POE 2: Class Gender Lock is a Step Backwards

Since all classes can use all skills and go anywhere in the passive tree, what if they just opened up all accendecies to all classes?
am I overreacting? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Yes, we want good a good game, never bothered me to play with a male or female character.

Also, considering the new game "culture" of trying to please instead of trying to make something actually good I'm very glad they didn't care about that.
Last edited by Apollyon#8263 on Dec 2, 2024, 5:42:06 PM
Xkqep#1575 wrote:
Since all classes can use all skills and go anywhere in the passive tree, what if they just opened up all accendecies to all classes?

Think that is a whole separate topic, also I think that would be counter to what was the purpose of introducing the ascendencies in the first place which was to give each class more meaning (although I could be very wrong about this)
Nobody's asking for a "character creator" or a "character editor". Simply provide a second option for each class. No need to bother with face sliders or the like. Just a simple one-to-one swap. Not difficult.
1453R#7804 wrote:
Nobody's asking for a "character creator" or a "character editor". Simply provide a second option for each class. No need to bother with face sliders or the like. Just a simple one-to-one swap. Not difficult.

From what I understand it isn't a one to one swap. If they were to offer male and female counterparts it will have all the animations redone for the person with all the lines changed and voiced for each character.
That is what I meant, though it was unclear. Apologies for that. what I'd intended was a 'one to one swap' of character for character. Replace the Maraketh Sorceress with an Oriathan heretic, the Karui Warrior with an Ezomyte amazon, or the like. Would it take extra work, sure. But I'm not sure how it hurts anything, outside of people yowling about how they might have one less boss fight in early access because of it.

Which, hey - that boss would've come in naturally as the game developed. But as it stands now, we will never get this kind of selection. "Prior to launch" was the one and only time this was a doable thing, so we're all just scuppered. Some folks are gonna feel some kind of way about that. Bosses are easy and endless, foundational fame systems are not.
1453R#7804 wrote:
That is what I meant, though it was unclear. Apologies for that. what I'd intended was a 'one to one swap' of character for character. Replace the Maraketh Sorceress with an Oriathan heretic, the Karui Warrior with an Ezomyte amazon, or the like. Would it take extra work, sure. But I'm not sure how it hurts anything, outside of people yowling about how they might have one less boss fight in early access because of it.

Which, hey - that boss would've come in naturally as the game developed. But as it stands now, we will never get this kind of selection. "Prior to launch" was the one and only time this was a doable thing, so we're all just scuppered. Some folks are gonna feel some kind of way about that. Bosses are easy and endless, foundational fame systems are not.

"...We will probably eventually have MTX's that swap the entire character out for a different one (which we would then also have voice acting for). If we did that, we would likely start to alternate gender versions of all our character classes since that is something that I think quite a lot of players would like to have."

This is a quote supposedly from Jonathan Rogers in a conversation about this topic. I googled "poe 2 gender lock" and this site came up, not going to link the siter because I don't know anything about the specific rules regarding that on this forum.


"...We will probably eventually have MTX's that swap the entire character out for a different one (which we would then also have voice acting for). If we did that, we would likely start to alternate gender versions of all our character classes since that is something that I think quite a lot of players would like to have."

This is a quote supposedly from Jonathan Rogers in a conversation about this topic. I googled "poe 2 gender lock" and this site came up, not going to link the siter because I don't know anything about the specific rules regarding that on this forum.

I watched that quote live*, though I don't remember which streamer was asking the questions. Normally I have a great deal of respect for Jonathan Rogers and encourage people to listen to what GGG says about their development process, but in this case the subject has never been brought up again and even at the time Jonathan was very clearly spitballing ideas rather than laying down plans. The context of the quote, if I'm recalling correctly, was not a promise of future development or even any real interest in doing the thing, but instead mostly throwing out a random idea to slap-patch an issue the company consistently encounters but has little interest in actually fixing.

There's also the fact that charging players several hundred dollars for the ability to play their desired gender is a pretty dubious tactic. Saying "You can play the Warrior as a super cool strong girl, but you need to pay $249.99 for the privilege!" is just...not great.

It's better than nothing, I'll grant that. I'll be as surprised as anyone else if it ever actually materializes though. Just does not seem to be any kind of priority for GGG which absolutely sucks. before I get twelve other snarky pithy comebacks, yes - obviously GGG can decide its priorities however it likes. And the rest of us can think of those priorities whatever we like, as well.
Maybe after they do all classes and ascendencies. I don't care either way.
1453R#7804 wrote:

There's also the fact that charging players several hundred dollars for the ability to play their desired gender is a pretty dubious tactic. Saying "You can play the Warrior as a super cool strong girl, but you need to pay $249.99 for the privilege!" is just...not great.

It's better than nothing, I'll grant that. I'll be as surprised as anyone else if it ever actually materializes though. Just does not seem to be any kind of priority for GGG which absolutely sucks. before I get twelve other snarky pithy comebacks, yes - obviously GGG can decide its priorities however it likes. And the rest of us can think of those priorities whatever we like, as well.

in the end we're all at the mercy of GGG's generosity.

and yeah its really on low on the list of ggg's priorities. its really a big want but a very small need.

i really would want different gender options. even if it was a simple change of making the model more feminine/masculine with minimal or zero change to the rigging. but knowing how ggg would want to polish their game, they dont want to half ass it.
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