[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

I am currently trying to craft the simplex with %attr, %int and %damage per int - and... Either something really changed since the beastcrafting post from 12th of April, or something's wrong.
I have amulets from "List A" and "List B" respectively - Attr% + phys as extra cold(Let's call it Amulet 1, List A), rare Attr% + movespeed(Amulet 2, List B), %damage per int + mana reservation(Amulet 3, List A) and %damage per int + phys as extra cold(Amulet 4, List B). They should be from different lists from what I see - but when trying to hinekora they... behave the same. In the current attempt both Amulet 1 and Amulet 2 give as a result the undesired mod(phys as extra cold and movespeed respectively) and as the third mod both give the fire multi. I can suspect that the fact that magic amulets like amulet 2 might no longer go on list A and go with rare amulets of the same mods to list B, but... Both Amulet 3 and Amulet 4 give as a result the undesireable mod as well. Mana Res + phys damage to attacks for Amulet 3 and fire multi and phys as extra cold for Amulet 4. At least in the current attempt, amulets 1 and 4, it seems, behave the same, both providing either a desireable or undesireable mod and a fixed 3rd one. So - the underlying logic from the "research notes" post should work the same. It's just the mods seem to have been shuffled by now.
Also, I found only two messages on the topic in this topic, so... Any answers?

/Edit: Also, I have 2 amber amulets, ilvl 86 and 87 respectively, both with %increased damage per int and phys as extra cold as the only shaper mods. They behave in the opposite ways, at least on this attempt...
And triple-mod phys as extra lightning + mana reservation + %damage per int - behaves in the opposite way of the Amulet 3 above, giving %damage per int when the 2-mod doesn't do that. Which should contradict the research notes post in the section for triple-mod amulets.

/Edit 2: I gave up after 53 attempts at beastcrafting and not getting the trifecta. Behaviour remained mostly consistent - but in some cases amulets that gave opposite results in the majority of attempts(triple-mod in the previous edit and Amulet 3 as one example) - gave out the same, always undesireable mod. The mentioned pair of amber amulets, though, remained consistent, despite literally having the same mods. Either way, either I am really unlucky(and, maybe, my simplex is bugged somehow) or I have no idea what is happening.
If anyone would be interested - I have video recordings for both claims in my previous edit and of how amulets change their behaviour for some reason, but I have no resources to continue trying to get to the heart of the matter or to do anything with the amulet. Settled for T1 int as the third affix, since it seems only slightly worse than %attr in my case(mostly in that I'd have to delevel some gems in CWDT setups, lose 4% of damage improvement relative to my current amu, from 33.8% more to 29.8% more, and a little evasion).
I might try the metacrafting method if I manage to scrounge in Settlers ~240 div for 30 awakener's, 20-25 div for lifeforce, 6k alts, ~50 div for craicics and 20 for benchcraft. But i'd probably buy an already crafted amu for 1 mirror first. ;p
Last edited by Ariafrost#7535 on Jan 22, 2025, 11:29:23 AM
This build is super killable even with more expensive items. Map T16 (vulerability mod - the rest was ele res for mobs). Syndicate with Janus and Haku on the map. Killed 4 times by Haku (while he jumps and strike). Finally killed them but it took a lot... of time (all gems at least 20/20 or 21/20 excluding those which has to be on lower levels). Nope. Unless you have the exact super expensive items like here then maybe it is more tanky. Build dead.
After acquiring more expensive items, the build works definitely better, but performs poorly on maps with mod: +xxx to crit. Recently I had mod + 611% to crit on map T16 Caldera. The final boss simply killed my character by jumping on me - three times. I tried to dodge his attack, but the next two times I died from the fireballs that fall out in the arena while fighting this boss. There is no problem at all if no crit or eventually lower crit like 300%.
Thus, although this build performs well (if properly equipped) it is not tanky enough on maps with high crit - an ordinary mob on map T16 (+600% to crit) takes 9k ES in one hit and leeching here is of no use.

