Rising awareness about Path of Building unintended negative consequences.
" Why are you making assumptions? Honestly, you can PM me and I can help you make any build you want, as long as it's not something intentionally underpowered. I already derailed the thread too much(sorry OP) Ok, since you talked about resistances... You know they also increased the value on gear? How long since you last played? I can find pieces with 60 elemental resist + DA and 40% elemental dmg all in one piece... " Really no offense meant, but this just shows me that you don't know how to build a character properly in GD. Send me a PM and I'll show you how in-depth it can be done. "Pure bleed" is not a skill. 1- Literally ALL Soldier skills that deal Bleed DMG also deal Phys and/or internal trauma AND also have %weapon dmg ont them. Cunning buffs Bleed, Phys and Internal Trauma. So there's no way you're doing ONLY bleed damage with Soldier. The worst case with Soldier at LVL 20 would be if you picked only ONE active skill and focused ONLY on it's Bleed component WITHOUT investing into Resistance Reduction. Even then you'd be able to kill them because you'd have the internal trauma damage. So any soldier skill that deals bleed can be used against undead effectively. How about Nightblade? Another mastery that deals some Beed damage: - Phantasmal Blades deals decent pierce damage while also dealing bleed damage AND % weapon damage. Both are boosted by the same stat: Cunning. Devotion tree has constellations that buffs both at same time. - Ring of Steel deals %weapon damage, pierce damge and its enhancement that applies bleed has a juicy %critical damage that boosts the %weapon damage too so that also helps against undead. - Veil of Shadow is a great aura that reduces enemy OA can be acquired early and applies a direct -% Pierce resist to mobs, making both skills above more effective. Investing 6 points into it will help you considerably both offensively and defensively. - If you are using 2 handed weapons you can get Kraken constellation that gives +130% ALL Damage + 26% ATK speed. Those will buff the other damages from your skills that can work better against undead. How about Shaman? Phys/Lightning/Bleed/Vit mastery??? - Devouring Swarm is a lvl 1 skill that deals bleed and vit damage while also directly reducing -% Bleed resistance - Primal Strike also deals Phys and Lightning. Well, you get the point. 99% of skills can be good in GD without much investment. You're just playing GD as if it were PoE. 2- It's LVL20 and you don't have access to Bleed reduction yet. Fair enough, it can happen. But there are many item components that drop like candy and that you can slot on your weapon anytime you wish and they will give you powerful active skills that will deal heavy Phys, Pierce or Internal Trauma damage which are also buffed by Cunning. You can slot those into a secondary weapon to deal with undead ONLY. There are many devotions that buff Bleed while also buffing piercing and phys, your damage with these 2 elements be decent even against Undead. 3- There is armor that drop often with affixes of "+6-8% Damage against Undead" <-- These % damage are multiplicative and the armor also comes with pierce/vit resist which helps against undead a lot. 4- You can slot components into weapons that give skills that reduce all resistances for X seconds 5- You can use blue items or other items that also give you extra skills that deal phys or pierce damage 6- You can invest heavily into Cunning and use Devotions/Equipment to compensate from the lack of HP/DA from Physique. If you do that, most skill that deal bleed damage will also do other damage types and will need to invest less Resistance Reduction. Contrary to popular belief, it works. No you don't need to put points in Physisque only, as long as you compensate for it this way. Aka, having a choice. If you don't want to use any other active skill or apply Resist Reduction to the undead, or use equipment that helps against them while using a damage type that they are resistant to... well that's your fault and you'll have to accept that it will take a longer. There's an achievement for beating HC CLASSLESS... classless. And people manage to do it. So you absolutely CAN kill a few skeletons at lvl 20 in the lowest difficulty. It will just take longer because you chose to invest into a dmg they are resistant to and simple refuse to adapt to the situation. " Ofc I know there are Player Pets and Pets. That one was obvious to me because it said: "Pet scales with player damage bonuses" and the other one said: "Pet scales with Pet damage bonuses" This information is even highlighted in yellow font, man... You'll only miss it if you read the description in a hurry. Resist Reduction is awkward, I have to agree with you on that. But even then, if are serious into making a build and realize you have to invest at least a bit into