It's amusing to see people who, just a week ago, were complaining that POE1 is too complex theoretically, now flexing that the mechanical difficulty of POE2 is the game's greatest advantage. It's obvious, though, that theoretical complexity > mechanical complexity, as even a monkey can be taught to time a dodge correctly.
That was before they found out that they don't have the mechanical skill xD
The majority of PoE1's difficulty was in the complexity and buildmaking. But you could skip all that by following a build guide, as you could skip game's mechanics by overstacking stats, be they defense or offense. Quite a few people play PoE1 that way, and when they easily plow through a game that's considered difficult, it provides an illusion that they are great at it.
Now, PoE2 is here, and the difficulty starts in act 1, where you can neither build guide your way through it, nor overstack stats to ignore the game's mechanics, and so quite a few people have a horrible case of cognitive dissonance from the game, because they found the hard way that they aren't all that good at the game.
1. What does it mean to "plow through POE"?
2. Mastering the skill of dodging boss attacks doesn’t make you a good player—don’t flatter yourself. It’s not such a challenging technique that you can sincerely take pride in managing to learn it.
It's a disgrace for the souls series that some players even mention them in the same line as PoE2 tbh.
Watch out for the 28.02. MH Wilds release, that's how you make difficult, challenging games with good progression and catch your game of the year award onwards.
Posted byH3rB1985#0551on Jan 14, 2025, 11:07:27 AM
Played all day yesterday and this morning. Tried several classes, respeced for more defense, shield, health, offense, everything.
It would be one thing if the game gradually progressed in challenge in a fun way. It would even be OK if as you approached end game there were tiers of encounters that really pushed even the most professional full time gamer to the limits.
If I couldn't defeat that content, I would at least still have a lot of game that I could play instead. This game starts you out on a mission to punish from moment one. It's not fun.
I am sick to death of every game trying to be dark souls. I've heard people saying that POE1 was "hard" in the beginning. First of all, no it wasn't - not like this. I wanted a game the felt like an evolution of POE1 or ARPGS in general. This has totally transformed it into the kind of game that is NEVER fun for me to play, and excludes me from enjoying the game at all.
I'm just gutted. It's such a disappointment.
This game is great... it is also early access lol. Theres literally SEVERAL bases that arent even in the game along with Skills and supports skills and classes etc etc etc.
It probably is hard for you and youre just not good at it.. which is fine. But crying about it not being PoE 1 is stupid. PoE 1 was way harder in the beginning than it is now. Clearly you didnt play it. The loot was ass you had to do MERV runs lol... Like you are clueless buddy. This game will get easier just come back in a few years.
League of Legends
NA - Free Hooks
Posted byGodgivenn#3468on Jan 14, 2025, 3:35:34 PM
It probably is hard for you and youre just not good at it.. which is fine. But crying about it not being PoE 1 is stupid. PoE 1 was way harder in the beginning than it is now. Clearly you didnt play it. The loot was ass you had to do MERV runs lol... Like you are clueless buddy. This game will get easier just come back in a few years.
Bro, read again i think you didn't get it.
He's not saying that PoE2 is hard, he's telling it's not fun.
Cool for you if you don't think so, we're many to think the opposite.
Posted byTalamor1#0630on Jan 14, 2025, 3:57:10 PM
Entirely wrong.
First, I love Dark Souls, and PoE2 simply doesn't scratch that itch because it's not a soul's game. Not at all.
Second and Last, if you're not having fun just play something else that's more suited to your tastes. There are many options in the genre space, PoE2 is suited to a particular type of player and D4 is suited to others.
Posted byFlushing#2830on Jan 14, 2025, 5:17:59 PM
POE2 isn't "Hard." It's unfun.
This was PoE 1's entire design philosophy, and the community ate it up because "sticking it out" made them feel validated and important.
Why would PoE 2 have been different? :P
Posted byShadyC#1006on Jan 18, 2025, 1:50:27 PMOn Probation
My perspective on this:
i noticed that the hardest part is the first 30+ levels on most characters
now hard is ok but at least give me a way to deal with this
I opened a sorcerer lately and i suddenly don't want to play the game anymore
there is one path to go through as a low level
spark with fire wall
everything else is just drastically underpower compare to this pair
and this pair is slow,weak and simply annoying and not fun at all.
now i get that on the first few levels, but being forced to use it for 30 levels now is so frustrating and i know that it will get worse and worse until lvl 30
this curve is a game destroyer.
let me feel like im achieving something on low levels even for the low lvl builds just let me feel i'm upgrading and not just doomed to fail with this pair of skills.
Posted byitai666#6125on Jan 23, 2025, 12:35:13 PM
This certainly hasn't aged well.
It would be pretty sad if this ended up tanking the company in the long run because they abandoned their core audience for a game nobody asked for and horribly fumbled both.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
Posted byAngrybagel#7431on Jan 24, 2025, 1:05:27 PM
POE2 isn't "Hard." It's unfun.
This was PoE 1's entire design philosophy, and the community ate it up because "sticking it out" made them feel validated and important.
Why would PoE 2 have been different? :P
ah yes, more and more players hated the game and stuck with it because of validation... and they do it again and again, to feel important in whats basically is a single player game. The stories we tell ourselves...
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
Posted bytsunamikun#0433on Jan 24, 2025, 8:04:03 PM
I mean, if you got played and didn't even realize it, that's on you. Has nothing to do with stories.
Posted byShadyC#1006on Jan 24, 2025, 8:23:01 PMOn Probation
Played all day yesterday and this morning. Tried several classes, respeced for more defense, shield, health, offense, everything.
It would be one thing if the game gradually progressed in challenge in a fun way. It would even be OK if as you approached end game there were tiers of encounters that really pushed even the most professional full time gamer to the limits.
If I couldn't defeat that content, I would at least still have a lot of game that I could play instead. This game starts you out on a mission to punish from moment one. It's not fun.
I am sick to death of every game trying to be dark souls. I've heard people saying that POE1 was "hard" in the beginning. First of all, no it wasn't - not like this. I wanted a game the felt like an evolution of POE1 or ARPGS in general. This has totally transformed it into the kind of game that is NEVER fun for me to play, and excludes me from enjoying the game at all.
I'm just gutted. It's such a disappointment.
This game is great... it is also early access lol. Theres literally SEVERAL bases that arent even in the game along with Skills and supports skills and classes etc etc etc.
It probably is hard for you and youre just not good at it.. which is fine. But crying about it not being PoE 1 is stupid. PoE 1 was way harder in the beginning than it is now. Clearly you didnt play it. The loot was ass you had to do MERV runs lol... Like you are clueless buddy. This game will get easier just come back in a few years.
Being a condescending jackass just make you look like a tool.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
Posted byAngrybagel#7431on Jan 24, 2025, 9:40:26 PM