Followed all recommended steps and it hasn't fixed the issue. Performance feels a little better but I've still crashed to disconnect 4 times in the last 60 to 90 min and textures still aren't loading correctly.
Posted byDavion#9452on Aug 16, 2024, 9:46:13 PM
pandaman1012 wrote:
I have jumped through every hoop I can think of on my side to resolve this issue. I have had improved results, however there is still a very noticeable issue with connectivity, stability, and load times. Many of these issues have been present to some degree and time, but few and far between, and being the forgotten few, we mostly learned how to get by on our own.
Deleted Game
Cleared Cache
Rebuilt Database
Cleared and restored licenses
Changed PS5's DNS ports to Cloudflare's
Tried various MTU amounts, all under 1500
Optimized modem, LAN connect @ 500mpbs up and 25mbps down
Re-downloaded the game
This has ALL been done atleast 3 times since 3.25.1 went live.
I seem to be having a better experience than many based on the constant issues spoken of in chat and here in the forums, but it is in stark contrast to how this game has played before. I am not able to play in a group. Any maps played with any kind of juiced mechanics, I can expect a crash 50% of the time. These soft crashes take you back to the login screen, not allowing any kind of report to be created through the crash report.
I was not expecting the game to break more than it did on leaguestart. As I have been enjoying the league, in good faith, I purchased some mtx. I can say with certainty that I am not alone in holding off on even considering any other purchases until this issue has been addressed. The treatment of console players (or lack there of) has not gone unnoticed by the community as a whole. Unfortunately this is a very bad look to any PoE newcomers, anyone considering PoE2, and especially to those dedicated historical players who CHOOSE to play and pay for mtx. Console players already knew we were thought of as 3rd class citizens, and though our voices are not heard, our dollars and pounds may be missed.
Bug report # 2386942765
You said it all.
My next donate will be in poe 2 IF AND ONLY IF the performance gets as expected for a new gen game.
Posted byAndreF-kk#9207on Aug 19, 2024, 12:19:07 AM
in good faith, I purchased some mtx
we must stay focused, brothers
Posted byRedd_Barr#6135on Aug 19, 2024, 1:44:26 PM
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
During the 3.25.0 launch we encountered several shader related issues specifically on PS4 and last week's patch was supposed to address them.
Unfortunately the fix invalidated a lot of existing shaders which resulted in degraded performance for people that had a lot of old/invalidated shaders. This should not have been a big problem but at the same time our shader distribution servers encountered unforeseen difficulties which made the original issue worse. The issue was resolved several days ago.
If you do not encounter any severe shader issues like fully invisible maps, you should not need to clear the cache on your console. The more you play the more new shaders you’ll accumulate.
Sorry about the lack of communication during this period.
Posted byAlexander_GGGon Aug 22, 2024, 5:07:47 PMGrinding Gear Games
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
During the 3.25.0 launch we encountered several shader related issues specifically on PS4 and last week's patch was supposed to address them.
Unfortunately the fix invalidated a lot of existing shaders which resulted in degraded performance for people that had a lot of old/invalidated shaders. This should not have been a big problem but at the same time our shader distribution servers encountered unforeseen difficulties which made the original issue worse. The issue was resolved several days ago.
If you do not encounter any severe shader issues like fully invisible maps, you should not need to clear the cache on your console. The more you play the more new shaders you’ll accumulate.
Sorry about the lack of communication during this period.
Thanks for giving us some communication... but NONE of the "resolved issues" are the ones 95% of players are complaining about.
The vast majority of us are playing on PS5, and many of us have reinstalled the game at least once since the "fix", so there won't be any "old/invalidated" shaders.
Can shader issues even be responsible for disconnects?
Also, regarding the desire to have a "clear cache" feature... it's not the shader cache we're worried about, unless that shares local storage with minimap data and item filters.
For literal years there has been a local-storage bug where minimap data and/or customized filters stop working, and the only thing that consistently fixes it is deleting and reinstalling the whole game.
Posted byQQPQ#9136on Aug 22, 2024, 5:27:20 PM
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
During the 3.25.0 launch we encountered several shader related issues specifically on PS4 and last week's patch was supposed to address them.
Unfortunately the fix invalidated a lot of existing shaders which resulted in degraded performance for people that had a lot of old/invalidated shaders. This should not have been a big problem but at the same time our shader distribution servers encountered unforeseen difficulties which made the original issue worse. The issue was resolved several days ago.
If you do not encounter any severe shader issues like fully invisible maps, you should not need to clear the cache on your console. The more you play the more new shaders you’ll accumulate.
Sorry about the lack of communication during this period.
Uhm bro, just yesterday I DCs 3 times during ONE Mastermind encounter!
If your fix is "Bro, just DC to each type of attack once" I dare you to try it on PC master race and see what happens.
Posted byMaxW81#9965on Aug 22, 2024, 9:41:47 PM
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
During the 3.25.0 launch we encountered several shader related issues specifically on PS4 and last week's patch was supposed to address them.
Unfortunately the fix invalidated a lot of existing shaders which resulted in degraded performance for people that had a lot of old/invalidated shaders. This should not have been a big problem but at the same time our shader distribution servers encountered unforeseen difficulties which made the original issue worse. The issue was resolved several days ago.
If you do not encounter any severe shader issues like fully invisible maps, you should not need to clear the cache on your console. The more you play the more new shaders you’ll accumulate.
Sorry about the lack of communication during this period.
So let's see if I have this right.
- Noticed 'shader related issues' on PS4 with 3.25
- Decided to not inform PS4 players (either by updating the Known Issues list, via the launch screen notification or any other way)
- Fixed the 'shader related issues' with the 3.25.1 patch
- Decided to not include the fix in the PS patch notes, nor inform players in any other way
- Noticed 'unforeseen difficulties' with the 'shader distribution servers'
- Decided to not inform players who were experiencing severe crashing / disconnect /etc
- Fixed the issue with the 'shader distribution servers'
- Decided to not inform players who were experiencing severe crashing / disconnect /etc for several days
- Finally decided to post this small update with a tiny 'sorry'
Whoever does the player communications should seriously re-think their commitment / approach.
Posted bysuperdreddie#9796on Aug 23, 2024, 2:01:59 AM
Funny part, nothing is fixed. Guess it will be the norm for console players to DC to every piece of content once after each major patch or reinstall
Posted byMaxW81#9965on Aug 23, 2024, 6:00:16 AM
So happy to loose a Cayula breachstone due to freeze Disconnect.
Why even have those timed mechanics if the game doesn't work?
Posted bypra-lima87#9599on Aug 23, 2024, 10:27:33 AM
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
Sorry about the late reply here.
Great but nothing is fixed. Console as always just get the coal.
Posted bypra-lima87#9599on Aug 23, 2024, 10:30:11 AM