3.25.0 Hotfix 9

Simple2012 wrote:
Please rollback the characters that were abusing this bug.
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I notice this doesn't say "temporarily".

Are Kirac div missions just gone forever?
Are these missions coming back?
Is this going to be brought back or gone for good? Would be nice if you could clarify before I respec half my atlas...
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
you got rid of this full stack of div card thing because of some idiots exploiting? now i cant use this to get my ryslatha coil which i desperately need to my bleed glad retaliate build. well guess im going to just fucking quit the league since i wasted tiem doing white red maps and getting friends to help clear my bosses for literally fucking nothing. wow. guess im done for the league. yikes.
also my atlas was built around this strategy so ive just wasted all my time running maps with essentially a useless atlas. thanks for bricking my league GGG. WOW I HONESTLY CANNOT BELIEVE THIS >.... smh
theTallic wrote:
Are these missions coming back?

i think they wont ever come back, back to 1div/hour (if lucky)
it would be very nice and respectful to us SSF players that built atlas around this to know if this is ever coming back. We are currently punished due to trade exploits in our ssf journey, where it's one of the few viable strategy to focus farm uniques AND it's very expensive to respec the atlas tree...

Please ggg, some information at least ?
I noticed you found time to set up a global message to spam me with messages about giving you money - But were unable to find time to post a simple update that would save potentially 100s (1000s?) of people a lot of time and effort. Shows what you think of us players, just $$$.
IGNs - GotBrainDamageInIntro
Aloneatwar wrote:
Really getting annoyed that you keep changing things mid league that screw us slower players over time and time again. The economy will stabilize itself, that is the whole point of it being player driven. You changing these things mid league just reward the fast players that can farm these things before the rest of us and get rich before you change things. The rest of us then just reap the broke consequences....literally. Please go back to your old development ideology and STOP CHANGING THINGS MID LEAGUE.

Yeah! Fuck us, slower players, right?! I'm fucking tiredf of this shit.

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