After acquiring more expensive items, the build works definitely better, but performs poorly on maps with mod: +xxx to crit. Recently I had mod + 611% to crit on map T16 Caldera. The final boss simply killed my character by jumping on me - three times. I tried to dodge his attack, but the next two times I died from the fireballs that fall out in the arena while fighting this boss. There is no problem at all if no crit or eventually lower crit like 300%.
Thus, although this build performs well (if properly equipped) it is not tanky enough on maps with high crit - an ordinary mob on map T16 (+600% to crit) takes 9k ES in one hit and leeching here is of no use.

I think I should mention here that, from what I can see, you still don't have capped resistances(unless using a flask, which you don't have enchanted) and that crit multi is a bigger problem than increased crit chance(especially considering Solaris pantheon making it so you get at most 1 crit against you per 4 seconds).
Also - crit chance on T16 non-unique maps is capped at 360-400(and multi from that mod at 41-45%), so you need at least around 50+% increased effect of explicit mods from atlas tree in order to reach that "611%". Which is basically all the nodes on the tree - which there is a reason people don't select if their builds are not ready for that. Also, if there was a "Players have 60% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills" mod - in that case you'd have 90+% reduced aura effectiveness and effectively only 2-3% ele res instead of 40 from Purity of Elements, tanking resistances even with the flask active. Since the leap slam from Caldera map boss converts all phys to fire... Dying from fireballs also supports the "fire res too low" guess.

Also, Dex/ES and Dex/Armour are a really poor choice of Split Personalities even if you are lacking in dex(not to mention the wrong pathing, unless pob lies a little, and it can with clusters, not choosing Blanketed Snow notable and loosing out on both damage from it and increased effect from Split Personality), making ES, eHP and damage(and, therefore, leech) lower than it should be. I mean, simply changing the path, recrafting your ring via essence(since int is fractured) from STR to DEX in order to be able to equip armor and hitting T1 all ele res(around ~100 essences on average) - gives you ~200 DEX and makes you able to choose better jewels and basically gain free 1000+ ES and ~20% more damage. Just as one example.
Last edited by Ariafrost#7535 on Jan 26, 2025, 9:25:21 AM
I have 13.8k ES and 1% dmg reduction per 220 int (about ot upgrade to 170) and equal balanced res for the wise oak. I love the dmg of this build, i hate the delayed dmg bc it takes 1-2s to escalate and hit.

But i still die one hit from spells. I'm a total newb (first league, second character) and followed this build almost to the letter. 0% spell supression is really tough bc it only takes one random rare mob to kill you with spells on a mildly juiced t17.

Just now, i had an offscreen heavy hitter. It's manageable to kill it after dying once, but it's a given the same rare will come again on the same map.

I spent like 90-100 divs (maybe more) and still die on t17. Unless you have the dmg reduction on the body armour on max with orb of conflict and the simplex which is 300-400 div to craft/buy, you'll still gonna die a lot to spells.

If it's not a random one shot rare, i can take packs of spellcasters pretty easily by blinking on them and killing them instantly bc of the huge dmg this build has. That's a great point tho.

Idk if i'm doing anything wrong but i want to know if there's anything i can do to be less likely to be one shotted besides getting the simplex to get a huge int boost.

Even tho this build has it's flaws, it teached me how to craft and made me look for it. It's an awesome starting point for any newb. You can easily do T16 with 20-50 div after you hit like 9k ES (i was running strongboxes on t16 tanking every mod besides reflect and leech prevention). Even on really budget gear, you can farm essences/delve for 1 div/h till you get to the t16 stage after spending those divs you farmed.
Can't view your character to see if/what could be improved.

I suggest you check your profile privacy settings, so that the character becomes visible :-)

Edit: my bad. Can view it now.
Last edited by Angrenost#6482 on Feb 1, 2025, 1:59:48 PM
The only major problem I can see: you got a connection between the right half of the tree and the middle one where no connection should be. It's that single +10 strength node right above your starting point.

