Content Update 3.25.0 -- Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur

I love what i have seen in the trailer. Love the people from Heist and Expedition and i love gathering resources to build and manage something.

Hopefully the mechanics are not so badly over- or undertuned like we know ggg does it way to much in the past.
PrettyCool wrote:
Raxanto wrote:
Is it now possible to create a new character good and not follow a guide?
i'm not super good at the game, but creating my own melee build and get very far would've been fun :'D

If you aren't confident about what you'd get out of your planning I would suggest doing your experiments later in the league when you have some $ to invest into gearing.

It is just a big leap from following through some well-established build to actually figuring out the issues of builds on your own, and tinkering around about what would be the next big step you'll have to build upon it.

For me, this is actually the reason I love this game. For the past 2 years I learned TONS about what makes a build effective in any possible way, learned about my skill type preferences, and I just try to come up with some hidden treasures that remain under the radar for some time after, which only adds a flavour to the joy of playing something "unique". Before that, when I was following guides or I couldn't do SHIT outside the box of the 5 variations a build would have, nor could I personally see much more room for improvement, and the gameplay as satisfying as it was, sucked a@@ as I couldn't feel invested in the build at all. Now, it's like a personal challenge to make it work.

Also, if you really want to start up a build - really think about the playstyle of the skill since it needs to feel good so you can actually be able to work on it as it's going to be a struggle to improve it once you past the early stages of the game and get to the uber/endgame content. or red tier maps even.

Allow yourself room for failure as it is a venture, and even if it doesn't work out, I can guarantee you'll learn so much that you'll feel more confident the next time you tinker a build. Regularly delve into the poe wiki (not fandom) and reddit for feedback on anything you find as convoluted, watch conceptual poe channels with an educative purpose and eventually you'll be a walking personal wiki yourself.

Good luck!

Thanks for the good reply! i can definitely relate to your past experience with the game. It's really hard to see what you can improve on and replace with even better stuff for your character. That's actually where it ends up stopping, even in a build guide.
So that's also something i REALLY need to learn. I hate to hit that brick wall and get stuck at somewhere between t16 and t17 maps or just whatever, and not see what else i can upgrade, since everything "looks good".

i'll start doing it later in the league, ill find myself a good starter build and expand on it and when i get currency enough and i feel done with that character, ill start my own. So yeah, thanks alot man!
Cannot wait for the exploit of Oath of Spring + the Taming.

High freq hit = 2000% inc dmg.
The maximum random Quality from Tainted Armourer's Scraps and Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstones is now 20% (previously 29%).

Tainted Armourer's Scraps and Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstones are now rarer relative to other Tainted currencies.

is this a joke?
nice patch. I love the Item Quantity changes.
Please, please, please GGG - add Staves to the weapon groups in Gladiator's "Weapon Master".

Thank you for your hard work!
I have put thousands of hours into this game, but I just can't do it anymore. Everytime I find something fun in this game it is patched, and the endgame is made only accessible to elite level streamers. Have fun yall, I quit. Enjoy this garbage patch
Hope a GGG employee reads this: The values between Scourge Arrow and Scourge Arrow of Menace are flipped. At least they each list the before values of the respective other one.
Very Big

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