From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

It needs major work. if not, neither. i'll be moving back to my other aarpg's (grim dawn, d2r, d4 and last epoch most notably) , don't like poe1 , like poe 2 a lot better but needs work.

Btw, no need to feel attacked because I like d4 , to each their own. feel free not to reply. being offended by my opinion is a choice you make for yourself, has nothing to do with me.

After breaking through into PoE2 Act 3, I'm already underwhelmed. I doubt I'll even play through a second time after they finish the campaign...

The game has doesn't have any fundamental flaws that are irreconcilable or unable to be fixed by simply rolling in PoE1 systems; but the current play doesn't mesh with my love for PoE1. I just wanted PoE1 with a glow up. Is that so wrong?

Ruthless 2.0 is not what I wanted, or expected. It's not fun at all, it's just a slog to play, and utter tedium. Life is way too short to play bad games.
Cmagik#1657 wrote:
WIll most likely stick to PoE2, I'll most likely try PoE1 league every 3-4 month but maybe not clear them.

Had my fair share of 1button click build. While it was fun the first 500h hours (which is a fair bit tbh xD), Most PoE1 skill are the same. All melee build are right click next because. Interaction only occur on a numerical level.

While PoE2 is slower, I feel I have more control over what's happening, more strategy.

Thats exactly how I feel too.
Choosing a skill in PoE1 began to be more about playing what looks cool on the screen, but essecially most felt the same. In PoE2 it feels more about not just creating interesting skill-mechanics but actually playing these mechanics instead of it happening in the background while you press the same 1 or two buttons all the time.
Poe 1 all the way if it had a fresh league rn id be on it alrdy.
I think I'll stay on POE for now as I find it more enjoyable. No stress.

Maybe I'll try POE 2 again after a month or so if I get news there have been a lot of changes done.

Or maybe when POE 3 comes out after 10 years.

Please stop trashing those who can't enjoy POE 2 right now as much as you do. Boohoo to us but we'll live.

Live and let live y'all.
Last edited by PathSoph#6723 on Dec 9, 2024, 5:45:31 AM
Will absolutely stay in POE2, devs definitely move into the right direction.

Every other arpgs, even poe1, are basically stat sticks with 1 button gameplay, which is boring and super outdated.

Poe2 is the only one that finally bring deeper, varied, visceral combat, without losing that vertical rpg progression, that is why the boss fights are amazing, and its not 10 secs mindless bashing.

With the deeper combat, now enemy types become more obvious, threats need to be approached differently. Previously no one cares about the difference between a skeleton and a demon, they are both the same, same attack pattern, obliterated in 1 sec.

Poe2 will need a bit of balancing and fine tuning here and there, but it is obviously the superior version that is unavailable elsewhere in the market.

If you want to just zoom zoom, just pick every other arpg.
After years of hoping that GGG will change something about PoE1 to bring back some of the old gameplay they simply made a new game for us - yay!

This is absolutely way better than PoE1 for me, but I can tell that for many people it may be too much. It is way harder, complex and strategic game than the current state of the first. First is fun God-simulator power fantasy and that is fine. But lets not pretend it is a hard game - it is not. It is complex (as-in it has many systems), but at the core of it is just stacking the same things on every character and seeing big numbers go.

My problem is with people trying to make PoE2 into PoE1 already, as-if both games cannot co-exist. You have your game - let us have ours, please.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
I'll definitely be sticking with 2. The game is way more interactive and nuanced than most other ARPG titles. Combat is fair when you learn it (don't dodge 24/7, stutter step, etc). It reminds me of rogue-likes, which is a genre I adore. Learn how mobs act, adjust, win. Same for bosses.

PoE1 was a very stat-heavy game. Gear up > one shot screens. Ignore half or more mechanics because you planned your build well enough (and optionally played the economy). Win faster by planning better.

PoE2 is a very execution heavy game. Learn enemy patterns > clear in blue gear without spending ages farming. Practice knowing where and how to move and attack. Win faster by executing better.

Very different approaches. I've been in the market for something a bit more engaging, so PoE2 scratches that itch for me.
"Life is weighted dice. You have some control over the outcome, but you'll never win if you don't roll."
Last edited by Frosthaven83#0131 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:02:28 AM
In its current state with the difficulty and droprate I am not staying but I am also not going back to poe1 I am waiting for Titan Quest 2. PoE2 feels too much of a souls-like game to me which genre I don't enjoy playing, whatever this is it's not an arpg anymore.
Last edited by Afura#6483 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:32:26 AM
Nope. It's way too hard. There is no loot. I'm level 14, and using the same weapon since level 2. The traders don't have anything to buy, and everything cost too much.

And boss are bullet sponges. Dodge-dodge-dodge-dodge then fire 1 time, then dodge ad infinitum for 10 minutes. White monsters are mobing and rushing me. So I have to kite them for 5 minutes.

I really hope there will be some major tuning. But if it stays like that, I will play something else.

It's way too boring right now.
Last edited by MadPharmacist#6843 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:44:06 AM

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