[POE 2] Stun protection stats (character info tab)

If anybody tested if you can feel a difference with a good amount of stun threshold tell us because my build should theoretically work with a good amount of it.
you can absolutely tell the difference
stun threshold base is based on 30%[?] max life
check the passive talent 'asceticism' which changes that to ES base

this instantly made my everlasting gaze/CI sorc insanely tougher
i literally went from t7s to comfortable t15s - on a 79 sorc in the same session

may be full placebo, but it seemed to affect stun duration crazy, too
either way I can clear ritual and breach crazy now, which is a marked difference from 65+% instant gg

handy that 'self mortification' is right next to asceticism
20% to threshold while full life and I'm CI anyway so

felt dramatically different from here, anyway
Last edited by babelnaut#2616 on Dec 27, 2024, 3:58:44 PM
I'm CI 4000 ES, even with Asceticism and Eldritch will, i'm getting stun so often by blue mobs and rare/boss...

Stat cannot be checked, but i believe i shouldn't be that easily stun ..

Can't cast lightning conduit safely cause of that.
It takes 9 pts in passive tree to reach Asceticism and Eldritch will, for a poor redults.

Stun mechanic need some tweak.
My flicker monk keeps getting stunned so much I can't flick or do anything. Activate a breach or a delirium and instant swarm of mini stuns. Don't even get me started when I went into a map with increase to monster stun.
We absolutely need to have this stat in our character info tab. It is an absolutely critical stat for a lot of builds.
With my Monk I didn't pay attention to it and was interrupted ALL.THE.TIME.
I put as much as I could on jewels and now it's starting to be better. Not perfect yet, but much better, at least it's playable now.

Amen! Should include current stun threshold somewhere in character stats. Don't make us guess with paper and pen like this is D&D
Pretty sure in one of the recent patch notes too they said more infomation around stun resistance or something but zero, still lmao - pretty HUGE stat too

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