(XBOX) voidstones not upgrading map drop tiers
With 4 voidstones socketed(all maps on atlas are shown as t16 so they are definitely socketed) All maps with the exception of boss maps and T17s are dropping as random tiers. Ive run 3 sets of shaper boss map rotos for maven and ive received various tier maps that should have been 16s. Shadow shaping/Singular Focus are not active. These arent maps from strongboxes or the like that ignore voidstones these are single drop maps from monsters im reffering to Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 2:02:42 AM
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Console bug reports:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/715 Worth trying to unsocket all 4 watchstones and socket them back in if it changes anything. But if it's only multiple single maps dropping per map and not anything league related like Incubators, Delirium rewards, Rogue Exile rewards, etc.. leaning towards something console-specific. |
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" that was the very first thing i tried when i noticed them not dropping as 16s, didnt make a difference and neither did restarting POE |
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I've noticed this as well (didn't think to try resocketing voidstones, but it's only happening in very specific circumstances while other maps are dropping T16 as expected). It's happened regularly with Shaper guardians (if not every kill, which may be the case) and every single T17 boss. Elder guardians and Elderslayers notably do not have this issue - at least that I've noticed - so it seems like it might be related to bosses in maps that aren't part of the Atlas. Maybe they're trying to drop an adjacent map, but can't because there isn't one and it just bugs out instead?
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and GGG support move the thread without delete the duplicate
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3570613 This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature |
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I ran a shaper guardian rotation just to check this and I didn't face this issue although I did get some low tier maps from some monsters like jungle valley(favoured) tier 8 and some other low tier maps but that can happen in maps too. Some monsters do drop low tier maps I'm not sure the reason. And last season when I was running b2b and singular focus I still got some low tier maps from some monsters. In this rotation I even got 2 t17s and shaper maps as well. I'm running maps focus atlas and destructive play. Are you always getting low tier maps? I'm not running singular focus.
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The only way I can think off the top of my head that you should be seeing low tier map drops (assuming all voidstones socketed) from monsters is the occasional rare that converts loot to maps, but I could have sworn favored maps were still usually T16 from those.
Running Destructive Play, all the explicit modifier and quant nodes, synth/guardian/conqueror map nodes; no Singular Focus or Shadow Shaping. I did realize that because I hadn't run Maven this league since collecting my last voidstone, I did still had Shaping the World specced and thought that might be a contributing factor (although I was running Eater influence in T17s and that tree never had that node), but... nope. Just ran another set and got low maps. Chimera: T2 Dunes (favored) Hydra: T16 Dunes (first out of the past 3 rotations I've noticed a proper tier drop) Phoenix: T11 Crimson Township (plus T14 Eradicator from one of the other bosses) Minotaur: T4 Moon Temple (plus Phoenix and T16 Constrictor from the other bosses) The Formed: 5x Crescent Splinter, no maps or fragments. I had The Twisted drop T15 Elder-influenced (but not occupied) Alleyways yesterday - I could be wrong, but I don't remember this being the norm in previous leagues. Other drops: No maps at all from Pit of the Chimera, Abomination (first T17 from Shaper rotations) from Lair of the Hydra, two T16 from Forge of the Phoenix, and a random T15 Pit (first low drop I've noticed from monsters, but I'm not heavily specced into adjacent map chance so maybe that's why - if my guess that the maps not being part of the Atlas is the reason for these low tier maps in the first place). I haven't been juicing at all with scarabs, just running through killing everything on the way to the boss. Even so, with 150% quant at the low end and nearly 200% on the high end, this seems pretty bad, especially considering the Chimera was on the higher end and still had 0 maps drop besides a T2 from the boss. This is kind of unrelated since Elder Guardian and Conqueror maps always drop at T14-16 regardless of voidstones, but I hate it more than ever this league knowing that Nameless Seer, Reflecting Mist, and Starfall Crater don't spawn below T16. EDIT: And Veritania just dropped a T12 Museum. On a T14 Beach, Glace drops a T16 Ashen Wood and Veritania drops a T12 Museum? Last edited by Senyth#8112 on Sep 8, 2024, 8:09:28 PM
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" From my experience even favoured have dropped low tiers from some monsters. One shaper guardian dropped t8 and t16 jungle valley which was favoured for me " That sounds really bad and weird. What's even weird is your drops on the formed and twisted. I have never dropped a low tier maps from bosses. Sure from monsters it does trop lower even favoured ones. I don't use scarabs while bossing as well other than one niko. Are you specced into maps in atlas tho? I'm fully into maps while bossing. Don't know if that makes a difference. |
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No, just the notables for Synthesis, Guardian, and Conqueror maps. It's possible I'm misunderstanding how the small passives work, but I'm pretty sure it's just a stacking chance for one monster to drop one map. I have 9 of those, so 18% chance for a monster to drop an adjacent map. No effect on boss drops or other natural map drops. I skipped Necropolis, so this is my first league without the map dupe small passives and I kinda miss them. Feels weird having so much of the tree being scarab focused (but I have all of the scarab notables on this tree, too).
I'm specced fully into Essence (minus Crystal Resonance because I hate the way it works now - it can be useful if you aren't corrupting, but the hit or miss jackpot nature it gives Remnants of Corruption is not at all fun to me; they were already annoying to use before, why make it worse and why sacrifice a good passive to do it? RIP) and a little bit into Ritual since I planned on using it for Cross Contamination; I finished that challenge without it, so I could drop it, but I feel like it'd be more beneficial to spec into Deli and/or Beyond for mob density than small passives for a chance at 1 map that, with my luck, will be attached to the mob spawned inside the ore node and can't be targeted anyway. Really, I should probably burn through my Essence scarabs and spec out of that, too, but it doesn't change the fact that some of these boss drops are just straight up broken. I mean, it's a small sample size so it could just be RNG, but I'm fairly positive that in the 3 rotations of Formed I ran, they only dropped low maps with the exception of the T16 Dunes. 12 Guardians in a row failing to drop a single Guardian/Conqueror/Synthesis map seems pretty unlikely. To be completely fair, I wasn't paying attention until I noticed the consistent bad drops, so there might have been some yesterday. I'd run more rotations for science, but I'm out of Minotaur so I'm farming the others instead. And stupidly losing my whole XP bar because "yeah, those mods are fine, I delete everything almost instantly anyway." Oops. On the bright side, since I have no XP I can farm 17s for gold, I guess? |
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" Can you look at this tree and maybe try it and see if anything changes? Ignore the harvest rest is just for bossing. You can also ignore destructive play. Just try to take those map nodes and see if it helps. https://poeplanner.com/a/9YA |
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