Paint-Undo AI model, on how to kill fan art contest XD XD

I have a different theory.

They simply don't have anyone talented enough to judge good writing.

And many Exiles aren't exactly known for refined English literacy. This being an international, Chinese-owned game and all.

Visual art, on the other hand, requires no real literacy to at least appreciate regardless of language spoken or written. Like music, it transcends the curse of Babel.

Is writing art? It can be an artform. But it doesn't fall under the lay definition of art, since the 'sensory' part is implicit. You don't go to an art gallery and look at books, or even poetry all that often. If you are an art student, you're probably not learning the Western literary canon.

And whether we like it or not, the vast majority of writing people consume is...barely craft, never mind art.

I am playing Devil's Advocate because I can, and because I'm probably one of the more accomplished writers around here. So if anyone should be annoyed that written art is excluded from a computer game's community art contest, it should be me. And I just ain't.

So if I can reconcile it, I reckon anyone can. Or should at least try.

You are probably right on most points, especially the ability to appreciate without any skills or interpretations.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Aug 10, 2024, 8:13:34 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
I have a different theory.

It was confirmed.

Also many Exiles aren't exactly known for refined English literacy. This being an international, Chinese-owned game and all.

Visual art, on the other hand, requires no real literacy to at least appreciate regardless of language spoken or written. Like music, it transcends the curse of Babel.

Is writing art? It can be an artform. But it doesn't fall under the lay definition of art, since the 'sensory' part is implicit. You don't go to an art gallery and look at books, or even poetry all that often. If you are an art student, you're probably not learning the Western literary canon.

And whether we like it or not, the vast majority of writing people consume is...barely craft, never mind art.

I am playing Devil's Advocate because I can, and because I'm probably one of the more accomplished writers around here. So if anyone should be annoyed that written art is excluded from a computer game's community art contest, it should be me. And I just ain't.

So if I can reconcile it, I reckon anyone can. Or should at least try.

You are probably right on most points, especially the ability to appreciate without any skills or interpretations.

I'm a writer. I'd know.

Also I'm going to edit your response since They edited my post. The irony is hardcore. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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