That means your way to the Split Personalities is about 24 points short, leading to a loss of INT and ES.

Instead, take those two +10 Dexterity nodes to the right from your starting point.

Other than that, I can't see any major issues here.

Might be that that's enough to get your ES high enough not to get one shot, though ~14k should be enough already.

Edit: spelling.
Last edited by Angrenost#6482 on Feb 1, 2025, 2:25:15 PM
Yeah i had 14.5k but i upgraded to blanketed snow. I gotta level up more to get those points back, but still not enough for t17 tho lol. Mildly juiced.

I was talking to some ppl and most builds can`t rly do t17 in 100div. With simplex and helical rings, it`ll be great. Imo, simplex is mandatory and the build should say so. I`d need 200 div to craft better gloves and helmet for a good enough upgrade and i think it`s just better to postpone it to after simplex and helical.

I can kill t17 mobs. I can `clear` it, but the boss is... but i keep dying regularly to the mobs still (normal t17 stuff). I`m talking about fortress mainly. Even with heartstopper, i can`t. As i`m a newbie, may be a skill issue, but well... i`m 400h into the game so it shouldn`t be that far.
You absolutely do not need 200 div for gloves/helmet, or is the economy so badly f*ked this far into the ongoing league?

Both gloves and helmet can be crafted with the recombinator in Kingsmarch.

Personally, I don't think and feel that simplex is mandatory, but your mileage may vary :-)

Fortress is one of the easier T17 maps, try a juiced Abomination, that boss is rippy ;-)
i gave up trying to craft a simplex a long time ago because i have the worst luck ever in this game and the RNG hates me so much that even if it was raining vagina i would still get hit in the face with a penis.

but over the last year or two every time i play i've always been looking for one that doesn't involve trading a mirror because after all the min/maxing i never have enough currency to obtain a mirror, and the only good simplex ammys are always listed at a mirror or more.

finally yesterday i seen one listed at 800 divine. didn't have to think twice about it. i don't know what these things are worth in actual trade value so maybe i overpaid, maybe i got a deal i don't know but to be honest i was even willing to pay more for one just to get it over with and put this upgrade out of my mind.

swapped my boots annoint from tranquility to whispers of doom, threw the ammy on, wham bam thank you mam good to go. just barely scraped by with enough strength for all of my gear and gems which i was a little paranoid over at first because of the strength that i was losing from my old amulet

this is the ammy i've been using up to now. it's like the simplex's little brother i guess. probably the best that i could find short of the simplex.

maybe the upgrade would have been alot more significant if i didn't already have this. but i think it was worth it. was it a necessary upgrade? no, but i still wanted it. now i can finally say that this build is complete and i can stop chasing petty little trivial upgrades. the only thing i can do to really upgrade the build is through those fancy new rings, and i don't even know how that's going to work or what kind of a fortune i would have to amass in currency to craft or trade, and any kind of ring alterations would mess with my resistances and my strength so i'm just going to leave it where it's at and say it's done.

now all the currency i make off of this build can go straight towards my next one for whenever the day arrives that this build is no longer viable. but even after the hatred nerfs and having to switch to zealotry and upgrade my watchers eye this build is still very much viable.

i play exclusively in standard league so i'm hoping that they don't nerf or neuter anything with this build any time soon, so i can reap the benefits of the new ammy. that's by far the most i've ever paid for any item, but i gave up on trying to craft one, and it was the cheapest i've ever seen one listed over the years and those 800 divines would have just sat there until this build gets killed anyways so i don't really have any regrets. but god damn, i thought i spent a small fortune when the mageblood first hit standard - and to this very day i haven't even used it yet! it's been sitting in the same spot for years waiting for me to put some kind of build together around it. little did i know that i'd be putting the cost of that mageblood to shame on a rare amulet with only 3 properties. but oh hell yeah i can make use off this one right off the bat.
Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Feb 2, 2025, 3:05:47 PM

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