Now that POE 2 is out - Please Revert POE 1 to 3.13 and remove sanctum / expedition



and why do you want to remove content? because people like and you hate them liking it? guess?

literally every streamer is talking about how they hate sanctum and expedition as they're 2 of the only mechanics in poe 2 and they have for years.

ggg is just bad at what they do for the last 5 years and that's a fact

and again. poe 1 is in it's worst state. it's been eroded over the years with changes they wanted to test for poe 2 and all changes people hated and they either didn't fix / remove or said they were going to and changed it by .01%.

again again. if you you say poe is better than 3.12 3.13 then you're a crack head. crafting alone even in 3.12 no harvest is 10000x better than any part of poe now.

The sextant and atlas trees were better than this trash tree and scarab system. builds were fun and made more sense with less toxic uniques and items that are contributing to the bloat.

i'm sorry you can't think more than 1 step ahead of you

So to summarize, streamers don't like it, ggg is bad (rising player count can be safely ignored), poe is in its worst state, source: trust me bro.

Also personal attacks because arguments are for losers, I see how you try bring others to your viewpoint.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
I haven't played since the summer, but didn't they add nodes in the atlas tree to make league-specific content not spawn?

Asking to remove Sanctum just seems silly. You just don't have to do it. Expedition I agree is annoying to run into, as I don't like it myself. But I'm sure there are some Expedition enjoyers out there. I rather enjoyed the atlas passive tree allowing me to de-spawn league specific content I wasn't interested in.
92ranger#4205 wrote:
I haven't played since the summer, but didn't they add nodes in the atlas tree to make league-specific content not spawn?

Asking to remove Sanctum just seems silly. You just don't have to do it. Expedition I agree is annoying to run into, as I don't like it myself. But I'm sure there are some Expedition enjoyers out there. I rather enjoyed the atlas passive tree allowing me to de-spawn league specific content I wasn't interested in.

Yes. Though oddly Sanctum lacks this feature. But as someone who didn't like Sanctum, tomes sold almost instantly at any halfway reasonable price.

And even without vetoing Expedition, it's the easiest thing to walk past. Just walk past it. It's not like Einhar who is going to -make- it your problem if you don't hunt those beasts. Or Betrayal, those intervention assassins are coming for you like it or not. Sure it takes an event slot if you're not banning it via the Atlas, but that's hardly a massive problem if you're goal is just 'I hate this mechanic'.

Why someone would beg and threaten to rip either of the easiest to ignore parts of the game is beyond fathoming to me.

Games evolve over time. .

If my wife changed as much as poe has i'd divorce her. it's not even called the same name anymore ffs.

99% of the leageus post 3.13 have been adding bad things and taking away good things. they nerf things while saying they're buffs, lol.

Them making HH, MB, mirrors drop more is them not giving af about poe 1 and turning it into a meme. Reliquary and void maps are the most mobile game trash they could have put in the game AND they got you npcs to pay them to do it lolol.

I wont be playing poe 1 or 2 unless they delete the last 5 years of trash they've done to poe.

Asking to remove Sanctum just seems silly. You just don't have to do it.

this is the low iq bs that gets us in the position in the first place

Not doing the most profitable mechanic in a game that's about wasting as little time as possible is just foolish. and yes i'm a fool, because like I said, I don't do sanctum. However, when you don't do the most profitable mechanic in a game and see others doing it printing currency, then there's a problem with game design. If I want to do another mechanic or craft then I'm over here wasting my life ( revert crafting changes ggg).

And yes, you can stop mechanics from showing in your maps, not sanctum, but that's MOSTLY used to get more of the mechanic you want to spawn. But tbh i normally do click most of those anyways because they're bad too. most of the game is trash now and i thought i made that clear. about 5% of the changes over the last 5 years have been good and 99% of those have been QOL changes and half the time those QOL changes ended up making things worse because ggg has lost their touch.

POE 2 bad and POE 1 bad and ggg bad . IDK what happened to them over the last 7 years but they've lost their magic touch and are basically like blizzard doing their best with wow but failing.
I would play the absolute fuck out of the game if the old harvest crafting was in the game. That was peak Poe crafting and peak fun for me.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Oh hell yeah, please.

3.13 best state this game has ever been in, not even close.
Last edited by BluValk#6116 on Dec 13, 2024, 12:05:52 PM
nah, we don't need a watered down version of something that's in a good state since leagues.
If you don't like certain content don't run it, it's that simple lol

Nobody except you maybe wants to go back to a bland and unpolished version, especially after the massive good recent changes over the past few leagues.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Dec 13, 2024, 12:17:57 PM


and why do you want to remove content? because people like and you hate them liking it? guess?

literally every streamer is talking about how they hate sanctum and expedition as they're 2 of the only mechanics in poe 2 and they have for years.

ggg is just bad at what they do for the last 5 years and that's a fact

and again. poe 1 is in it's worst state. it's been eroded over the years with changes they wanted to test for poe 2 and all changes people hated and they either didn't fix / remove or said they were going to and changed it by .01%.

again again. if you you say poe is better than 3.12 3.13 then you're a crack head. crafting alone even in 3.12 no harvest is 10000x better than any part of poe now.

The sextant and atlas trees were better than this trash tree and scarab system. builds were fun and made more sense with less toxic uniques and items that are contributing to the bloat.

i'm sorry you can't think more than 1 step ahead of you

So to summarize, streamers don't like it, ggg is bad (rising player count can be safely ignored), poe is in its worst state, source: trust me bro.

Also personal attacks because arguments are for losers, I see how you try bring others to your viewpoint.

What do you mean, friend? Expedition was one of the WORST leagues in terms of player count and retention, it was a terrible flop, and then they gave the excuse that it was because of the release of LostArk.

Sactum was also a failure, one of the worst retentions of all time, only surpassed by Kalandra and Necropolis.

The truth is that SINCE UTIMATUM, only one league had an OK retention curve, which was Affliction. Many nerfs added to the TERRIBLE impact of ArchNemesis on the game forced a powercreep and killed 90% of the fun builds in the game.
If you don't have build diversity, there's no point in repeating the farm, people soon abandon it, the POE leagues last less and less, and these two (Sanctum and Expedition) were DEAD in less than 15 days.

What do you mean, friend? Expedition was one of the WORST leagues in terms of player count and retention, it was a terrible flop, and then they gave the excuse that it was because of the release of LostArk.

Sactum was also a failure, one of the worst retentions of all time, only surpassed by Kalandra and Necropolis.

The truth is that SINCE UTIMATUM, only one league had an OK retention curve, which was Affliction. Many nerfs added to the TERRIBLE impact of ArchNemesis on the game forced a powercreep and killed 90% of the fun builds in the game.
If you don't have build diversity, there's no point in repeating the farm, people soon abandon it, the POE leagues last less and less, and these two (Sanctum and Expedition) were DEAD in less than 15 days.

you think player retention before was because of the farm and different builds? maybe in harvest but outside that it was just that you needed more time to do all. and retention is the only metric you could use, because count was worse outside of expedition/sanctum. but the game after 3.13 wasn't two leagues, it was 12.
So for a company an additional player is mostly more important than a player who plays longer, so well done it seems... Or maybe the playerbase itself has changed and/or optimized itself to faster reaching their goals. data would be required to actually find the root(s).

By the way, what does sanctum and expiditon now have to really do with those leagues? Both systems were massively overhauled when introduced as a core game feature. And both can be ignored completely if you want.

Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!

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