate Authority, Unset Ring in place of a Hungry Loop and it worked well for the price of 1-5c ('+2 to Level of Socketed Vaal Gems' and 'Socketed Vaal Skills deal 150% more Damage'). Buffs only apply to the Vaal Skele side though. A cute little way to pump out some more damage on a budget nonetheless.

The real star of the show has to be the explodey AG though. No +1 curse Gravebinds, <1ex investment, no offensive support gems, but somehow he can solo speed clear T16 maps by himself.

One thing I was having trouble with though was keeping my Zombies alive in the shared 6 link in boss content/non-physical reflect maps even with Chaos Golem and passive tree specs; Golems/Spectres/AG never died. Eventually moved Zombies out of the 6 link because of it. Would love to know if anyone has found a way to not have them die in difficult content.

Yah the mapping with this ag is very good u can add the vall skel for a variant too
Zombies will die in extreme ahrd content, if u have like 4 medium clusters defensives they might survive more, u can drop the zombs lose some dps but put more points in defences and do only golems ag spec

Villa_Fan_UK wrote:
Just started back from a long time away, thought i would give it a try, is this build still viable?

the 20ex and 50ex build i mean

( trying for 50ex build, but might end up with 20ex build as only a few weeks of league left i think )

yes nothing changed as far i know

foojin wrote:
Build is quite a bit of fun, I also like that is uses the elemental flasks.

I do have to say it is quite tricky to get everything balanced and running, especially fitting all auras... so right now I run without tempest shield to have all dmg auras running, because I still feel damage is lacking at times. Not sure where it comes from when comparing some POBs (for example 100 ex / 24M one). For example, how do you inflict crushed and intimidated?


Explode chest
Legacy of fury

Helmet enchant
Skin of the Lords
Corrupted gems chest
Curse on hit for AG

Perhaps a second lvl3 enl to fit in all auras, or run another mana reservation cluster gem. Cannot afford a lvl4 enl.

Try to get 90ct gem reservation virids it will save a lot of mana
also u cand rp precision till u get lvl 4 enlight
the 20ex pob fit the auras with lvl 3 enlight
intimidate and crushed is from awk melle phy and brutality

virq wrote:

Thanks for the guide. I think i gonna try it. What about map clear speed in 20ex version vs mage skels?

Also is it updated? (20ex version). Skill tree seems to be ok, in notes I can see cheap version and what to buy to progress into medium budget and in items sections? they are final i gueess? same like in 50ex.

In final gem setups we use 2 offensive auras generosity and pride or i get something wrong? They are updated too right?

Have a nice day.

map clear is nice couse ag explodes everything
20ex version i amde a motnh ago, i think nothing changed at all
final vesion use dread banner and precision with generosity and pride for offence

jenkirymo wrote:

It lookes like prices wasnt updated throught text bc "20ex" version wants me to have Melding of flesh (standart 9ex) + 2 Forbidden jewels. Aul is 12ex...

hello! the prices is not related to std
as a said before std is anotehr realm and any build will cost 5-10x more
the prices are correct
Last edited by Bhaltamoz#1174 on Jul 25, 2022, 12:28:09 AM
what type of explody chest should i look for, for AG? armour or es?
Hey guys,

really enjoying, building that Golemancer. I'm at a point now, where it is exceptionally tanky, but I lack a bit damage. I really don't know how to push damage now without loosins survivability... Maybe someone could be so kind and take a look to tell me how to progress. I have about 15 ex laying around waiting to be invested. I would really appreciate it.

thx a lot for the build and maybe the help!

Goream wrote:
Hey guys,

really enjoying, building that Golemancer. I'm at a point now, where it is exceptionally tanky, but I lack a bit damage. I really don't know how to push damage now without loosins survivability... Maybe someone could be so kind and take a look to tell me how to progress. I have about 15 ex laying around waiting to be invested. I would really appreciate it.

thx a lot for the build and maybe the help!


Precision (rank1) - Generosity - Dread Banner

Probably need an enl lvl 4 or helmet with 90% mana reservation.

Dmg goes from 7.6 to 8.7
MS 21/20 adds another 300K
Spell echo on your raise spectre instead of meat shield for the full demon harpy debuff should add another nice amount.

Or you can look into hungry loop skeletons (35M dmg).
Last edited by foojin#2576 on Jul 30, 2022, 2:26:55 AM
ok, am at 80% resists, but can't work out how to hit the 90% resist, any advice?

My PoB

maybe somebody could help me, I tried to follow one of you pob's with the 135m dps Mageblood version. still only lvl 86 atm and leveling the build. Somehow I cant feel the dps your pob is promising, My gear is mostly the same like yours. Also my Minions start dying in Wave 21+ Simulacrum, is there anything I did wrong?

xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
maybe somebody could help me, I tried to follow one of you pob's with the 135m dps Mageblood version. still only lvl 86 atm and leveling the build. Somehow I cant feel the dps your pob is promising, My gear is mostly the same like yours. Also my Minions start dying in Wave 21+ Simulacrum, is there anything I did wrong?


Only lvl 86? yet pob says lvl 100

It's as if your trying to ...... ( but failing )

Last edited by Villa_Fan_UK#6666 on Aug 3, 2022, 12:30:20 AM
Villa_Fan_UK wrote:
xXx_Kamikaze_xXx wrote:
maybe somebody could help me, I tried to follow one of you pob's with the 135m dps Mageblood version. still only lvl 86 atm and leveling the build. Somehow I cant feel the dps your pob is promising, My gear is mostly the same like yours. Also my Minions start dying in Wave 21+ Simulacrum, is there anything I did wrong?


Only lvl 86? yet pob says lvl 100

It's as if your trying to ...... ( but failing )

I set it to 100 to compare it with the dps of op, doesnt really matter if its 100 or 86. its just a difference from round about 25%. But that doesnt make up for the rest of the missing dps

I set it to 100 to compare it with the dps of op, doesnt really matter if its 100 or 86. its just a difference from round about 25%. But that doesnt make up for the rest of the missing dps[/quote]

This is his PoB.. https://pastebin.com/D2cV4Dj0

This is Yours .. https://pastebin.com/mfRV4GMd

Some of the skills in his are different, and also he uses grasping mail body. Also a few corrupted items help

I'm still working out how you both get to 90% max res
Last edited by Villa_Fan_UK#6666 on Aug 3, 2022, 11:33:34 AM

I set it to 100 to compare it with the dps of op, doesnt really matter if its 100 or 86. its just a difference from round about 25%. But that doesnt make up for the rest of the missing dps[/quote]

This is his PoB.. https://pastebin.com/D2cV4Dj0

This is Yours .. https://pastebin.com/mfRV4GMd

Some of the skills in his are different, and also he uses grasping mail body. Also a few corrupted items help

I'm still working out how you both get to 90% max res[/quote]

5max res from aegis, 5 max res from lvl 23 purity + 60%+ aura effect is another 3 max res from purity. 2 max res on gloves implicit.

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