[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!

plaguefear wrote:
I have made 350 divines doing league mechanic with this build.

Any tips ?
siema87 wrote:
plaguefear wrote:
I have made 350 divines doing league mechanic with this build.

Any tips ?
Maximise spread of units, hang back and defend with spirits until you have the advantage then push.
plaguefear wrote:
siema87 wrote:
plaguefear wrote:
I have made 350 divines doing league mechanic with this build.

Any tips ?
Maximise spread of units, hang back and defend with spirits until you have the advantage then push.

This is how I played as start then I changed my strat into an undefeatable one.

Rush to enemy defence, spam srs all day, defeat all defence enemies, after there are no visible enemies start channeling, first you channel defence totems then their flanks. Eventually you ll win with number advantage.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Would be better to switch to poison SRS without Covenant chest but with some generic 6L if I can reach 100% poison chance?

I'm asking because I can't afford yet Covenant chest but already have some poison pieces and jewels and my Absolution skill is very unreniable on league mechanic.
Theres a times when I spam it and literally 0 sentinels are spawning for a very long time and I lose a game because of that (4L srs is not enough).
Asag wrote:
Would be better to switch to poison SRS without Covenant chest but with some generic 6L if I can reach 100% poison chance?

I'm asking because I can't afford yet Covenant chest but already have some poison pieces and jewels and my Absolution skill is very unreniable on league mechanic.
Theres a times when I spam it and literally 0 sentinels are spawning for a very long time and I lose a game because of that (4L srs is not enough).

Sure, if you can afford 100% poison a severed and other stuff should be able to carry you even without covenant.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Are you ignite immune? From two abyss jewels you have below 100% chance. You don't care about capping it or I'm missing somewhere those last few %?
Are you ignite immune? From two abyss jewels you have below 100% chance. You don't care about capping it or I'm missing somewhere those last few %?

Nvm, missed the avoidance from small cluster.
Last edited by Asag#1815 on Aug 26, 2023, 2:36:13 PM
How important is to scale srs gem lvl? its huge dmg diff from 21-25 lvl or it doesnt scale with posion and we scale minion lvls just for spectre and golem survi?
szybciorek1144 wrote:
How important is to scale srs gem lvl? its huge dmg diff from 21-25 lvl or it doesnt scale with posion and we scale minion lvls just for spectre and golem survi?

I remember it being a difference of 10% to 15% more dmg per level.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Looks like with the change to Severed in Sleep, we can't really swap to Poison til we get all our jewel slots filled? Did I miss something else, or is that accurate?
Last edited by Raum266#3940 on Aug 26, 2023, 10:47:19 PM

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