Does logging out also brick maps in PoE 2?
With death bricking maps in PoE 2 I wonder how logout will be treated. As I understand it, pausing the game is possible, so pause+logout could be very viable to prevent dying. Does it also prevent the map from being bricked? I don't remember them talking about this in the livestream
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 8:54:49 PM
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If i remember correctly you'll just be at the same spot after logging in again, so it doesn't really help.
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"This is how I understood it, too. - here's my sig
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So I assume after logging in you have the choice to continue the map or to open a new one? Logging back in directly into the map would be kinda weird. They would need to keep the instance alive until you log in again.
Another option would be that you basically auto-drop a portal on logout, so if you choose to go back in (via portal), you end up in the same spot where you logged out. That way you could cheese it by changing gear before going back in... Did they mention the exact mechanics somewhere? |
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Yes during the reveal trailer they mention that logging out will save your state and you can drop right back in. You will either be placed back in the map where you were or if the instance has expired you would be back in town I THINK is how it works. They mention this along with that disconnects act like a pause as well, so HC players disconnecting should not lose their toon.
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" So logout meta in HC is unchanged? Just have to wait for instance to expire before logging back into the game. Kinda lame, but whatever |
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" Assuming I am correct about the instance resetting yes, if not, well log out doesn't do anything then because that big attack is just gonna hit you on the way back in. I imagine if the instances never expire (highly doubt this) that HC players will just learn to TP out and dip. Remember that bosses cannot be left, if you leave the fight reset's, so logout is dead for pushing, it won't help you clear content, only save your toon potentially. |
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I guess we'll see. If you directly log back in to the action then what about grace period? Is everything frozen during grace so the big slam that you tried to avoid will still hit you once grace ends (either by you moving or after a timeout)?
I don't expect anyone (devs aside) has the answeres right now but it will be interesting what this all means for SC. There's lots of little details here that can change the feel of the game. For HC it would be very punishing if you would log directly into a potentially deadly situation after a DC, or even after a manual logout. Logging back in an hour later, praying that the instance has expired....yikes |
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It was already stated multiple times. It works as a pause feature.
So no more cheese log out tactics to escape death. It literally saves you in the exact spot Mash the clean
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" Questions remain: Will the instance expire? If yes, when? What about grace period? What about involuntary disconnects? |
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