[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

CorteX1110 wrote:
Hello everyone!

I have a dilemma now. I followed the upgrade path and I’m at that point to craft the %int rings but they are very expensive right now.

I currently have about 5 raw div, 15 fractured shard and maybe 100c…

I followed the guide to craft the crucible tree on a staff. I already have T4 and T3 node done (%int %str and %int %dex). I tried 2 time to add the T2 node without success. I had one chimeral beast in my inventory but the second one costed me 1.4 div to imprint the staff…

So what is my best option now?

Use my currency and try to craft the staff, keep it to buy the rings, keep it to buy a 4lvl enlighten to have 4 more skill points?

I had never configure a pob to check directly and I’m afraid to make some mistakes…

Thanks in advance exiles :)

i dont have the knowledge to answer your question properly but what i can tell you for sure is that you can do a looot of content without the rings, you can just put T1 int rings with some good res and maybe a useful mod like damage taken recouped as mana or any other one useful

synt rings will be a very good improve but not gamechanging, and with what i read here since the beginning of this league, the staff might be gamechanging (but maybe much more expensive)
Last edited by pat_hibulaire#2034 on Apr 27, 2023, 10:04:46 AM
CorteX1110 wrote:
Hello everyone!

I have a dilemma now. I followed the upgrade path and I’m at that point to craft the %int rings but they are very expensive right now.

I currently have about 5 raw div, 15 fractured shard and maybe 100c…

I followed the guide to craft the crucible tree on a staff. I already have T4 and T3 node done (%int %str and %int %dex). I tried 2 time to add the T2 node without success. I had one chimeral beast in my inventory but the second one costed me 1.4 div to imprint the staff…

So what is my best option now?

Use my currency and try to craft the staff, keep it to buy the rings, keep it to buy a 4lvl enlighten to have 4 more skill points?

I had never configure a pob to check directly and I’m afraid to make some mistakes…

Thanks in advance exiles :)

For the PoB configuration, just copy the config from the guide's PoB and you should be fine.

The build works great even without the crucible tree. If you have +20% int on the tree, honestly, you have an incredible staff on your hands. Going further is really min-maxing and will probably cost a fortune.

The rings are a great upgrade, but you can also use corrupted unique rings with +6% int in the meantime. They should cost 100-150C. Rings like Le Heup of All and Shavronne's Revelation synergize very well with the build. With that said, the synth rings really are the best option.

Lvl4 Enlighten is indeed interesting. Four skill points can easily be 10-12% more damage. Make sure to check in PoB where you could put the points first and how much damage it would add.
Elocau wrote:
What would be the best way currently to increase my damage or survivability? I'm having trouble reaching wave 30 of the simulacrum for example

Your belt's craft only works with attack skills, which Ice Storm isn't.

You have a bunch of gems that are not 20% quality, which could help. There's also some gems that could be alternate quality.

Yoru rightmost jewel could be a conversion jewel, which could give you up to 44 flat int (24 roll + two 10 nodes). Same for your leftmost jewel. 88 int multiplied by your many sources of %int would give a very good boost (can't check in PoB RN though).

While going through the last few waves of Simulacrum, try to always be on the move until the bosses are the last enemies, then drop Frost Shield and use Frostblink to dodge attacks with the boss staff. Also, the modifiers are random, so you will hit some very punitive combinations from time to time.

Hope that helps!
Firestrike9 wrote:
lev1afun wrote:
gz, i still postponing this torture

Second one in 200 chances, go figure.

can i make the background of my weapon this "spacy" too?

just "finished"(800 chances) my crucible weapon and the forge upgraded the first node to 20% global dmg and the second node mutated from spellcrit.. to 30% evasion :D

doesnt even feel bad, 1200 evasion and somehow 1000 es more wearing this weapon =>

Last edited by gawdqt#4549 on Apr 27, 2023, 12:16:36 PM
WinterHiko wrote:
CorteX1110 wrote:
Hello everyone!

I have a dilemma now. I followed the upgrade path and I’m at that point to craft the %int rings but they are very expensive right now.

I currently have about 5 raw div, 15 fractured shard and maybe 100c…

I followed the guide to craft the crucible tree on a staff. I already have T4 and T3 node done (%int %str and %int %dex). I tried 2 time to add the T2 node without success. I had one chimeral beast in my inventory but the second one costed me 1.4 div to imprint the staff…

So what is my best option now?