RR, you'r build will work. It's not that hard because most masteries that deal damage have some skill that reduces resistances. Nightblade deals poison/cold/pierce and has a -% pierce/cold/Acid Resist aura like skill. If you deal any of these kinds of damage and maximize this aura then you already have solid damage. Even better if you get more OA. So any skill deal damage if you get %Inc damage, OA and a bit of Resist Reduction. So they are only noob traps if you don't know the basics of scaling damage. Missing a ton of info? You can say that about mostly any game wiki, lol. Even then. There is something called Normal difficulty that is baby easy. Any casual can beat the game on Normal if they find Veteran hard or frustrating. " " Gotta be kidding. Beating Sirus alone without ever having touched PoB or Guides is much more difficult than beating the last difficulty of GD without ever following builds or guides, or using "PoBs" Because of one simple thing: In GD, if you know the basics of scaling damage, you can beat the game(if you are skilled). Defence stats are easy enough to come by. In fact I wish Ultimate was 50% harder than it currently is. " If you really want to know PM me and I'll show you my LVL 85 death knight that can Kill Nemesis in Ultimate without much trouble. And it's a "meme" 2h Warrior build that has 3 pets/summons. I don't know about expert... but I can make any build be good in this game. Ofc I know how OA/DA works. Apart from normal elemental resists ofc, DA is the most important stat. It reduces your chance to be crit to 0 AND also makes enemies miss attacks AND spells. Even AoE spells if I'm not mistaken. I think it should be nerfed in fact, because you can get a lot of HP already in GD so there's no need for DA to be that powerful. OA is also really good but I don't personally like investing absurd ammounts into it. Just enought to have 100% hit chance and ~ 15-20% chance to crit " " No need for Grim Tools, PM me, send me your build choice and I can help you build it. Maybe it's been a looong time since you last played. But GD now has more sources of defense and RR. More items that convert dmg types into other types. Yeah it has some death effects, but nothing that at least 70% resist won't save you from. Nothing comes close to lighting totems and mirage here in PoE, I can guarantee. Unless you play standing completely still in GD ofc. Then that's your fault; " " Now here you are talking about an extra optional boss as if it's the whole game. It would be like me measuring my D2 build based on uber killing potential. Not a good way to build something. Even then it's easier than ubers in D2 Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Aug 17, 2024, 11:01:06 AM
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" I'm not trying to antagonize you either, but are you going to ignore everything else in my whole post? Where I literally tell him like, 5 ways to fix his problems with level 20 skeletons being resistant to bleed? Where he tells me I know Sh** about OA, DA and saying I didn't even finished the campaign(much more pedantic)? I can kill any uber anytime I want in PoE. I just need to open up the internet and follow a "100% chance of success" build guide. But guess what? I actually PLAY PoE because I never do that. In fact I never understood this in this community... Do you guys know that in a game that literally has the work done for you on the internet in the form of broken builds, the achievement of killing an Uber Boss means next to nothing? Unless you are the build creator, ofc. Be honest, you know it's not much of a proof of accomplishment... I already took time post extensive arguments here in response to PoitelMarto, if they are invalid you are welcome to correct me, if you make sense I will agree with you. My account is 10 years old. So? I play D2, Titan Quest, The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Metro, Borderlands 1, 2 and 3, HUNT, Deep Rock Gallatic, AoE2, AoE1, Killing Floor 2, Last Epoch and several other indie games like rogue legacy. I also like to make alt characters a lot so I get tired and reroll all the time. Not everyone plays the game the same way, so... What's your point? Those 10 years are more likely 1 year. And things change a lot so if I stay 3 years away from PoE there's a lot of time spent re-learning. I won't derail this thread any further with links and images related to GD(might even be prohibited by the rules). In fact I don't even know what your point is, exactly. Maybe If you can clarify your point more we can come to a better understanding. Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Aug 17, 2024, 4:04:52 PM
