People who can play the game without over heating your pc want kind of config do you have?

Warvald wrote:
I was curious about that, for exemple I have a '' i7-7700 '' Sure its not new but its not some middle age stuff either. Yet my pc is over heating with minimum graphic.

Also got a GTX 1080 Also feel like it should be enough.

For contex, I run a GTX 1060 and a Ryzen 5 3600, so while these are quality parts, they're getting a bit up in age at this point. I favor warm rooms, so I keep a pretty low AC (and blast the heater during winter), living in an area that gets pretty hot during summer and very cold during winter. Things done up with thermal gel.

I run PoE on maxed settings (Save Depth of Field just because I think it looks bad in general), and aside from somewhat long load spikes at the start of a map (which I think is more PoE's servers than the machine), it's never had any heat issues. Double check to cap frame rates at something reasonable, and double check your fans are working, and if you haven't look into thermal gels. Your PC should choke itself rather than cook itself if it's heat is out of hand for some reason, but those safety nets can fail.

This PC does have three monster fans (two top facing that spew upwards, and one rear facing, though its pretty close to the wall so that one likely doesn't help as much as it could), between this and the thermal gels, I've never had a heat issue in any game (Massive Dwarf Fortress maps, PoE, or Witcher 3 maxed out and modded to heck).
I have a 3080 and a 5800x cpu with all setting maxed except triple bufferign which i have turned off.

I get 90 fps in my hideout and 140 fps in game. No over heating.
I literally dont understand.

The game was "fine" until they added this mess. Nobody cared about specs.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Thesuffering wrote:
I have a 3080 and a 5800x cpu with all setting maxed except triple bufferign which i have turned off.

I get 90 fps in my hideout and 140 fps in game. No over heating.

Same setup, similar FPS. But in heavily juiced map or in 5W with carrier insane bilion effects builds, game become a slideshow.
Kminek666 wrote:
Thesuffering wrote:
I have a 3080 and a 5800x cpu with all setting maxed except triple bufferign which i have turned off.

I get 90 fps in my hideout and 140 fps in game. No over heating.

Same setup, similar FPS. But in heavily juiced map or in 5W with carrier insane bilion effects builds, game become a slideshow.

Hmm... Do you think the new engine, it becomes a CPU or GPU problem? Did you have a problem with it before this new engine? Try using triple buffering so it is more CPU intensive and see if it helps.

For it to be a GPU problem with a 3080 with graphics like it has now is a bit of a joke.
Kminek666 wrote:
Thesuffering wrote:
I have a 3080 and a 5800x cpu with all setting maxed except triple bufferign which i have turned off.

I get 90 fps in my hideout and 140 fps in game. No over heating.

Same setup, similar FPS. But in heavily juiced map or in 5W with carrier insane bilion effects builds, game become a slideshow.

I think this is the scenario people who're experiencing issues, really need to hone-in on. People saying they have no issues while afk in hideout, no mtx and not even a portal open... it's not reflective of the 10 thousand interactions per frame the game's demanding your PC process in a 100% deli full man party, etc.

Something's changed to make these scenarios more demanding. TBH I haven't played since the patches initial release, so I'm hoping they've fixed it since.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Xystre wrote:
I literally dont understand.

The game was "fine" until they added this mess. Nobody cared about specs.

I think it's just de facto troubleshooting-instinct kicking in. People want to see if people with the same setup have the problem to isolate it to software v hardware, etc. No harm in that.

I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
AintCare wrote:
hmcg020 wrote:

I remember my first ever PC was so bad it would overheat when playing counter strike 1.5. I would put my GPU in a bag, then in the freezer for half an hour. I'd get another 2 hours gameplay out of it each time.

No fans, small form factor and sitting on the carpet. I'm surprised it lasted so long!

yeh those old suckers were tough too.... I remember running a radeon with a fanned heatsink (top of the line stuff lol) and it would get so hot that the plastic clips would melt and heatsink would detach.... i would put a paperclip instead and thing would keep on keeping on.

Back before either of probably knew how to or could afford to fix that kind of stuff properly lol.

I think mine was a geforce 210 on a PC I got when I was 19. All I asked was "can it run counter strike?". The guy must have laughed his ass off when I left the store. I thought PCs came with a mouse, keyboard and screen haha. SO dumb.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
cpu 5900x
gpu rx6800

Playing at 1440p with most things set to low. Patch made no difference in performance for me, stable 120 fps. I don't play delirious content, though.

I had some artifacting problems after the patch but deleting cache solved that issue. My pc also hardlocked at some point while playing the game, but that might be coincidental. Event viewer didn't give any useful insight.
Last edited by AlvinL_#4492 on Jul 26, 2023, 6:21:09 PM
If you're trying after this new patch, just give up.
Attempted everything. Not working.

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