[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!

Holydr4gon wrote:
So I'm trying to make the build work but I can not figure out what is wrong with it.
I get instakilled and my minions do super low DPS compared to other builds so I don't know anymore...

I leave you a link here to my profile, maybe you can help me understand.


Thank you!

Scion might work but, your minions have 94% accuracy, thats kinda bad since they will miss a lot against enemies, you need at least one minion accuracy node on your tree or one of the jewels.
You might want to suppress cap too, that would help with your defence.

If you could tell us what content are you trying the build on I might help u further more.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Sep 20, 2023, 12:57:02 PM
MrsDeath_ wrote:
BobZaninetti wrote:
have you tried Deadly Ailments for bossing?

There is a dot cap per enemy, 35 mil. We each that pretty easily with week 1 setup. No need to change gems ^^

Nice! Learning a lot of the game with this build. Going for Mageblood now already.
BobZaninetti wrote:
MrsDeath_ wrote:
BobZaninetti wrote:
have you tried Deadly Ailments for bossing?

There is a dot cap per enemy, 35 mil. We each that pretty easily with week 1 setup. No need to change gems ^^

Nice! Learning a lot of the game with this build. Going for Mageblood now already.

The mageblood experience is like day and night. It improves so much qol.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Yup just got my mageblood today. Definitely day and night
momoveliasama wrote:
Yup just got my mageblood today. Definitely day and night

Congratulations my dude ^^
The best part is that you get to swap different flasks for different bosses ^^
these 3 are my perma flasks:

And I change these according to mapping or doing cold- fire-light- phys or chaos bosses respectively:
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on Sep 21, 2023, 3:02:15 PM
Here I am!
So I fixed the build a bit and now it works again and even better!

My next objective is to get ravenous horde and the accuracy bonus, so I will close the build at level 98.

Item-wise, I think I need to get ashes and the tattoo for the extra specter.
If you have other improvements you see please let me know!

Thank you very very much!

Holydr4gon wrote:
Here I am!
So I fixed the build a bit and now it works again and even better!

My next objective is to get ravenous horde and the accuracy bonus, so I will close the build at level 98.

Item-wise, I think I need to get ashes and the tattoo for the extra specter.
If you have other improvements you see please let me know!

Thank you very very much!


Hey buddy ^^ You are doing great.
One thing you may improve is that you put a generosity on your weapon and get a 50% more chaos added dmg on your envy aura ^^ That is a big dmg boost for us.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
How did you get 100% hit chance on minions with just 1 jewel? I took minion accuracy node and PoB shows my minion hit chance at 94%. If I will add some abyss jewel with high accuracy roll it will be 97%.

And I see you don't use the node and only 1 jewel have accuracy bonus.
Asag wrote:
How did you get 100% hit chance on minions with just 1 jewel? I took minion accuracy node and PoB shows my minion hit chance at 94%. If I will add some abyss jewel with high accuracy roll it will be 97%.

And I see you don't use the node and only 1 jewel have accuracy bonus.

Hey bud, you might be missing the accuracy wheel below templar.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
No, I have the Gravepact allocated.

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