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" +1 also hope sometimes GGG added pob to core game... pls GGG Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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" uhh no? if you played wow and told people that you don't sim your character to min-max your gear, you'd only be made fun of why do people need sims in wow? because it's impossible to test every condition and determine the most optimal output on your own this is the situation in every game where it's possible, and in the case of path of exile, POB is mandatory, because 99% of the information that's available in POB isn't available in the game "buff grenades"
- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) |
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" Can you point me to where did I say "I know better"? I said that if he has a problem with skeletons at LVL 20 maybe he doesn't know how to build correctly and overcome some temporary obstacles while levelling. And then I provided several solutions. That is called: Proving a point. Then he basically said I didn't even beat Normal difficulty(LOL) And then I said I can make almost any skill/class work and beat most content, he just needs to PM me and well discuss some buildcrafting. Yes I typed multiple paragraphs but you still ignore any of them and just repeat the "you have no experience". If my arguments are wrong then feel free to prove them wrong. Worst case scenario, I'll learn a thing or two with your experience. And no one has right to talk down on others even if they have experience. You also ignored that the other guy "talked down" on me first.(even though he sees LVL 2o skeletons as a wall... smh) Easy to come up with your conclusions while ignoring 60% of the conversation. " Again, man. You only come up with argument of "authority" which isn't good. There are kids that can program better than adults with PHD. Titles and "I beat ultimate 10x" only go so far. What matters is your argument. Ok, now we get to a point that you misundertood me and are actually agreeing with me... I said the same thing thing you are saying now: All you need to make any build idea work is base investments into OA/DA, HP Resistances(which are in 90% of pieces of equipment) and then scale DMG with %Inc, %Resist Debuff, Conversion(optional), atk/cast speed(optional). Circuit breakers are good but not mandatory. We are actually agreeing here. By filling the stat "quota" above(PoE has stat quota too btw) you can build any archetype you want: Barbarians, Archers, Gadgedt Caster(mines, grenades), Mages, Druids, Assassins, Mix of Assassin+Spells, Battlemages that deal damage of ANY kind, Healers, Buffers, Paladins, Melee + Summons, Archer + Summons, Arcane Archers of almost any damage type, Tanks, Dual pistols build that can deal any damage type. The list goes on and on. And they all work. Every single one. Even then, you don't necessarily need CC(stun,Freeze,etc) or Circuit Breakers. My Ritualist's "CC" are my 2 Blightfiends + Giant Skeleton that hold aggro for me and my "Circuit Breaker" is my Wendigo Totem that heals all 4 of us for an insane ammount, while dealing damage and buffing me. Wouldn't trade this kind of reliability for a circuit breaker that activates every 20-30 seconds. Most Circuit Breakers are overrated, they have like 15-40s cooldowns. If you are getting blown up to the point of having to activate it, then you're better off getting healing on lower CDs instead. It will keep you alive more consistently. Also, if you take a hit that kills you it won't activate. For instance, a lot of people get the Ghoul CB. Depending on the build I prefer to spend my points to get more Health + DA, especially from the Menhir and Targo constellations. 40 DA + 6% DA all in one node? Yes please :) Targo has a node that gives 300 HP + 35 DA, nodes leading to it give 6% extra HP each + 20 DA. No need to complete these constellations also, you can just grab these nodes and they will be very good. I prefer to have these all the time active over some conditional CB. You can do this and your build won't become bricked for it. Aka "a choice" Ofc, it all depends on your masteries/attribute allocations. That said, they are good if you can get one for cheap or can't get any source of healing. " Not exactly... - You can choose to have how many active skills you can handle in your piano. - You can choose to play a heavy Auto Attack build. - You can play pure Retaliation builds. - You can play focusing on a single dmg type or double/triple dmg types(more if you choose only magical damage) - "Proc" attack builds using only items and devotions that proc some effect on attack - Almost any hybrid build you want - Mages that can deal all 7 magic damage types effectively by pumping spirit - You can choose to invest in any main attribute you want, as long as it buffs your core dmg types you can make up for it in devotions/Gear - "CWDT" like builds(Retal + "% Chance when hit" procs) plenty of items have "when hit" procs. - Builds that invest in %Cooldown Reduction to use strong Nuke skills and Circuit Breakers really often. - Builds