Use my currency and try to craft the staff, keep it to buy the rings, keep it to buy a 4lvl enlighten to have 4 more skill points?

I had never configure a pob to check directly and I’m afraid to make some mistakes…

Thanks in advance exiles :)

For the PoB configuration, just copy the config from the guide's PoB and you should be fine.

The build works great even without the crucible tree. If you have +20% int on the tree, honestly, you have an incredible staff on your hands. Going further is really min-maxing and will probably cost a fortune.

The rings are a great upgrade, but you can also use corrupted unique rings with +6% int in the meantime. They should cost 100-150C. Rings like Le Heup of All and Shavronne's Revelation synergize very well with the build. With that said, the synth rings really are the best option.

Lvl4 Enlighten is indeed interesting. Four skill points can easily be 10-12% more damage. Make sure to check in PoB where you could put the points first and how much damage it would add.

I will definitely check that thank you!

I try to build the tree of the weapon without success. 5 try but the T2 node won’t fit with T3 and T4. As you said, I already have 20% int so it’s not that bad. I will continue to farm and I’ll see if I try to chance it like that or if I continue to roll that damned serpent stance on it.

Can people who have successfully making the tree tell me how many try they needed for each step to give me an estimation?

Thanks for the return et merci à Pat-hibulaire également ;)
CorteX1110 wrote:
Can people who have successfully making the tree tell me how many try they needed for each step to give me an estimation?

as you can see in the post before mine is not perfect.. i also failed a lot, but had more luck just trading for good trees then opening every vile staff..

during my last and most expensive merge at the forge i used a stone with this passive:
Crucible Passive Skills are more likely to be retained when Forging

its expensive, but for me was worth it in the end..
CorteX1110 wrote:
WinterHiko wrote:
CorteX1110 wrote:
Hello everyone!

I have a dilemma now. I followed the upgrade path and I’m at that point to craft the %int rings but they are very expensive right now.

I currently have about 5 raw div, 15 fractured shard and maybe 100c…

I followed the guide to craft the crucible tree on a staff. I already have T4 and T3 node done (%int %str and %int %dex). I tried 2 time to add the T2 node without success. I had one chimeral beast in my inventory but the second one costed me 1.4 div to imprint the staff…

So what is my best option now?

Use my currency and try to craft the staff, keep it to buy the rings, keep it to buy a 4lvl enlighten to have 4 more skill points?

I had never configure a pob to check directly and I’m afraid to make some mistakes…

Thanks in advance exiles :)

For the PoB configuration, just copy the config from the guide's PoB and you should be fine.

The build works great even without the crucible tree. If you have +20% int on the tree, honestly, you have an incredible staff on your hands. Going further is really min-maxing and will probably cost a fortune.

The rings are a great upgrade, but you can also use corrupted unique rings with +6% int in the meantime. They should cost 100-150C. Rings like Le Heup of All and Shavronne's Revelation synergize very well with the build. With that said, the synth rings really are the best option.

Lvl4 Enlighten is indeed interesting. Four skill points can easily be 10-12% more damage. Make sure to check in PoB where you could put the points first and how much damage it would add.

I will definitely check that thank you!

I try to build the tree of the weapon without success. 5 try but the T2 node won’t fit with T3 and T4. As you said, I already have 20% int so it’s not that bad. I will continue to farm and I’ll see if I try to chance it like that or if I continue to roll that damned serpent stance on it.

Can people who have successfully making the tree tell me how many try they needed for each step to give me an estimation?

Thanks for the return et merci à Pat-hibulaire également ;)

Mega expensive as its pure luck, I mustve dumped over 20 divines just on getting the last node in place.
5div for me and I have only 2 nodes done… But the person who write the guide for the tree said with 10 to 15 divine we will be fine… I’m gonna farm some imprint beast I think…
CorteX1110 wrote:
5div for me and I have only 2 nodes done… But the person who write the guide for the tree said with 10 to 15 divine we will be fine… I’m gonna farm some imprint beast I think…

it took me 20 div to get the last node done
Last edited by Firestrike9#7135 on Apr 28, 2023, 8:34:40 AM
CorteX1110 wrote:
5div for me and I have only 2 nodes done… But the person who write the guide for the tree said with 10 to 15 divine we will be fine… I’m gonna farm some imprint beast I think…

When I made my weapon, Imprints were 0.4 div. When I wrote the guide they were about 0.7 div. The current price and people figuring out how to combine trees might be the reason for the inflated cost. I'm glad I acted early :)

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