Elements of PoE 1 you DON'T want to see in PoE 2, ever

Ritual specters, if swapped, or if the gem was taken out, create bodies in your hideout. Don't know about maps, though.
But i agree, they give too much in their current state and that makes Ritual kinda necessary, if you want to gear up your summoner.

AG, on the other hand, rewards you for your knowledge of the game and doesnt give that much (except clearspeed).
Last edited by Zagzuatl#6861 on Nov 24, 2024, 4:10:27 AM
Divination cards.
Divination cards.

this pretty much but we already know there will be
AintCare#6513 wrote:
just wanted to add to the above discussion that i don't think the majority have gripe with fast gameplay. its about screen being clusterfkd to the point that you don't see anything at all and your actual GPU having issue to display all the elements correctly. this is due to accumulation of skills spam and mob density, sadly by the looks of it, both are still on the table in poe2 as seen in the official game play footage, which is even more alarming as those used to be rather 'mild' in the past even in poe1

After certain point I do dislike fast gameplay. If the gameplay is so fast that I barely can register what is on screen. It becomes horrible for me. What is the point of wanting good graphics and animations if you cannot see it?

The speed can be reasonably fast, but if you watch a video and you cannot even identify the monsters without pausing.. then there is something wrong.
random 1 shot mechanics that makes no sense or see when you have 15k health & 90% max defense all around and get 1 shot

why i stop playing
Those annoying drummers in town, I want them removed.
Yeah those drummers I want them gone too. Or make them just play sound to the owner.
Tormented spirits, boss touched or any of these moronic mechanics.

It is so bad balanced that some of them become stronger than Uber Pinnacle bosses.
Those annoying drummers in town, I want them removed.

I want them doubled, placed in every town, and have them play the Star Wars cantina song 24/7.
The uselessness of chests. Make them mean something. Make them drop much better loot .. noticable. If that means less of them, sure. Just don't put so many random things in the game that mean nothing.

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