williampwq wrote:
Weird just sitting in my hideout he'll get me too 5 in a couple of warcries and then it's sustained. Got anything that would decrease duration?
actually i found the reason lol, because now i only have 3 spectres so i dropped perfect forest warrior, without Onslaught, perfect warlord doesn't have enough cast speed during second enduring cry.
But the endurance charge duration definitely bugged from the endurance charges gained by warlord, cuz 10s * 20% should be 12s instead of 10...
For Signal Prey, it boosts the Chaos Golem indirectly as we have a lot of "increased minion damage if you have used a minion skill recently". Don't have another source of this otherwise really.
Convocation also has "minion" tag tho which always spam casting by automation
Oh yeah you are right about the endurance charge duration. Somehow didn't notice that at all. Searched and there are a few reports of the bug in Affliction league and Settlers but zero acknowledgment or response.
For convocation, unfortunately triggered spells don't count as being "used". You can double check this looking at the "Minion Damage Modifier" on you character sheet.
Posted byPaleclaw#4902on Aug 20, 2024, 8:26:06 AM
williampwq wrote:
Knox506 wrote:
Does this build run 1 golem?
Would multiple chaos net you more damage or na?
Empowered Chaos Sandstorm: Chaos damage over time aura with a duration of 8 seconds and an 8-second cooldown. It is affected by modifiers to the golem's spell damage. If multiple chaos golems are summoned only the aura that deals the most damage will affect the enemy. Damage from multiple auras does not stack, but each can apply stacks of withered.
Chaos golem of maelstrom is our main dps, and stone golem for tons of flat life/es regen. Although more than multiple chaos golem of maelstrom dmg don’t stack, but I still go for forbidden flame&flesh with Elemancer for second chaos golem to help clearing tho
When I first played Chaos Golems I went with two of them to help with the terrible AI but I found with the convocation+automation setup I didn't need it as much. Still a good option so whatever feels best personally is the way to go.
wi77iam26 wrote:
Your gear is good just level those awakened gems, lvl 5 is where the bonus kicks in. Could go for higher level empower or a +2 gem level wand if you have the budget. Bit of demand to do ubers so I might test it out when I get the chance.
scarletroses2 wrote:
Personally would be super interested in an Uber capable variant. I'm disabled and this sounds super awesome, bit hesitant to start without seeing Ubers possible. This seems super duper straight up my alley. Never had a league where I've made a second character but this really looks appealing to me. What are we thinking an Uber viable variant to this looks like?
Currency isn't too much of an issue for me as long as it's within like a 120~ div budget? Would be willing to go further if we really think it's possible
120 should be plenty. There are a few small improvements that could be made to the build, tatoo's come to mind. T17 bosses are harder than some of the ubers anyway but when I find some time I'll test them out.
Last edited by Paleclaw#4902 on Aug 20, 2024, 8:41:36 AM
Posted byPaleclaw#4902on Aug 20, 2024, 8:35:47 AM
How mandatory is the Skin of the Lords specifically with Lethe Shade? Sometimes those are hard to find with very specific colors, any other color/gem combos that would work or other viable chests like Brass Dome?
Posted byBeeps#5198on Aug 21, 2024, 7:08:29 AM
It's been a long time since I have played spectre, but how do I get a perfect spectre that the guide says to get?
Last edited by Knox506#9018 on Aug 21, 2024, 3:54:30 PM
Posted byKnox506#9018on Aug 21, 2024, 3:54:12 PM
Beeps wrote:
How mandatory is the Skin of the Lords specifically with Lethe Shade? Sometimes those are hard to find with very specific colors, any other color/gem combos that would work or other viable chests like Brass Dome?
Not mandatory at all. In the forum post I mention just getting whatever is cheapest/whichever keystone you like.
Zealot's Oath, Glancing Blows to save a passive point. Mage Bane or Iron Reflexes for a small bonus defense. Lethe Shade is nice qol and defense. Divine Shield could be BIS.
Knox506 wrote:
It's been a long time since I have played spectre, but how do I get a perfect spectre that the guide says to get?
Grab them from Rituals or just trade for them. They are itemized corpses.
Last edited by Paleclaw#4902 on Aug 21, 2024, 5:05:52 PM
Posted byPaleclaw#4902on Aug 21, 2024, 5:05:40 PM
Ring 2:
Lets us reserve a 5 link stone golem. Predator support gives us a 0 mana, instant cast minion ability to trigger "minion ability used recently" buffs. Feeding frenzy for the damage buff. Empower is nice for the increased ES regen but you can swap this with meatshield if on a budget.
You mention ES regen, is it for us or the Minions or both? And where does the life/ES conversion from Stone golem come from?
Posted byGoliox#5521on Aug 22, 2024, 2:31:14 AM
Goliox wrote:
Ring 2:
Lets us reserve a 5 link stone golem. Predator support gives us a 0 mana, instant cast minion ability to trigger "minion ability used recently" buffs. Feeding frenzy for the damage buff. Empower is nice for the increased ES regen but you can swap this with meatshield if on a budget.
You mention ES regen, is it for us or the Minions or both? And where does the life/ES conversion from Stone golem come from?
zealots oath keystone usually always taken by chaos inoculation builds it makes life regen apply to es instead. stone golem gives life regen # to you but not to himself or anything else.
Posted byVioLenceJak#4629on Aug 22, 2024, 5:43:22 AM
Goliox wrote:
Ring 2:
Lets us reserve a 5 link stone golem. Predator support gives us a 0 mana, instant cast minion ability to trigger "minion ability used recently" buffs. Feeding frenzy for the damage buff. Empower is nice for the increased ES regen but you can swap this with meatshield if on a budget.
You mention ES regen, is it for us or the Minions or both? And where does the life/ES conversion from Stone golem come from?
zealots oath keystone usually always taken by chaos inoculation builds it makes life regen apply to es instead. stone golem gives life regen # to you but not to himself or anything else.
man, I'm so blind... thank you!
Posted byGoliox#5521on Aug 22, 2024, 5:46:45 AM
Cool concept. Thanks for the guide.
Would using a mageblood ruin it or be worth it?
Posted byroya82#6141on Aug 22, 2024, 9:09:39 AM
Another noob question hehe, how do we use second golem/stone golem without being golemancer or using other jewelry to grant+ Max golem?
Also thanks a tonn all for answering all the questions! Great support in this thread!
Posted byKnox506#9018on Aug 22, 2024, 6:42:15 PM