[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!
I hadn't considered that but it makes a lot of sense. The Ashes upgrade is like 40div so I wasn't sure how to replace it. I see the replica Dragonfang suggested in the main guide. Perhaps I'll look into that.
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" Not that important, a divergent multi is also fine. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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" Hey buddy, you made the mistake most players make ^^ You are casting offering into nothingness, you need a green socket that comes before a blue socket, you are casting your desecrate as last in queue so you are missing it most of the time. order needs to be B - B - G - B as offering on last socket. You need suppress cap and surrender shield, surrender should cost 1 div tops if you upgrade yourself. You are at the very start of the build so dont give up ^^ You need the gravepact wheel in order to make your srs hit 100% of the time, your accuracy seems off to me. Ok, this is crucial, you need a Blessed rebirth and life from death medium jewel right now! That is the first thing I buy in my build no questions, not only your spectres do not recover life from you casting srs but your srs is also dying 1 second after you spawned them, you get that jewel and tell me the difference. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities! Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Sep 11, 2023, 12:01:29 AM
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Great guide!
I have one question, where is the endgame path of building link for poison build? ^^" I'm playing this build as Scion so I`m not sure it will help me but I'm a bit lost at the moment :3 Last edited by Holydr4gon#2533 on Sep 11, 2023, 6:26:27 AM
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" Hey, I dont think I have an endgame pob because I refuse to use that program. I dont like it, at all. You could check out my week 1 or week 2 ninjas here: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaAncientOne?i=2&search=name%3Dsadp&time-machine=week-1 This should do ^^ Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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Any guide on how to handle spectres? Is there a way to resummon the same ones?
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" This might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4bZuHDW73w&pp=ygUaaG93IHRvIHN1bW1vbiBzcGVjdHJlcyBwb2U%3D&ab_channel=Raikao How I do is, I get a 2nd set of weapons and a shield on my offhand, put a seperate desecrate there, swap weapons when one of them dies so on your skillbar there will be a freely available desecrate and raise spectre hotkey will be ready to go. How you select them is you keep pressing A, hover over the corpses of desecrate and choose the spectres we used. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities! Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Sep 12, 2023, 10:53:28 PM
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Quick question, where do you get all the mana reservation for running 5 auras?
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" Tree, helmet and amulet. And an enlighten 3. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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Just a quick tip that I felt I could share here.
Build recommend going brand-desecrate-offering on helmet slot which is nice and great damage boost on bosses. I am lvl94 and still haven't switch on that, I still run zombies with minion life/feeding frenzy, and I can tell you that I cleared ALL juicy T16 maps with it and I die soooo rarely, mostly from opening strongboxes, since zombies take so much aggro from me and spectres. Sure, you need to summon them back sometimes and now on endgame I feel that its time to switch them over to brand setup, but while clearing all map content and leveling they are probably better choice, since SRS deal too much damage anyway. (just make sure you get that mastery on minion node which heal minions for 5% when minion die). Also, maybe not for everyone play style, I did swap quicksilver flask for +1 utility flask because practicly shield charge have no cooldown and you use it to move :D There is so much more room to improve my build, and its still smashing those any-mod T16's, ALL max res + high life and armor. Its blasting, GJ on guide MrDeath :) |
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