From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

PoE1 definitely.
After playing PoE2, I started to appreciate PoE1 even more. No reason for me to play lesser version of the game because good visuals.
On Probation Any%
The content I grinded the most in POE1 was Delve and Simulacrums. I think they took a Delve-like approach with the current mapping system, but that's not close enough for me. And Simulacrums are boring in POE2, lack good map layouts like in POE1, and are unrewarding for the costs.

But I think we have only seen a fraction of what POE2 can look like in a year or so, and comparing early access of POE2 to POE1, which has been around for over 12 years, is not fair at all. I have faith in GGG that POE2 will be a great game in time. But the way it is now, it does not hold a candle to POE1, which is a masterpiece in my eyes.
Last edited by Denyla#1375 on Jan 13, 2025, 4:18:04 PM
I enjoy both, so I'll play both of them.
poe2 is Chris's ruthless wet dream right now. no interest.

the entire idea of making a "poe2" was a terrible idea. games like WoW are successful because the major releases changed up the game as a whole, not because they replaced old with another game to play.

I think right now, poe2 is stuck in a dev hell of trying to be poe1 while also trying to be poe2 and it sucks because they are not similar games.

the fact that they kept poe1 content was a bad choice to me. "league content" should not exist in poe2 except as some homage to poe1's content. instead what poe2 players get is trapped by the mechanical aspects of poe1 league mechanics and worse, the fucking back end systems that control loot and bonuses, etc.

why anyone would keep shitty systems that contain 10000% loot bonuses at this point is beyond me. scrap those whole systems and start with something fresh that makes more sense, that drops less trash.

there is literally no reason to have 10,000 drops only for the players to filter 9,999 of them. just only drop the one item anyone would care about instead. and no, dont try and say thats the current system, when it is clearly not.

cant wait to see how badly poe2 screws up the next poe1 league.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.
Stick with poe1 with poe2 sparingly
I don't see myself ever playing PoE 2 again and will gladly stick with PoE 1. It's pretty obvious that at its core they wanted to make a slow and methodical game. It is evident through everything - lack of movement speed, huge maps, insanely long campaign and long boss fights. No matter how much they will try to 'fix' and patch thing I don't quite believe that they will betray this core vision of theirs because otherwise they would need to revamp the whole game which is quite unreasonable expectation. And it's ok. There is definitely an audience for that. Just I don't fall into that audience.
I didnt like PoE2 at all. PoE1 for sure.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
before EA - my idea was i will try this game, then "uninvest" myself from it and return to settlers, and not return until its done.

first week of EA - this game is real good, reminds me of d2 a huge lot. but a lot of rough edges

currently - ggg is putting a lot of effort polishing it. i currently have zero interest in poe1.

on a sidenote. both games are good. ones a sportscar while anothers is a dirtbike.

both excel in different areas, but saying one is better than the other is just your bias showing. its not an apple to apple comparison
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