3.19.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

The harvest changes posted for tomorrow are not enough, For a company that is so good with math I do not understand how this isnt an obvious fix? Previously we go into harvest and would see from a single plot often times 10 crafts or more. Even if it were 10 of the cheapest crafts at the moment that would be 500 life force per plot. Instead the MOST I have seen was 384. But it had a chance of having these crafts that will still be 5k 10k 12.5k? In what world should we have to do 25 harvest plots for one single craft? Where prior to this league we would see that craft 1/25 harvest plots but would be also getting ALL of the common ones.

The SOLUTION that I see is that we need three different tiers of life force,
1- Common like what we have now that covers all of the standard crafts that should be at most 250 life force per craft.
2- Rare drops a different life force but say it drops 1-3 of these and they are used for many of the what was previously rare crafts, and it takes 1-5 each.
3- The current crystalized life force crafts should cost, the crystalized life force and nothing else.

Why should one single craft cost the super rare crystalized life force AND 25000 of the common life force? that is 50-100 plots worth of life force for one single craft!?!?!

PLEASE GGG Think about this from our perspective! We went from harvest giving us 50-100 crafts per grove with a chance of finding a rare one that is in addition to the 50-100 common crafts. Now you are saying we need to do 50 groves for one single craft? Cmon
Go back on everything you have done in 3.19 and then we will talk.X99999
How to do something while actually doing what amounts statistically to nothing. The tone deafness and ignorance to your customers knows no bounds. You think your players, of all the gamers in the world, can't do the math to figure out we're still getting screwed?

If you honestly think you're improving the game, go play it on your personal time GGG staff. I always hear Chris telling these sob stories about how the staff play the game. Maybe just another one of his lies.

I watched his interview with Josh Strife Hayes that spoke of goodwill and cashing it in. I believe he overestimated the amount of goodwill he had banked up with the community after 3.15 and then the forcing of Archnemesis into the base game, which was clearly hated. He was still in the red for good will, and now this. Time to settle up and give the customers what they want or all he will have is the '10,000 players' he wants. The game will be on life support, and I'm sure there will be lay offs at GGG.
So nice!
Gmotagi wrote:
Every streamer I follow is quitting.
Game is dying.
Revert to 3.18

...and if anyone reading this thinks its fine, you don't understand how items crafted by the top players feed the gear for those below. When that dies the game dies.

Exactly when your economy depends and is built around people farming items and crafting to work.
Third patch note that utterly disappoints us.
We play this game because we love loot. We love crafting.
Youre taking things away from us without compensation. Why would we still invest our time and money into this game when it doesnt bring us joy anymore.
We are not your enemy, whats so wrong about us wanting to get a dopamine kick from a loot explosion whenever we finish a juiced alva?

Please Chris, do a honest FAQ on twitch or reddit. Join a streamer and let them interview you. Be transparent with us.
25% increase after a 90% reduction - so we are at 12.5%.

This is an insult.
Now everything is good.... Trust... COPIUM
goodbye ggg

Good work bro <3

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