From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?
" That's kind of the point of an extended length of Early Access. Between Early access and its release date things will change drastically, GGG is a lot better at listening to their community then Blizzard for example. I mean Blizzard was so bad at listening to their community that 90% of the problems from the alpha test were still present on launch almost 2 years later. I like the approach of showing the gameplay looking slow, and it being like that possibly in Early Access. It'll give players a chance to get their hands on it and provide feedback, if there is enough reason to tune it down I'm almost positive they will do so. Last edited by firenovix#6291 on Sep 18, 2024, 8:23:45 PM
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In my thousands of hours of PoE, never, have I EVER thought, "dang, I wish this game was built around a dodge roll".
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" Are you the type who hates surprises? The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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" Nah, he/she is probably just asking the question: Why introduce a slow dodge roll, which is the same for all classes, instead of several different blink skills that you can choose from based on your build? I remember when they first introduced Dash and the other blink skills. It was this "new tech" allowing them to create instant skills, taking the game to new levels. Reactive gameplay. WOW! "Meh, fuck it, slow dodge roll it is..." I SWEAR, I'm not a negative person in real life. I'm actually pretty happy and positive. But when it comes to PoE 2? I just can't find much I'm positive about, and there are so many weird choices I don't know where to start. Maybe it's just a defense mechanism, as the last games I was really hyped for, were CP77 and Diablo 3... (nuff said, I guess). BUT, we don't know everything. Maybe each class can turn the roll into something else; we already know of the teleport. Maybe you can invest into dodge roll stuff on the tree, making it faster, better, different, cooler. I hope so, and when I really think about it, I even assume so. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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excited! yes, 100% switch for me & i have not even tried it yet. directional movement on keyboard is how i like to play. Also, a bunch of important changes like being able to know which gems work & calculate damage ingame. Since, I enjoy to build as I play. Huge!
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" I think a lot of that clears up when you finally get to play the game for reals. :) The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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Honestly, I think it's really sad how so many seem to want POE2 to be an Adderall fueled mess of a game. How you can look at POE2 and not see how much more mechanically engaging it is to play is a mystery to me. If POE1 was getting no support I could understand the disappointment and frustration, but it's going to get support so why act like the new game is some crime against the community.
All that being said hell yeah, I'm switching over, I adore how much more thoughtful the combat looks, and the boss designs seems like they're going to be lots of fun to fight. I really hope GGG sticks to their vison and doesn't capitulate to people who don't want ARPG combat to evolve past Diablo 2. Imagine if FPS games never evolved past Doom? It's been long time for skill expression to be an actual factor in these games instead of pure stat sticks and unreadable ability spam. |
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" Because if you add a low cd instant travel ability to every build, you trivialize combat to a gigantic degree. Your positioning doesn't matter, since you can insta blink past every obstacle, mob types and their speed have no meaning - you cannot attempt to swarm the player, or pressure them in any way. The only way you can try and challenge them at the point is to try and nuke them from orbit, otherwise they're unkillable. Then you end up in a situation that we have now in poe1: never stop, offscreen everything, before it has a chance to offscreen you. |
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I find it so funny when people try and say POE2 is targeting casuals and "betraying" what makes POE1 good, then go off about how the game is going to be some isometric Dark Souls game. It cannot be both things at once. Besides POE1 is a snore fest at the endgame because the only difficulty is rolling the right stats. Once you do that you basically press two buttons and try not to have a seizure or get one shot by some mob you can't even see.
It's clear that the pace of combat will be slower in POE2, but why is that such a terrible thing? It looks incredibly engaging even while going through the acts and every boss we've seen has more complexity than anything in POE1's acts. Just imagine how good endgame bosses are going to be. The skill expression that is going to be possible in the game already looks very high and that's without even digging into the great class building potential that POE is known for. I think a lot of detractors are in for a very rude awaking about how big POE2 is going to be, it's going to easily hit the all-time highs that POE1 recently got and likely keep those players since you have to actually engage with the game and not just spreadsheets to do well. |
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" Others have commented, but this is an interesting discussion point so I will too. heh. I think the goal is twofold, over blinks. Arandan already mentioned one of them - the positioning issue. An instant blink enables effortless escapes from any bad situation kinda period (exempting terrible terrain like tight dungeons or such), which means mobs have a much harder time threatening the PC. Mobbing/horde tactics don't really work anymore since you can escape the horde freely whenever you feel like, and fixing that issue would likely break a ton of other stuff. A dodge roll can be used to avoid big attacks or get out of tricky scrapes in bossing or against larger, stronger enemies without invalidating positioning and crowd control as options the way blinks do. The other goal is readability. Everybody in gaming knows what a Dodge Roll is, and the animation for a dodge roll is easier to read and keep attached to than a blink. Sure, you can invest in the blink (frankly I'm not sure why they did that, given their other goals), but an instant teleport across half the screen is harder to track, and one of the coremost goals of PoE2 is avoiding the Willy Wonka Mardi Gras LSD Lunatic Extravaganza Nightmare that is high-level PoE1. Having a dodge teleport you two screens away in a kaleidoscope shower of random particle effects while unleashing thirty spells from the point you left, the point you arrive at, and six random points between the two for good measure sabotages readability pretty much completely compared to a slower, shorter-ranged evasive roll. As to why each class doesn't get its own dodge roll? Could be an issue similar to why everybody always gets a roll instead of an evasive dash, quickstep, or other more historically accurate on-your-feet evasion in most games - it's much easier to tell when an evasive roll starts and stops. The animation of the roll is more readable than a momentary more-fasterer run and allows the player to know more intuitively how their defensive rolls work (see: all the people who constantly complain about Quickstep in Elden Ring). Similarly, giving every character the same dodge roll means you don't have to completely relearn how to avoid enemy strikes when playing a new class because the dodge mechanic is entirely different for that class. Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Sep 19, 2024, 10:31:11 AM
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