Soo...Tencent completely owns GGG?

Randall#0850 wrote:
Haha I'm using a free VPN, no chance of anyone stealing my data and browsing habits with that installed

Good one :D
Oh, that again...

Don't worry, tencent only cares about the Chinese version of POE.

As for "getting all our data" I find it hilarious people whining about this when it's a Chinese company, but are ok when it's western companies like Meta and Google.

Lol im agreed, ppl complaining about a country which you are out of its jurisdiction... But tottaly ok with the contry in where he lives in having acces to things a sensitive as their private life...

I wonder if they do know that nsa has access to all its chats even may be those which claim to be end to end encrypted. And now states are pushing every day more and more legislation to remobe bit by bit freedom from the population specially in europe.

The day western contries start to struggle for resources and goverments become corrupt with this granular control they are taking from us we will live in a distopia for sure just wait for it, i hoppe not to be around when that happens.
Randall#0850 wrote:
Haha I'm using a free VPN, no chance of anyone stealing my data and browsing habits with that installed

i cant tell if you are being serious or sarcastic
I missed this news as well, but it could be worse. They could sell it to an american "entertainment" company. At least tencent hasnt ruined any of my games. Cant say the same about the other side.
I heard GGG is partnered now with netease. The people who built Diablo immortal. Apparently they’re in charge of the mtx shop.
Last edited by CloudIVXX#4358 on Nov 28, 2024, 1:48:07 AM
Tyrion2#1155 wrote:
Tencent holds 100% of GGG since march 2024.
Did I miss the news?

Is GGG still an "independent company" as they claimed 6 years ago even though tencent now owns 100%?

Does that mean tencent gets all our data since they are not considered a "third party" anymore?

there is a difference between asking a simple question and "whining", so stop whining about people asking simple questions and simply ignore it when you cant answer like an adult.

No, there is no difference because you are "whining" when you are complaining about getting "all your data". If you didn't add the last part then it would have been just a question. But the part where you complain or whine about your data then you are not asking a simple question anymore. Also, this has been asked a million times and answered the same way. VPN only helps so much it is not guaranteed. Data breaches happen. Like many others have said if you use anything like Google or Meta etc they already have it. Unless you are doing something illegal why are you worried? You can track your SSN and bank accounts etc. So what is the big deal?
Gopstop22#6572 wrote:
Randall#0850 wrote:
Haha I'm using a free VPN, no chance of anyone stealing my data and browsing habits with that installed

i cant tell if you are being serious or sarcastic

see? The fact that you cannot tell proves his VPN Works!
TiG3rJaX#5952 wrote:

No, there is no difference because you are "whining" when you are complaining about getting "all your data". If you didn't add the last part then it would have been just a question. But the part where you complain or whine about your data then you are not asking a simple question anymore. Also, this has been asked a million times and answered the same way. VPN only helps so much it is not guaranteed. Data breaches happen. Like many others have said if you use anything like Google or Meta etc they already have it. Unless you are doing something illegal why are you worried? You can track your SSN and bank accounts etc. So what is the big deal?

Please quote the part where I "complained".

You think you can simply assume I use google or meta or something else and think thats an argument? Did I write I use that?

"Unless you are doing something illegal why are you worried?"
Lmao...I really hope you would understand how stupid that is.

I never said its "a big deal", I simply asked IF tencent now gets all data because GGGs privacy policy stated they dont give your data to a "third party", but if tencent owns GGG, they are not a "third party" anymore.
Would be far worse it Ubisoft or EA owned them.
What data?
What exactly is your concern, that they see your browser history? that you copy-paste SC builds? they see your GTX970 with outdated drivers on a outdated Win10?

What exactly is so precious, considered important, in your data?


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