based on conversion. I can use my acid char to cast Devastation because I found an items that converts it to acid damage. Not only that but I found another item that reduces the spread of the meteors so it works like a choke for a shotgun. Reeeally good. - Builds that only use base stats and auras from masteries but actives from items ONLY. - Builds with heavy healing/sustain - Builds that deal small damage from multiple small sources. I like to call them "death by 1000 cuts" builds - Classless Builds Some are harder to build but all of them are viable. Even Celestials can be beaten if you swap a few gear pieces, drink some tonics... apply the right augments. Plus GD has around 16 damage types(including DOTs, ofc) also adds to the thematic diversity. " Never disagreed on that. I prefer to have the tools than not have them. My whole point is only that GD is much more intuitive because it is less complex and easier so it is only logical that is will be easier to build whatever char you want to roleplay. PoE is much more chaotic, complex and gimmicky, that's one of its strenghts if you prefer that. But it also has too much emphasis on specialization and that restricts certain archetypes. GGG tried to fix that in one way or another, but didn't quite work. PoE2 seems have some mechanics to make this less of a problem. Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Aug 18, 2024, 1:28:24 AM
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" Nah people need sims in WoW for the exact same reason PoB is required here, it eventually became the balance standard for content. I realise that sounds like the same argument "oh I need X power" but you only need X power because they eventually developed the content with X power in mind. |
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" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTOk07ubO-M Baseless assumptions won't help you make a point. Here is my meme melee 94 Ritualist build in Ultimate difficulty. See the description to confirm that the video is mine. Everyone says It's literally impossible for a melee build that uses pets that aren't based on player stats to survive on Ultimate difficulty. Both my pets are based on Pet damage bonuses. Everyone says circuit breakers are mandatory to beat Ultimate. Maybe for Celestials or HC... but to beat Ultimate and all of it's Rogue Dungeons + bosses like Sentinel? Nope. I use 0 Circuit Breakers, you can see in the video: My health didn't even flinch. - While doing a Chaos Monster Totem on Ultimate difficulty which is considered harder than normal content. Like league content is harder than normal content is in PoE - While playing a meme build everyone says wouldn't beat Ultimate difficulty - While not investing everything into physique - While using 0 CB - My chaos res wasn't even capped So, as long as you don't want to beat all Celestials it is completely possible to play like you want(I wanted Healing and Pets instead of CB and CC). You say I know ZERO. That means I would never beat Ultimate, let alone kill totem monsters on ultimate without dying at least once. I can beat any rogue dungeon and anything in the game that isn't a Celestial with the build. But according to your own words I have ZERO experience and probably didn't even got past the first half of the game. I have 21 deaths because I was theorycrafting on the go without tools and I was trying to beat one of the Celestials yesterday without optimizing for it. Just to see how it would go. 21 deaths playing carelessly on a self-made, off-meta build that "Would never beat Ultimate"? That's a viable build according to a lot of people. Unless you consider a viable build somtehing that would beat Callagdra while eating a sandwich This build can beat all 3 difficulties + all Rogue Dungeons and even 1 or 2 of the weakest Celestials on HC if I decide to take it seriously and adapt to the fights. If someone can beat HC classless then this build has a much better chance at it. So... Getting tired of all of these baseless arguments like: "Ur a noob" and "know zero" and "Didn't even beat first diffculty" and "probably died 200 times" And then you wonder why the GD dev wasn't exactly your best friend XD Last edited by Gordyne#2944 on Aug 18, 2024, 1:32:32 PM
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I just played the game. no add ons. started account this july but I think I played the game before without any addons like 6 years ago.
it's not difficult to just play your character and beat the campaign. Worst part of my experience is my computer's slow CPU and Drive. game is good. I just used Heavy Strike, Leap, and Sweep with support gems. Simple. I would be grinding maps more if my computer was better |
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Last edited by NationalSecurity#2232 on Feb 12, 2025, 10:45:29 PM
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