Instant buyouts confirmed in PoE 2

cursorTarget wrote:

So... tradies gonna trade. Even more. With higher power, speed and volume. Expect the drop rate nerfs and/or balance around the insta trade. Solo or semi-solo players will be definetly "happy" by having this. GGG has to balance the items and scarcity around the new trading environment to compensate the capability of traders to acquire items from the market instead of farming content.

Enjoy the consequences.

I'll point it out but it IS NOT confirmed, all they have said is that they are aware and they will find a way to solve it and solve it, no indication of when let alone a definite addition (there have been more than a few things in PoE that they had intended to add but ended up not, or it taking years)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
lagwin1980 wrote:
cursorTarget wrote:

So... tradies gonna trade. Even more. With higher power, speed and volume. Expect the drop rate nerfs and/or balance around the insta trade. Solo or semi-solo players will be definetly "happy" by having this. GGG has to balance the items and scarcity around the new trading environment to compensate the capability of traders to acquire items from the market instead of farming content.

Enjoy the consequences.

I'll point it out but it IS NOT confirmed, all they have said is that they are aware and they will find a way to solve it and solve it, no indication of when let alone a definite addition (there have been more than a few things in PoE that they had intended to add but ended up not, or it taking years)

tf are u talking about lol buyout is confirmed.

Johanthan literally explained what will happen.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Jan 30, 2024, 5:15:46 PM
JibbityTibbit wrote:
people saying "trading has to have friction" are the equivalent of boomers complaining that kids nowadays google everything rather than reading at the library. get on with the times, old man.

LOL love this!

Already have instant buyouts on console. It 1000x more enjoyable than PC.

Console has trade board and no bots and very little China currency sellers. The economy is based on the players like games should be.

I do play on PC the first week since console gets leagues a week later. And a monster PC and the frame rate is missed but games so much more enjoyable on series x. Not Playstation because game is at 1080p on playstation and thats unbearable.
Honestly, the "play some to trade some" model sounds perfect for a player like me, who buys a moderate amount of items and sells a moderate amount of items while mostly just playing the game by killing mobs.

My three biggest trade complaints, that I have to leave whatever activity I'm currently doing to sell an item (or ignore the buyer), buyers who whisper a bunch of players simultaneously and then ignore me when I respond, and sellers who ignore my trade requests because they can't leave whatever they're doing, are solved with instant buyouts.

I get how those who enjoy "playing the economy" might not like it, but it's great for the other 98% of the players.

They should have done this years ago.
- here's my sig
How does one gauge "friction" as not enough or too much in a game?

In my job I gauge friction as something that exceeds a lubricant's ability to minimize heat and keep machinery running without lockups or catastrophic failure.

Prior to yesterday, I'd never seen the term as a grafting mark for instant buyout vs what POE currently has for a trading system. Seems way to subjective to me.

No matter what system ends up being fielded in POE2, there will always be a way to game it. The people that benefit most from either system will rail loudest against the other.

Far as I'm concerned, put me down for instant buyout, regardless of the amount of "friction". I just want to play the game with as little interruption as possible.
I poop, therefore I am.
Khallis wrote:
JibbityTibbit wrote:
people saying "trading has to have friction" are the equivalent of boomers complaining that kids nowadays google everything rather than reading at the library. get on with the times, old man.

LOL love this!


Same, +1.

The whole current trading situation is a Frankenstein-style hybrid between "we're Diablo II" and "we want people to trade".

It's wrong on so many levels.

There are TWO possible solutions, and both can even (Last Epoch will do it with MG vs. CoF) coexist:

a) Make SSF a viable playstyle for the 99% (the solution EHG found for this is suprisingly good)

and / or

b) Make trading comfortable and remove the "friction" and all the gaslighting around it

Currently PoE feels like a wonderful futuristic city where suddenly you have a toxic / radioactive waste dump in the middle of a public recreation park.

Of course after that a very few will have their gigachad-nolifer-power diminished, but, to quote Spock from Star Trek: "the good of the many outweighs the good of the few".

The more the game is for the 99% of us, the better.

And yes, "insta-kills from off screen" need to go, too. And "after death effects", as well as the XP penalty on death.

But with LE on the horizon we're getting there. LE has NONE of that nonsense.
Last edited by navigator4223#0403 on Jan 30, 2024, 11:53:40 PM
can't wait
fast trade is the future
using gold as a finite resource to make sure trades are high quality is a good idea as well
Id1eRace wrote:
Already have instant buyouts on console. It 1000x more enjoyable than PC.

Console has trade board and no bots and very little China currency sellers. The economy is based on the players like games should be.

I do play on PC the first week since console gets leagues a week later. And a monster PC and the frame rate is missed but games so much more enjoyable on series x. Not Playstation because game is at 1080p on playstation and thats unbearable.

The big problem on console is that there are many price fixers, and due to the small 'market' it's relatively easy to corner it and set an artificially high price. Or ofc set silly low prices to fool other sellers, but never accepting any offers on your own items.

With an actual instant buyout as opposed to this accept/reject system, I hope that problem will be solved. A likely consequence is bots buying up erroneously priced items, like setting chaos instead of divine.

Really hope we'll get a common marketplace between platforms in POE2. Otherwise the markets on PS4/5 and Xbox will continue to be very unhealthy. Just about anything is priced much, much higher than on PC. Partly due to the price fixing mentioned above.
JibbityTibbit wrote:
people saying "trading has to have friction" are the equivalent of boomers complaining that kids nowadays google everything rather than reading at the library. get on with the times, old man.

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Amante de las abejas🐝

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