Xbox Hexblast Miner cant activate Verisium

I have tried just about anything, removing my skill from a button, weapon swap, putting other skill in a slot, nothing works..
I have to switch to my cyclone character to activate verisium..
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 8:50:10 PM
Thanks for your report.

Which skills do you have bound to A when this happens? Does it still occur if nothing is bound to A?
Adam_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report.

Which skills do you have bound to A when this happens? Does it still occur if nothing is bound to A?

I have Hexblast on A, but i tried with no skill in A slot, i tried weapon swap where ele weakeness was in A slot, I tried trigger+A which is frostblink, i tried other skills in A slot, NOTHING works, my character just either uses the skill in A or does nothing at all trying to activate Verisium.

Not sure if this is related, but a lot of button clicks seem to not register in game.. I am running ambush for example, and sometimes i have to press A 3 times to get it to activate the strongboxes..
Last edited by HolgerDanske891#8767 on Sep 1, 2024, 4:14:34 PM
HolgerDanske891 wrote:
Not sure if this is related, but a lot of button clicks seem to not register in game.. I am running ambush for example, and sometimes i have to press A 3 times to get it to activate the strongboxes..

Does this happen on every character or just the Hexblast Miner?

This could also be a faulty controller, do you have a spare controller you could try to see if it still happens?
Only on the Hexblast miner with the Verisium..

The button presses not registering is on all characters and i have tried 3 different controllers, it is the same all over..

But the Verisium problem is the most annoying.. Not to say all the other problems are less annoying, but having to log to a different character to mine verisium is just bad..
HolgerDanske891 wrote:
Only on the Hexblast miner with the Verisium..

The button presses not registering is on all characters and i have tried 3 different controllers, it is the same all over..

But the Verisium problem is the most annoying.. Not to say all the other problems are less annoying, but having to log to a different character to mine verisium is just bad..

Thanks for the extra info!

It is odd that you still cannot interact with it with no skills bound to A since it appears to work fine for me.

I have found an issue where having a triggered skill bound to A will prevent the channel however. In your case, the Elemental Weakness in Profane Proxy would cause this problem. I've passed this on to be fixed.
Thank you.. Looking forward to the fix

I have the same problem on my Lighting Strike character, he also can't activate Verisium with or without skills in the A slot
HolgerDanske891 wrote:

I have the same problem on my Lighting Strike character, he also can't activate Verisium with or without skills in the A slot

Does the issue still occur if you deactivate Automation before channeling?
Adam_GGG wrote:
HolgerDanske891 wrote:

I have the same problem on my Lighting Strike character, he also can't activate Verisium with or without skills in the A slot

Does the issue still occur if you deactivate Automation before channeling?

That i haven't tried.. Will let you know if/when i find another verisium to try it out..

In regards to the button clicks not registering i commented on earlier.

I think it is connected to how the game targets enemies and how close proximity they are when trying to activate stuff, as in the priority of killing enemies vs being able to loot/activate.. I dont think the clicks arent registered, i just think the "cursor" might be elsewhere if that makes sense, as i noticed i have problems looting unless i completely clear an area, and if there are mobs close by i have to use the right stick to really try and highlight the thing i want to activate or i cant until all enemies are dead..
Last edited by HolgerDanske891#8767 on Sep 3, 2024, 6:21:30 PM

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