Can you brick your atlas in PoE2 by dying too frequently in maps?

In the endgame content reveal it was stated that if you die in a map "you can no longer run it and will have to find another way around to get to the areas behind it".

If I'm dying a lot in maps, or if I simply die in the first 3-4 maps that I run, is my atlas going to end up completely bricked?
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2025, 8:57:13 AM
They most likely covered this rare occasion like that you maybe have reroll currencies to reset whole atlas or can use some sort of shortcut/skip (to get behind the blocked rings of maps) with either extra currency or doing specific ingame activities.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Nov 22, 2024, 5:49:24 AM
It's infinite. Think of it like Delve. If you die too many times in one place just move away from that spot. Since it's infinite, encounters repeat, just like in Delve.

Just assuming here, but from what I've seen it's basically Delve
Last edited by lupasvasile#5385 on Nov 22, 2024, 5:55:02 AM
It's infinite. Think of it like Delve. If you die too many times in one place just move away from that spot. Since it's infinite, encounters repeat, just like in Delve.

Just assuming here, but from what I've seen it's basically Delve

But in delve you can repeat failed node, from what i have seen from yesterday, you wont be able run same node twice in PoE 2 atlast map node..

Which means, infinite generation but if you failed all basic points from starting point you would be basically doomed because you wont be able move anywhere else...

Also curious what they meant by "fail" or how are option for recovery from situation like these..
XHersikX#5265 wrote:
It's infinite. Think of it like Delve. If you die too many times in one place just move away from that spot. Since it's infinite, encounters repeat, just like in Delve.

Just assuming here, but from what I've seen it's basically Delve

But in delve you can repeat failed node, from what i have seen from yesterday, you wont be able run same node twice in PoE 2 atlast map node..

Which means, infinite generation but if you failed all basic points from starting point you would be basically doomed because you wont be able move anywhere else...

Also curious what they meant by "fail" or how are option for recovery from situation like these..

I'm sure they have a "failsafe" for complete noobs.....maybe
Knowing what kind of a ripatoriumn some leagues have been, I wander too.
I was extremely hyped ... After seeing yesterdays stream I am changing my plans for December to not get Early Access.

The game looks okay and there are certainly a lot of fun looking things ... There are things that concern me though.

Map Bricking is a big one - People quit games when they brick things - This has been a constant in gaming - not sure why developers still do this. - Maps are the new Delve

Bosses regening to full life - Okay I agree if you can't kill a boss you should not be able to whittle it down one HP at a time while continuously dying. I do not think it feels realistic (Kinda funny being a game and all ) for a boss you are fighting to have miraculous healing powers ... But only when no one is looking ... It just makes no sense. :D - I think there needs to be some compromise here.

Everyone loves skill trees ... But everyone also hates skill trees. - Okay maybe not everyone but a lot of gamers do. - Now you've added them for every type of content ...

25 hours for the first 3 acts is about what POE has for the 10 Acts - So about 4 - 5 hours to rush.

I did not like doing LABS - Once for the Ascendancy is okay but spamming for the Transfigured Gems (Or enchants before that) was a really bad idea. - Never really liked the separation of ascendancies to begin with - Force you to do something you don't want to do ... You chose a class at the start.

Rewards linked to certain boss encounters just creates a spam farming for that boss making things even more boring.

The visuals feel ... Like they have been used before.

Speed of the game is painful to watch (Sorry streamers) - Every single character goes for 30 faster movement speed and a quicksilver potion on POE 1 ... On top of that many use 2 movement skills ... If every single character needs more speed - then the game isn't quick enough to start.
Keelmore#2948 wrote:
Map Bricking is a big one - People quit games when they brick things - This has been a constant in gaming - not sure why developers still do this. - Maps are the new Delve

This is a big problem for me as well, and frankly speaking, I absolutely hate the idea - it forces me to constantly pay attention to the game, because if something randomly one-shots me, I brick a map. It's the reason I dropped Last Epoch after completing the game once and never returned to it.
Last edited by Xyel#0284 on Nov 22, 2024, 10:28:05 AM
The elephant in the room is how poe/2 loves to instantly snipe players.

I expect that on beta test, most deaths are going to happen by a gigamodded rare monster that can't be dodged, moves 10 miles a second.

No safeguard they put in can match their bloodlust.

It is one of the many reasons I'm not going to participate in early access. Have fun though.
Last edited by roundishcap#0649 on Nov 22, 2024, 10:54:50 AM
i like that there is punisment for dying more than just exp this will make people wanting to go more defence then on sc builds

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